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 * CodeIgniter 


 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer 


 * @package     CodeIgniter 

 * @author      ExpressionEngine Dev Team 

 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc. 

 * @license     http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html 

 * @link        http://codeigniter.com 

 * @since       Version 1.0 

 * @filesource 



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------  



 * Security Class 

 * 本类包含一些方法,能帮助您创建安全的应用程序,对输入的数据进行安全方面的处理。 

 * CI官方手册本类的地址:http://codeigniter.org.cn/user_guide/libraries/security.html 

 * @package     CodeIgniter 

 * @subpackage  Libraries 

 * @category    Security 

 * @author      ExpressionEngine Dev Team 

 * @link        http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/security.html 


class CI_Security {  



     * Random Hash for protecting URLs 

     * 为保护URL(跨站脚本攻击)的随机hash值 

     * @var string 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_xss_hash            = '';  


     * Random Hash for Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Cookie 

     * 防止跨站请求伪造cookie的随机hash 

     * @var string 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_csrf_hash           = '';  


     * Expiration time for Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Cookie 

     * Defaults to two hours (in seconds) 

     * 跨站请求保护Cookie的过期时间,默认是2小时(单位秒) 

     * @var int 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_csrf_expire         = 7200;  


     * Token name for Cross Site Request Forgery 伪造 Protection Cookie 

     * 跨站请求伪造保护的Cookie令牌名 

     * @var string 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_csrf_token_name     = 'ci_csrf_token';  


     * Cookie name for Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Cookie 

     * 跨站请求伪造保护的Cookie的Cookie名 

     * @var string 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_csrf_cookie_name    = 'ci_csrf_token';  


     * List of never allowed strings 

     * 决不允许的字符串的列表 

     * @var array 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_never_allowed_str = array(  

        'document.cookie'   => '[removed]',  

        'document.write'    => '[removed]',  

        '.parentNode'       => '[removed]',  

        '.innerHTML'        => '[removed]',  

        'window.location'   => '[removed]',  

        '-moz-binding'      => '[removed]',  

        ''                => '-->',  

        ' '

        ''           => ''  



    /* never allowed, regex replacement */  


     * List of never allowed regex replacement 

     * 不允许的正则替换字符串列表 

     * @var array 

     * @access protected 


    protected $_never_allowed_regex = array(  


        'expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)', // CSS and IE  

        'vbscript\s*:', // IE, surprise!  






     * Constructor 


     * @return  void 


    public function __construct()  


        // Is CSRF protection enabled?  

        // csrf 是否开启   

        if (config_item('csrf_protection') === TRUE)  


            // CSRF config 读取CSRF 配置并赋值给本类下的对应的属性  

            foreach (array('csrf_expire', 'csrf_token_name', 'csrf_cookie_name') as $key)  


                if (FALSE !== ($val = config_item($key)))  


                    $this->{'_'.$key} = $val;  




            // Append application specific cookie prefix  

            // 添加应用指定的cookie前缀  

            if (config_item('cookie_prefix'))  


                $this->_csrf_cookie_name = config_item('cookie_prefix').$this->_csrf_cookie_name;  



            // Set the CSRF hash  

            // 设置CSRF hash  




        log_message('debug', "Security Class Initialized");  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Verify Cross Site Request Forgery Protection 

     * 验证跨站请求伪造保护 

     * @return  object 


    public function csrf_verify()  


        // If it's not a POST request we will set the CSRF cookie  

        // 如果不是post请求我们要设置 CSRF cookie  

        if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) !== 'POST')  


            return $this->csrf_set_cookie();  



        // Do the tokens exist in both the _POST and _COOKIE arrays?  

        // 如果请求令牌不存在,调用csrf_show_error 报错  

        if ( ! isset($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name], $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]))  





        // Do the tokens match?  

