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RabbitMQ php 施用

2016-06-13 10:30:131169browse

RabbitMQ php 使用

RabbitMQ是一个开源的基于AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)标准,并且可靠性高的企业级消息系统,目前很多网站在用,包括reddit,Poppen.de等。

1. 安装RabbitMQsudo apt-get install rabbitmq-serversudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start




2. 安装librabbitmqsudo apt-get install mercurialhg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-ccd rabbitmq-chg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-codegen codegenautoreconf -i && ./configure && make && sudo make install3. 安装php-rabbit扩展wget http://php-rabbit.googlecode.com/files/php-rabbit.r91.tar.gztar -zxvf php-rabbit.r91.tar.gzcd php-rabbit.r91/path/to/php/bin/phpize./configure –with-amqp –with-php-config=/path/to/php/bin/php-configmake && sudo make install编辑 php.ini 添加:extension=rabbit.so输出phpinfo看下是否扩展已经加载成功,have fun:)




<?php /** * producer demo * * @author wei * @version $Id$ **/$params = array('host' =>'localhost',                'port' => 5672,                'login' => 'guest',                'password' => 'guest',                'vhost' => '/');$cnn = new AMQPConnect($params); // declare Exchange$exchange = new AMQPExchange($cnn);$exchange->declare('ex1', 'topic', AMQP_DURABLE ); // declare Queue$queue = new AMQPQueue($cnn);  $queue->declare('queue1', AMQP_DURABLE);  // bind Queue$queue->bind('ex1','wei.#'); // publishing$msg = "msg"; for ($i=0; $i publish($i . 'msg', 'wei.' . $i);    if ($res) {        echo $i . 'msg' . " Yes\n";    } else {        echo $i . 'msg' . " No\n";    }} ?>consumer:?View Code PHP<?php /** * consumer demo * * @author wei * @version $Id$ **/$params = array('host' =>'localhost',                'port' => 5672,                'login' => 'guest',                'password' => 'guest',                'vhost' => '/');$cnn = new AMQPConnect($params); // create the Queue$queue = new AMQPQueue($cnn, 'queue1');$queueMessages = $queue->consume(100); foreach($queueMessages as $item) {    echo "$i.$item\n";}?>





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