This guide provides detailed download and installation steps for the official Bitget Exchange app, suitable for Android and iOS systems. The guide integrates information from multiple authoritative sources, including the official website, the App Store, and Google Play, and emphasizes considerations during download and account management. Users can download the app from official channels, including app store, official website APK download and official website jump, and complete registration, identity verification and security settings. In addition, the guide covers common issues and considerations such as how to deal with installation failures, transaction security suggestions, feature highlights, and download suggestions.

Bitget Exchange Portal: Official App Download Guide
1. Official Download Channels and Steps
1. Android users
Download through the App Store -
Open Google Play Store and search for "Bitget" or "Bitget Exchange".
Start the official application and click "Install" and open the App directly after completing it.
Download APK through the official website
Add to the Bitget official website, click the "Download APP" button, and select "Android version".
Bitget official website:
2. iOS users
Bitget's app: Bitget's app:
Bitget's app:
Bitget's app:
Bitget's app:
Bitget's app:
Store Download-
Search for "Bitget" in the App Store, click "Get" after finding the official application and verify the Apple ID password or biometric information to complete the installation. Note: If you are in the region, you need to switch to the overseas Apple ID (such as the US or the Hong Kong area).
Download through the official website -
Select the iOS version on the "Download APP" page of the official website, and it will automatically jump to the App Store and follow the prompts. 2. Registration and Account Verification
Registration Method
- Email/Mobile Number Registration: Enter the email or mobile phone number, set a password (8-32 digits) containing upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, and complete the email/SMS verification code verification.
Third-party account registration: Supports quick login for Google and Apple accounts.
Identity Authentication (KYC)
Necessity: KYC is required to increase transaction limit and withdrawal permissions.
Step: Enter the "Identity Authentication" page, upload valid ID card/passport and other documents, and complete facial recognition. The review usually takes 2-24 hours.
Security settings
3. Frequently asked questions and precautions
- Installation failed
Android: Make sure to enable the "Allow to install applications from unknown sources" option, and some Huawei devices need to turn off "pure mode". iOS: If you cannot download it, try to switch the Apple ID region or use the QR code provided on the official website to download it.
Transaction security advice-
Download the app only from the official website or official app store to avoid malware from third-party sources.
Regist the App to the latest version regularly and enable the security verification function in a timely manner.
Function Highlights
Copy Trading: Novice can follow professional traders' strategies to automatically follow orders.
Multi-chain charging and extraction: Supports USDT's ERC20, TRC20, BEP20 and other networks, and the address needs to be confirmed to match the network.
4. Summary suggestions
Prioritative official website download: Ensure that the installation package has not been tampered with, and is suitable for users with limited access to the app store.
- Newbie-friendly function: use "copy transactions" to lower the entry threshold and optimize operations with real-time market tools.
- Compliance and Security: Complete KYC and enable multi-factor verification to meet regulatory requirements and ensure asset security.
The above is the detailed content of Bitget Exchange Portal: Official App Download Guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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