        // 如果令牌不对,报错。  

        if ($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name] != $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name])  





        // We kill this since we're done and we don't want to  

        // polute the _POST array  

        // 销毁领牌子,因为我们不想污染_POST 数组  



        // Nothing should last forever  

        // 销毁cookie名 并重新设置hash和cookie  





        log_message('debug', 'CSRF token verified');  


        return $this;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Set Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Cookie 

     * 设置伪造cookie保护跨站请求 

     * @return  object 


    public function csrf_set_cookie()  


        $expire = time() + $this->_csrf_expire;  

        $secure_cookie = (config_item('cookie_secure') === TRUE) ? 1 : 0;  


        // 当存在https时设置cookie  

        if ($secure_cookie && (emptyempty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) OR strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) === 'off'))  


            return FALSE;  



        // 设置cookie  

        setcookie($this->_csrf_cookie_name, $this->_csrf_hash, $expire, config_item('cookie_path'), config_item('cookie_domain'), $secure_cookie);  


        log_message('debug', "CRSF cookie Set");  


        return $this;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Show CSRF Error 

     * 显示CSRF错误 

     * @return  void 


    public function csrf_show_error()  


        show_error('The action you have requested is not allowed.');  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Get CSRF Hash 

     * 获取CSRF hash 

     * Getter Method 


     * @return  string  self::_csrf_hash 


    public function get_csrf_hash()  


        return $this->_csrf_hash;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Get CSRF Token Name 

     * 获取CSRF 令排名 

     * Getter Method 


     * @return  string  self::csrf_token_name 


    public function get_csrf_token_name()  


        return $this->_csrf_token_name;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * XSS Clean 


     * Sanitizes 清理 data so that Cross Site Scripting Hacks can be 

     * prevented.阻止  This function does a fair amount of work but 

     * it is extremely thorough, designed to prevent even the 

     * most obscure XSS attempts 企图.  Nothing is ever 100% foolproof, 

     * of course, but I haven't been able to get anything passed 

     * the filter. 

     * 对数据进行过滤,从而可以防止跨站脚本攻击。这个函数做了一些工作,但是它是非常彻底的, 

     * 甚至可以防止大多数模糊的XSS企图。当然,没有什么是100%安全的, 

     * 但是我们在这个过滤器中已经做了所欲我们所能做想到的了。 


     * Note: This function should only be used to deal with data 

     * upon submission.  It's not something that should 

     * be used for general runtime processing. 

     * 注意:这个函数只能用来处理已经提交的数据。 

     * 在通常的运行过程中,不应该使用该函数。 


     * This function was based in part on some code and ideas I 

     * got from Bitflux: http://channel.bitflux.ch/wiki/XSS_Prevention 


     * To help develop this script I used this great list of 

     * vulnerabilities along with a few other hacks I've 

     * harvested from examining vulnerabilities in other programs: 

     * http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html 


     * @param   mixed   string or array 

     * @param   bool 

     * @return  string 


    public function xss_clean($str, $is_image = FALSE)  



         * Is the string an array? 

         * 需要过滤的字符串是数组吗? 



        if (is_array($str))  


            while (list($key) = each($str))  


                $str[$key] = $this->xss_clean($str[$key]);  



            return $str;  




         * Remove Invisible Characters 

         * 移除不可见字符 


        $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);  


        // Validate Entities in URLs  

        // 验证在URL中的字符实体  

        $str = $this->_validate_entities($str);  



         * URL Decode 

         * URL解码 

         * Just in case stuff like this is submitted: 

         * 防止下面这样的东西提交 

         * Google 


         * Note: Use rawurldecode() so it does not remove plus signs  

         * rawurldecode() 不会把加号('+')解码为空格,而 urldecode() 可以。 



        $str = rawurldecode($str);  



         * Convert character entities to ASCII 

         * 把实体字符转换成ASCII码 

         * 这使得我们下面的测试是可靠的,我们仅仅转换实体内的标签,因为这些是会造成安全问题的实体 

         * This permits our tests below to work reliably. 

         * We only convert entities that are within tags since 

         * these are the ones that will pose security problems. 




