BITGET, as a world-leading digital asset exchange, has attracted many users. In order to facilitate domestic users to register, this guide will introduce in detail how to register domestically in BITGET, and guide you step by step to easily complete the registration process.
![A detailed explanation of the domestic registration method of bitget exchange](/static/imghwm/default1.png)
How to register on Bitget Exchange? Step by step guide
Step 1: Visit the Bitget website
- Go to the official Bitget website:
Step 2: Click "Register"
- In the menu at the top of the home page, click "Register".
Step 3: Select the registration method
- You have two registration methods:
Step 4: Fill in the registration information
Electronic Email registration: - Enter your email address, create a password, and select a country.
Mobile number registration: - Enter your mobile phone number and enter the verification code you received.
Step 5: Agree with the terms and complete the registration
Read and agree to Bitget's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Click the "Register" button to complete the registration process.
- Precautions for domestic registration
Mainland Chinese users cannot directly access the Bitget website.
- You need to use other networks or other methods to bypass regional restrictions.
- When registering, it is recommended to use an overseas email or mobile phone number.
- When withdrawing money, you need to provide identity verification information, such as a passport or ID card.
Other exchange platform addresses:
okx Ouyi official website entrance
Ouyi official app
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Extra tips
Ensure your password is safe and complex. - Enable two-factor verification (2FA) for increased security.
- Cleanly verify asset balance and transaction information before trading.
- If you encounter any problems during registration or other transactions, please contact Bitget customer service.
The above is the detailed content of A detailed explanation of the domestic registration method of bitget exchange. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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