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PHP 开发API接口 登记,登录,查询用户资料

2016-06-13 10:57:26886browse

PHP 开发API接口 注册,登录,查询用户资料


<?phprequire 'conn.php';header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8');$action = $_GET['action'];switch ($action) {    //注册会员    case"adduserinfo";        $username = lib_replace_end_tag(trim($_GET['username']));        $password2 = lib_replace_end_tag(trim($_GET['userpassword']));        $password = md5("$password2" . ALL_PS);        $email = lib_replace_end_tag(trim($_GET['email']));        if ($username == '' || $password2 == '' || $password == '') {            $res = urlencode("参数有误");            exit(json_encode($res)); //有空信息        }        $sql = "select username from `member` where username='$username'";        $query = mysql_query($sql, $conn);        $count = mysql_num_rows($query);        if ($count > 0) {            exit(json_encode(1)); //返回1表示注册失败        } else {            $addsql = "insert into `member` (username,password,email) values ('$username','$password','$email')";            mysql_query($addsql);            exit(json_encode(0)); //返回0表示注册成功        }        break;    //查询用户信息    case"selectuserinfo";        $username = lib_replace_end_tag($_GET['username']);        $sql = "select id,username,nickname,mobile from `member` where username='$username'";        $query = mysql_query($sql, $conn);        $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);        foreach ($row as $key => $v) {            $res[$key] = urlencode($v);        }        exit(json_encode($res));        break;    //会员登录    case"userlogin";        $username = lib_replace_end_tag($_GET['username']);        $password2 = lib_replace_end_tag(trim($_GET['userpassword']));        $password = md5("$password2" . ALL_PS);        $sqluser = "select id,username,password from `member` where username='" . $username . "' and password='" . $password . "'";        $queryuser = mysql_query($sqluser);        $rowuser = mysql_fetch_array($queryuser);        if ($rowuser && is_array($rowuser) && !empty($rowuser)) {            if ($rowuser['username'] == $username && $rowuser['password'] == $password) {                if ($rowuser['password'] == $password) {                    $res = urlencode("登录成功");                    exit(json_encode($res));                } else {                    $res = urlencode("密码错误");                    exit(json_encode($res));                }            } else {                $res = urlencode("用户名不存在");                exit(json_encode($res));            }        } else {            $res = urlencode("用户名密码错误");            exit(json_encode($res));        }        /*         * 0:表示登录成功,1:表示密码错误,2:用户名不存在,3:用户名密码错误         */        break;    default:        exit(json_encode(error));}?>


<?phpheader ('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); //避免输出乱码function httpPost($url, $parms) {    $url = $url . $parms;    if (($ch = curl_init($url)) == false) {        throw new Exception(sprintf("curl_init error for url %s.", $url));    }    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 600);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);    if (is_array($parms)) {        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: multipart/form-data;'));    }    $postResult = @curl_exec($ch);    $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);    if ($postResult === false || $http_code != 200 || curl_errno($ch)) {        $error = curl_error($ch);        curl_close($ch);        throw new Exception("HTTP POST FAILED:$error");    } else {        // $postResult=str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', $postResult);        switch (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE)) {            case 'application/json':                $postResult = json_decode($postResult);                break;        }        curl_close($ch);        return $postResult;    }}$postUrl = "http://pujia.test.com/api/server.php";$p=$_GET['p'];if ($p =="selectuserinfo") {    $username = $_GET['username'];    $parms = "?action=selectuserinfo&username=" . $username . "";} elseif ($p =="adduserinfo") {    $username = $_GET['username'];    $userpassword = $_GET['userpassword'];    $parms = "?action=adduserinfo&username=" . $username . "&userpassword=" . $userpassword . "";} elseif ($p =="userlogin") {    $username = $_GET['username'];    $userpassword = $_GET['userpassword'];    $parms = "?action=userlogin&username=" . $username . "&userpassword=" . $userpassword . "";}$res = httpPost($postUrl, $parms); //$parms$res = json_decode($res);print_r(urldecode(json_encode($res)));?>

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