        $str = preg_replace_callback("/[a-z]+=([\'\"]).*?\\1/si", array($this, '_convert_attribute'), $str);  


        $str = preg_replace_callback("/|



         * Remove Invisible Characters Again! 

         * 再次删除不可见字符 


        $str = remove_invisible_characters($str);  



         * Convert all tabs to spaces 

         * 转换所有制表符为空格 

         * This prevents strings like this: ja      vascript 

         * 这用来防止字符串类似于ja        vascript 

         * NOTE: we deal with spaces between characters later. 

         * 注意: 我们将在后面处理字符之间的空格 

         * NOTE: preg_replace was found to be amazingly slow here on 

         * large blocks of data, so we use str_replace. 

         * 注意:preg_replace在这里是极其缓慢的对于大块的数据,所以使用str_replace 




        if (strpos($str, "\t") !== FALSE)  


            $str = str_replace("\t", ' ', $str);  




         * Capture 捕获 converted string for later comparison 

         * 为以后的比较捕获转换的字符串 


        $converted_string = $str;  


        // Remove Strings that are never allowed  

        // 删除绝不容许的字符串  

        $str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);  



         * Makes PHP tags safe 

         * 使PHP标签安全 

         * Note: XML tags are inadvertently replaced too: 

         * 注意: XML标签也会被无意的替换 



         * But it doesn't seem to pose a problem. 

         * 但是它似乎不会构成问题 


        if ($is_image === TRUE)  


            // Images have a tendency to have the PHP short opening and  

            // closing tags every so often so we skip those and only  

            // do the long opening tags.  

            $str = preg_replace('/




            $str = str_replace(array('', '?'.'>'),  array('', '?>'), $str);  




         * Compact any exploded words 

         * 压缩所有分解了的单词 

         * This corrects words like:  j a v a s c r i p t 

         * These words are compacted back to their correct state. 


        $words = array(  

            'javascript', 'expression', 'vbscript', 'script', 'base64',  

            'applet', 'alert', 'document', 'write', 'cookie', 'window'  



        foreach ($words as $word)  


            $temp = '';  


            for ($i = 0, $wordlen = strlen($word); $i


                $temp .= substr($word, $i, 1)."\s*";  



            // We only want to do this when it is followed by a non-word character  

            // That way valid stuff like "dealer to" does not become "dealerto"  

            $str = preg_replace_callback('#('.substr($temp, 0, -3).')(\W)#is', array($this, '_compact_exploded_words'), $str);  




         * Remove disallowed Javascript in links or img tags 

         * 移除在链接和图片标签中不允许的javascript代码 

         * We used to do some version comparisons and use of stripos for PHP5, 

         * 我们通常在PHP5中使用stripos做一些版本的比较, 

         * but it is dog slow compared to these simplified non-capturing 

         * 但是特别是当模式在字符串中存在的时候,它要比非捕获的preg_match()慢很多 

         * preg_match(), especially if the pattern exists in the string 




            $original = $str;  


            if (preg_match("/


                $str = preg_replace_callback("#]*?)(>|$)#si", array($this, '_js_link_removal'), $str);  



            if (preg_match("/CI框架源码阅读---------Security.php


                $str = preg_replace_callback("#CI框架源码阅读---------Security.php]*?)(\s?/?>|$)#si", array($this, '_js_img_removal'), $str);  



            if (preg_match("/script/i", $str) OR preg_match("/xss/i", $str))  


                $str = preg_replace("##si", '[removed]', $str);  



        while($original != $str);  




        // Remove evil attributes such as style, onclick and xmlns  

        // 移除有害的属性,比如style , onclick , xmlns  

        $str = $this->_remove_evil_attributes($str, $is_image);  



         * Sanitize naughty HTML elements  

         * 清理不适当的HTML元素  

         * If a tag containing any of the words in the list  

         * below is found, the tag gets converted to entities.  

