To ensure the security of the Bitget application, be sure to download it from the official website. Click the "Download" button on the top navigation bar of the website and select the corresponding download link based on your device type. Will be redirected to the official app store, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and follow the instructions to install the app. Note that download only from the official website, check the developer name is "Bitget Global" and read the permissions requested by the application. Update the app regularly and treat suspicious download links with caution for security.
How to obtain a safe and trustworthy Bitget application software?
To ensure the security and reliability of downloading and using Bitget applications, follow these steps:
1. Visit the official website: Go to the official website of Bitget
In the top navigation bar of the website, click the "Download" button.
Select the corresponding download link according to the type of device you are using (iOS or Android).
For iOS users, you will be redirected to the Apple App Store. For Android users, you will be taken to the Google Play Store.
Follow the App Store's instructions to install the Bitget application.
Download the Bitget app from the official website only.
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