When I used jQuery to obtain the value of background-color in the style, I found that the obtained color value was in a different format in IE than in Chrome and Firefox. IE displayed #ffff00 in HEX format, while Chrome and Firefox displayed it as #ffff00. Display rgb(255,0,0) in GRB format. Since the color values need to be stored in the database, we want to unify the format of the color values (in fact, they can be stored if they are not unified). After searching, I got a piece of code from a foreign website
$.fn.getHexBackgroundColor = function() {
var rgb = $(this).css('background-color');
rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb((d ),s* (d ),s*(d ))$/);
function hex(x) {return ("0" parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2);}
return rgb= "#" hex(rgb[1]) hex(rgb[2]) hex(rgb[3]);
SolutionWhat is defined above is a jQuery function. We can get the RGB value of the background-color with tag id="bg" through $("#bg").getHexBackgroundColor();
Let’s do a little The modification is to add a judgment. If it is an IE browser, just get the value directly. If it is a non-IE browser, convert the value into RGB format:
$.fn.getHexBackgroundColor = function() { var rgb = $(this).css('background-color'); if(!$ .browser.msie){ rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb((d ),s*(d ),s*(d ))$/); function hex(x) {return ("0" parseInt(x ).toString(16)).slice(-2);} rgb= "#" hex(rgb[1]) hex(rgb[2]) hex(rgb[3]); } return rgb; }
jQuery gets the attribute value in the style sheet
aaaa < div id="left">