         * 如果一个标签包含任何一个下面列表中的单词,这个标签转换为一个字符实体  

         * So this:  

         * Becomes:  


        $naughty = 'alert|applet|audio|basefont|base|behavior|bgsound|blink|body|embed|expression|form|frameset|frame|head|html|ilayer|iframe|input|isindex|layer|link|meta|object|plaintext|style|script|textarea|title|video|xml|xss';  

        $str = preg_replace_callback('#



         * Sanitize naughty scripting elements  

         * 清理不合法的脚本元素  

         * Similar to above, only instead of looking for  

         * tags it looks for PHP and JavaScript commands  

         * that are disallowed.  Rather than removing the  

         * code, it simply converts the parenthesis to entities  

         * rendering the code un-executable.  

         * 上面的类似,仅仅替换查询到的类似于PHP和Javascript命令的不被允许的标签  

         * 胜过移除这些代码,转换这些代码为不可执行的实体更好  


         * For example: eval('some code')  

         * Becomes:     eval('some code')  


        $str = preg_replace('#(alert|cmd|passthru|eval|exec|expression|system|fopen|fsockopen|file|file_get_contents|readfile|unlink)(\s*)\((.*?)\)#si', "\\1\\2(\\3)", $str);  



        // Final clean up  

        // 最后的清理  

        // This adds a bit of extra precaution in case  

        // something got through the above filters  

        // 额外预防,防止上面的处理产生不合法的字符  

        $str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);  



         * Images are Handled in a Special Way 

         * - Essentially, we want to know that after all of the character 

         * conversion is done whether any unwanted, likely XSS, code was found. 

         * If not, we return TRUE, as the image is clean. 

         * However, if the string post-conversion does not matched the 

         * string post-removal of XSS, then it fails, as there was unwanted XSS 

         * code found and removed/changed during processing. 



        if ($is_image === TRUE)  


            return ($str == $converted_string) ? TRUE: FALSE;  



        log_message('debug', "XSS Filtering completed");  

        return $str;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Random Hash for protecting URLs 

     * 随即生成一个_xss_hssh 

     * @return  string 


    public function xss_hash()  


        if ($this->_xss_hash == '')  



            $this->_xss_hash = md5(time() + mt_rand(0, 1999999999));  



        return $this->_xss_hash;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * HTML Entities Decode 

     * HTML 实体解码 

     * This function is a replacement for html_entity_decode() 

     * 这个函数用来替换 html_entity_decode()函数 

     * The reason we are not using html_entity_decode() by itself is because 

     * while it is not technically技术上 correct to leave out the semicolon 

     * at the end of an entity most browsers will still interpret the entity 

     * correctly.  html_entity_decode() does not convert entities without 

     * semicolons, so we are left with our own little solution here. Bummer. 

     * 当编码字符后没有写;时,大部分浏览器都能够正确的解释代码,但是,html_entity_decode将不会解释它 

     * html_entity_decode()不会转换没有分号的实体,所以使用自己的解决方案 

     * @param   string 

     * @param   string 

     * @return  string 


    public function entity_decode($str, $charset='UTF-8')  


        if (stristr($str, '&') === FALSE)  


            return $str;  



        $str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT, $charset);  

        $str = preg_replace('~(0*[0-9a-f]{2,5})~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1"))', $str);  

        return preg_replace('~([0-9]{2,4})~e', 'chr(\\1)', $str);  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Filename Security 

     * 文件名安全 

     * @param   string 

     * @param   bool 

     * @return  string 


    public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = FALSE)  


        $bad = array(  



















            "%3c",      //

            "%253c",    //

            "%3e",      // >  

            "%0e",      // >  

            "%28",      // (  

            "%29",      // )  

            "%2528",    // (  

            "%26",      // &  

            "%24",      // $  

            "%3f",      // ?  

