This is an article about object-oriented and inheritance in JavaScript. It was written 1 year ago. The author takes it step by step. It is very helpful for students who want to learn object-oriented in JavaScript, so I try to translate it. Please correct me if I am wrong. Original link Objects and Inheritance in Javascript
While some Javascript users may never need to know about prototypes or the nature of object-oriented languages, developers who come from traditional object-oriented languages will find inheritance in JavaScript when they use it. The model is very strange. Different JS frameworks provide their own methods to write class-like code, which makes JS object-oriented even more difficult to understand. The results of this are:
1. There is no standard way to implement object-oriented.
2. The underlying concept of object-oriented JS is not well known by people
Prototypal inheritance
Prototypal inheritance is a very simple concept, and its essence is:
1. Object a inherits from object b, which means b is the prototype of a.
2. a inherits all the attributes of b, that is, if the value of b. >Let's see the effect in concrete code, assuming there is a John Smith and a Jane that inherits from him.
In the Firebug console, the value of john.__proto__ is set to Object{}, but Object{} represents the object Object.prototype - the parent class of all objects.
This is a brief description of prototypal inheritance. Looks pretty good, right?
However, in fact, we cannot use __proto__. . .
Let me tell you some bad news...
IE does not support the __proto__ attribute. In fact, __proto__ is not an attribute in the ECMAScript specification, and Mozilla also plans to add it to Firefox This attribute will be removed in future versions of the browser.
However, this does not mean that the __proto__ attribute does not exist. Although the __proto__ attribute cannot be directly accessed in some browsers, it still exists in some form, and we still have to deal with it, but it is not so direct.
Classes and Inheritance Therefore, we can say that JavaScript does not have classes
Please remember: there are no classes in JavaScript
In this case, what happens with methods and inheritance? What was achieved?
By prototype. In traditional object-oriented languages, methods depend on classes, but in JavaScript, methods depend on the prototype of the object, and the prototype is bound to the constructor of the object.
In JavaScript, functions play the role of constructors. By using the new operator, you can use a function as a constructor. The code below shows us creating a Cat function:
function Cat(name){ // <-This is a regular function = name // this points to the new object
The above code will be automatically created A Cat.prototype object
Cat { }
We can use the new operator to create an instance of Cat
var garfield = new Cat('Garfield') // Create an instance - the Cat function acts as the constructor
Now, the Cat.prototype object becomes all The prototype of the object created by new Cat(), for example:
garfield.__proto__ === Cat.prototype
true //See? `Cat.prototype` is now the prototype of the garfield object
Now, we add a Cat.prototype Method, after adding, the method can be accessed by garfield
Cat.prototype.greet = function(){
console.log('Meow, I am '
"Meow, I am Garfield"
Other Cat instances can also access
var felix = new Cat('Felix')
"Meow, I am Felix"
So, in JavaScript, the method is Depends on the object's prototype (prototype).
In fact, we can also add a method to garfield, which will override the method of the same name in Cat.prototype, as shown below:
garfield.greet = function(){
console.log("What's new?");
"What's new?"
But this will not affect other objects
"Meow, I am Felix"
Therefore, in JavaScript, a method can be directly associated with an object, with the prototype of the object, or with any parent object of the object, that is, with any link in the prototype chain. This is how inheritance is implemented.
To create a secondary prototype chain, we first need to create another constructor, how about calling it Animal?
function Animal(){
Next, we need to point the prototype of Cat.prototype to an Animal object, so that the Cat instance will inherit all Animal methods. Therefore, we set the value of Cat.prototype to an instance of Animal as follows:
Cat.prototype = new Animal();
In addition, we also need to tell the new Cat.prototype that it is actually an instance of Cat:
Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat // Let `Cat. prototype` knows that it is an instance of Cat
Although the purpose of doing this is mainly for the hierarchical relationship between classes, it is usually necessary to do this.
Now, since the objects inherited from Animal.prototype and Cat.prototype belong to the animal class, all instances of Cat also indirectly inherit from Animal.prototype. If we add a new method to Animal.prototype, then all instances of Cat can also access this method.
Animal.prototype.breed = function(){
console.log('Making a new animal!');
return new this.constructor();
var kitty = garfield.breed();
Making a new animal!
Through the above code we have achieved inheritance, it’s simple.
Conclusion Although prototype-based inheritance in JavaScript is weird and takes some time to get used to, its core idea is very simple. As long as you truly understand these essential concepts, you will have the confidence to control JavaScript OO in these mixed codes. (End)^_^