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Ten quick ways to improve JQuery performance to make your JQuery run faster_jquery

2016-05-16 17:46:581175browse

This article provides ten steps to instantly improve the performance of your scripts. Don't worry, this isn't a rocket science technique. Everyone can use it! These tips include:
Use the latest version
Merge, minimize scripts
Replace each with for
Use ID replaces class selector
Specify context for the selector
Create cache
Avoid DOM operations
Avoid using concat() and use join() to process long strings
Return false value
Use cheat sheets and reference documents
Use the latest version
jQuery is under constant development and improvement. John and his team are constantly researching new ways to improve program performance.
A little digression, a few months ago he also released Sizzle, a JS selector library that is said to improve program performance by 3 times in Firefox.
If you don’t want to keep track of whether there is a new version and then spend time downloading and uploading it, Google can help you again. There are tons of Ajax libraries stored on their servers for you to choose from.

Copy code The code is as follows:

Another simpler and faster method is to use script linking directly. If you want to use a specific version of jQuery, you can use the above method; if you want to use the latest version directly, the following code is enough:
Copy code The code is as follows:

Specific versions can also be loaded like this:
Copy code The code is as follows:

Merge and minimize scripts
Most browsers cannot handle multiple script files at the same time, so they are queued to load - load The time was extended accordingly.
Considering that every page of your site will load these scripts, you should consider putting them into a single file and minimizing them using a compression tool (such as this one from Dean Edwards). Smaller files will undoubtedly result in faster loading times.
The purpose of JavaScript and CSS compression is to reduce the number of bytes of data transfer while maintaining script execution performance (either by reducing the original file or by using gzip. Most production-level network servers use gzip as part of the HTTP protocol). Quoted from YUI compressor, a tool for compressing scripts officially recommended by jQuery.
Replace each with for
Native functions are always faster than helper components.
If you encounter a situation where you need to traverse an object (such as a JSON object received from a remote location), you'd better rewrite your (JSON) object as an array. The loop processing of the array is easier.
Using Firebug, we can measure the execution time of each function.
Copy code The code is as follows:

var array = new Array ();
for (var i=0; i<10000; i ) {
array[i] = 0;
console.time('native'); //Native for function
var l = array.length;
for (var i=0; i<10000; i ) {

Ten quick ways to improve JQuery performance to make your JQuery run faster_jquery
The above results show that what the native code can do in just 2 milliseconds, it takes 26 milliseconds to use jQuery's each method. And this is just the result of me testing a function that basically does nothing on this machine. When encountering more complex situations, such as setting css properties or DOM operations, the time difference is definitely greater.
Use ID instead of class selector
It is much better to use ID to select objects, because then jQuery will use the browser's native function getElementByID() to obtain the object, and the query speed is very fast.
Therefore, rather than using those convenient CSS selection techniques, it is worthwhile to use more complex selectors (jQuery also provides us with complex selectors). You can also write your own selector by hand (it's easier than you think), or specify a container with an ID for the element you want to select.
Copy code The code is as follows:

//The following example creates a list and fills in the entry content
//Then each entry is selected once
//First use class selection
var list = $('#list');
var items = '
for (i=0; i<1000; i ) {
items = '
items = '
list.html (items);
for (i=0; i<1000; i ) {
var s = $('.item' i);
//Then use ID to select
var list = $('#list');
var items = '
for (i=0; i<1000; i ) {
items = '
items = '
list.html (items);
for (i=0; i<1000; i ) {
var s = $('#item' i);

The above example nicely illustrates the significant performance difference between different selection methods. Please see the picture below. Using class to make selections, the time increases infinitely, even exceeding five seconds.
Specify context for the selector
The jQuery reference documentation says: The context of the original DOM node passed to jQuery() (if nothing is passed, the context is the entire document). The purpose is to achieve more accurate queries together with selectors.
So, if you must use class to specify the target, at least specify the context for the selector so that jQuery does not waste energy traversing the entire DOM document:
Instead of writing like this:
Copy code The code is as follows:

$('.class').css ('color' '#123456');

It is better to add context to the selector (expression: target selector; context: context):
Copy code The code is as follows:

$(expression, context)

That is to say:
Copy Code The code is as follows:

$('.class', '#class-container').css ('color', '#123456');

This is much faster because it doesn’t have to traverse the entire DOM. Just find #class-container.
Build a cache
Don’t make the mistake of constantly reselecting the same thing. You should cache the element you want to process as a variable.
Don’t select the same element repeatedly in a loop! This greatly affects the speed!
Copy code The code is as follows:

$('#item').css('color ', '#123456');
$('#item').css('background-color', '#ffffff') ;
// It’s better to write this way
$('#item').css('color', '#123456').html('hello').css('background-color', '# ffffff');
// Even like this
var item = $('#item');
item.css('color', '#123456');
item.html(' hello');
item.css('background-color', '#ffffff');
// This is very bad when encountering a loop
console.time('no cache');
for (var i=0; i<1000; i ) {
console.timeEnd('no cache');
// The following is much better
var item = $('#list');
for (var i=0; i<1000; i ) {
item.append (i);

DOM 작업 방지
prepend(),append(),after()와 같은 삽입 작업에는 시간이 많이 걸리므로 DOM 작업은 가능한 한 적어야 합니다. 위의 예는 html()을 사용하면 더 빠릅니다.
코드 복사 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

var list = '';
for (var i=0; i<1000; i ) {
list = '
' i '
'; 🎜>('# list').html (list);

긴 문자열을 처리하려면 concat() 사용을 피하고 Join()을 사용하세요.
이상하게 들릴 수도 있지만 이렇게 하면 실제로 특히 긴 문자열을 연결할 때 속도가 향상됩니다. 먼저 배열을 만들고 연결하려는 항목을 넣습니다. Join() 메서드는 문자열 concat() 함수보다 훨씬 빠릅니다.

var array = []; for (var i=0; i< =10000; i ) {
array[i] = '
' i ''
$('#list').html(array .join ( ''));

" = 연산자는 더 빠릅니다 - 문자열 조각을 배열에 넣은 다음 함께 결합하는 것보다 빠릅니다.", "문자열 버퍼로 배열 string.prototype보다 효율적입니다. Windows의 Firefox를 제외한 대부분의 브라우저에서 .concat.apply 메서드. " — Tom Trenka
false 값을 반환합니다.
함수가 실행 후 false를 반환하지 않는 경우, 페이지 상단으로 이동하게 됩니다. 페이지가 길면 이런 반응은 매우 짜증납니다.

코드를 복사하세요 코드는 다음과 같습니다. $('# item').click (function () {
// 여기에 항목

문장을 하나 더 추가하는 것은 어떻습니까:

코드 복사 코드는 다음과 같습니다. $('#item').click (function () {
// 여기에
return false ;

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