            "%3b",      // ;  

            "%3d"       // =  



        if ( ! $relative_path)  


            $bad[] = './';  

            $bad[] = '/';  



        $str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);  

        return stripslashes(str_replace($bad, '', $str));  



    // ----------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Compact Exploded Words 

     * 压缩搜索到得单词 

     * Callback function for xss_clean() to remove whitespace from 

     * things like j a v a s c r i p t 

     * 回调函数,用于xss_clean(),从类似于 j a v a s c r i p t中移除空格 



     * @param   type 

     * @return  type 


    protected function _compact_exploded_words($matches)  


        return preg_replace('/\s+/s', '', $matches[1]).$matches[2];  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Remove Evil HTML Attributes (like evenhandlers and style) 

     * 移除有害的html属性,(像事件处理和样式) 

     * It removes the evil attribute and either: 

     *  - Everything up until a space 

     *      For example, everything between the pipes: 


     *  - Everything inside the quotes 

     *      For example, everything between the pipes: 



     * @param string $str The string to check 

     * @param boolean $is_image TRUE if this is an image 

     * @return string The string with the evil attributes removed 


    protected function _remove_evil_attributes($str, $is_image)  


        // All javascript event handlers (e.g. onload, onclick, onmouseover), style, and xmlns  

        // 所有的havascript事件处理器  

        $evil_attributes = array('on\w*', 'style', 'xmlns', 'formaction');  


        if ($is_image === TRUE)  



             * Adobe Photoshop puts XML metadata into JFIF images,  

             * including namespacing, so we have to allow this for images. 

             * Adobe Photoshop在JFIF图片中放入了XML元数据 

             * 包含命名空间,所以我们必须对图片允许这些 


            unset($evil_attributes[array_search('xmlns', $evil_attributes)]);  



        do {  

            $count = 0;  

            $attribs = array();  


            // find occurrences of illegal attribute strings without quotes  

            // 找出没有加引号的的不合法的属性  

            preg_match_all('/('.implode('|', $evil_attributes).')\s*=\s*([^\s>]*)/is', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);  


            foreach ($matches as $attr)  



                $attribs[] = preg_quote($attr[0], '/');  



            // find occurrences of illegal 非法 attribute strings with quotes (042 and 047 are octal quotes)  

            // 找出没有引号的不合法属性(042,4,0是八进制引号)  

            preg_match_all("/(".implode('|', $evil_attributes).")\s*=\s*(\042|\047)([^\\2]*?)(\\2)/is",  $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);  


            foreach ($matches as $attr)  


                $attribs[] = preg_quote($attr[0], '/');  



            // replace illegal attribute strings that are inside an html tag  

            // 替换html标签中的非法属性  

            if (count($attribs) > 0)  


                $str = preg_replace("/\-])(.*?)(".implode('|', $attribs).")(.*?)([\s>



        } while ($count);  


        return $str;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Sanitize Naughty HTML 

     * 消除有害的html 

     * Callback function for xss_clean() to remove naughty HTML elements 


     * @param   array 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _sanitize_naughty_html($matches)  


        // encode opening brace  

        $str = '


        // encode captured opening or closing brace to prevent recursive vectors  

        $str .= str_replace(array('>', '', '



        return $str;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * JS Link Removal 

     * js链接清理 

     * Callback function for xss_clean() to sanitize links 

     * This limits the PCRE backtracks, making it more performance friendly 

     * and prevents PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR from being triggered in 

     * PHP 5.2+ on link-heavy strings 

     * 调用xss_clean 清理连接 

     * @param   array 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _js_link_removal($match)  


        return str_replace(  



                '#href=.*?(alert\(|alert&\#40;|javascript\:|livescript\:|mocha\:|charset\=|window\.|document\.|\.cookie|<script> <p> &#39;&#39;, </script>

                $this->_filter_attributes(str_replace(array(''), '', $match[1]))  






    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * JS Image Removal 

     * js图片清理 

     * Callback function for xss_clean() to sanitize image tags 

     * This limits the PCRE backtracks, making it more performance friendly 

     * and prevents PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR from being triggered in 

     * PHP 5.2+ on image tag heavy strings 


     * @param   array 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _js_img_removal($match)  


        return str_replace(  



                '#src=.*?(alert\(|alert&\#40;|javascript\:|livescript\:|mocha\:|charset\=|window\.|document\.|\.cookie|<script> <p> &#39;&#39;, </script>

                $this->_filter_attributes(str_replace(array(''), '', $match[1]))  






    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Attribute Conversion 

     * 属性转换 

     * Used as a callback for XSS Clean 


     * @param   array 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _convert_attribute($match)  


        return str_replace(array('>', '', '



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Filter Attributes 

     * 过滤属性 

     * Filters tag attributes for consistency and safety 

     * 为一致性和安全性过滤标签属性 

     * @param   string 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _filter_attributes($str)  


        $out = '';  


        if (preg_match_all('#\s*[a-z\-]+\s*=\s*(\042|\047)([^\\1]*?)\\1#is', $str, $matches))  


            foreach ($matches[0] as $match)  


                $out .= preg_replace("#/\*.*?\*/#s", '', $match);  




        return $out;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * HTML Entity Decode Callback 

     * html实体解码 

     * Used as a callback for XSS Clean 


     * @param   array 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _decode_entity($match)  


        return $this->entity_decode($match[0], strtoupper(config_item('charset')));  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Validate URL entities 

     * 验证URL字符实体 

     * Called by xss_clean() 


     * @param   string 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _validate_entities($str)  



         * Protect GET variables in URLs 

         * 保护url中的GET变量 



         // 901119URL5918AMP18930PROTECT8198  


        $str = preg_replace('|\&([a-z\_0-9\-]+)\=([a-z\_0-9\-]+)|i', $this->xss_hash()."\\1=\\2", $str);  



         * Validate standard character entities 

         * 验证标准字符实体 


         * Add a semicolon if missing.  We do this to enable 

         * the conversion of entities to ASCII later. 

         * 如果没有的话,添加一个分号。这样做是为了以后允许字符实体到ASCII的转换 



        $str = preg_replace('#(&\#?[0-9a-z]{2,})([\x00-\x20])*;?#i', "\\1;\\2", $str);  



         * Validate UTF16 two byte encoding (x00) 

         * 验证UTF16两个字节的编码(x00) 

         * Just as above, adds a semicolon if missing. 

         * 像上面一样如果不存在添加一个分号。 


        $str = preg_replace('#(&\#x?)([0-9A-F]+);?#i',"\\1\\2;",$str);  



         * Un-Protect GET variables in URLs 

         * URL中不保护的GET变量 


        $str = str_replace($this->xss_hash(), '&', $str);  


        return $str;  



    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Do Never Allowed 

     * 移除不允许的字符 

     * A utility function for xss_clean() 


     * @param   string 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _do_never_allowed($str)  


        $str = str_replace(array_keys($this->_never_allowed_str), $this->_never_allowed_str, $str);  


        foreach ($this->_never_allowed_regex as $regex)  


            $str = preg_replace('#'.$regex.'#is', '[removed]', $str);  



        return $str;  



    // --------------------------------------------------------------------  



     * Set Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Cookie 

     * 设置跨站请求保护Cookie 

     * @return  string 


    protected function _csrf_set_hash()  


        if ($this->_csrf_hash == '')  


            // If the cookie exists we will use it's value.  

            // We don't necessarily want to regenerate it with  

            // each page load since a page could contain embedded  

            // sub-pages causing this feature to fail  

            // 如果Cookie存在,我们将使用原先的值  

            // 我们不是必须要在每各加载的页面都要更新它,因为当一个页面可能要包含嵌入的子页面时,  

            // 嵌入的子页面会造成这个特性的失败  

            if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) &&  

                preg_match('#^[0-9a-f]{32}$#iS', $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) === 1)  

            {  www.2cto.com

                return $this->_csrf_hash = $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name];  



            return $this->_csrf_hash = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));  



        return $this->_csrf_hash;  





/* End of file Security.php */  

/* Location: ./system/libraries/Security.php */  

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