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Best JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries and Tools to Use in 2019

Lisa Kudrow
Lisa KudrowOriginal
2025-02-14 09:58:11932browse

Best JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries and Tools to Use in 2019

The number of JavaScript frameworks, libraries and tools seems to have exceeded the number of developers. At the end of 2018, a quick search on GitHub showed 2.3 million JavaScript projects. npm has become the world's largest module system, with 700,000 available software packages on npmjs.com and billions of downloads per month.

December 6, 2018: The article has been updated to reflect the current status of the JavaScript ecosystem. This year's update is sponsored by Sencha. Thank you for supporting the partners who made SitePoint possible!

This article aims to explain the basics and basic differences between the most popular client-side JavaScript frameworks, libraries and tools. Whether they are suitable for you is another question. Choose one and stick to it for a while. Note that whatever you choose, your favorite option will be replaced by something better!

li.toc-h3 { margin-left: 20px; } li.toc-h4 { margin-left: 40px; } Key Points

  • React remains the first choice for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications, thanks to its efficient virtual DOM and component-based architecture.
  • Vue.js has received praise for its simplicity and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for developers looking for progressive frameworks that are easy to integrate with other libraries.
  • Angular provides a comprehensive framework solution, especially in its latest version (2), which is heavily backed by Google and focuses on TypeScript, which attracts developers familiar with statically typed languages.
  • jQuery, despite the decline in hype, is still relevant and widely used in many projects because it is easy to use and has extensive compatibility across a variety of web platforms.
  • Webpack and ESLint are emphasized as essential tools in modern JavaScript development, used for module bundling and code quality assurance, respectively.
  • Sencha Ext JS is considered a powerful enterprise-level framework that provides a wide range of UI components and tools, with powerful commercial support and training options.


  • Catalog
  • Tough Terms
  • Library
  • Frame
  • Tools
  • Don't label me!
  • JavaScript frameworks and libraries
  • jQuery
  • React
  • AngularJS 1.x
  • Angular 2 (now 7.x)
  • Vue.js
  • Sencha Ext JS
  • Lodash and Underscore
  • Backbone.js
  • Ember.js
  • Knockout.js
  • Projects worth paying attention to
  • Tool: General Task Runner
  • Webpack
  • Gulp.js
  • npm
  • Grunt
  • Tool: Module Bundler
  • Browserify
  • RequireJS
  • Tool: Code Style Check
  • ESLint
  • JSHint
  • JSLint
  • Tool: Test Suite
  • Jest
  • Mocha
  • Jasmine
  • Tools: Other Tools
  • Summary and Suggestions
  • Comments

Please accept the following terms and conditions before reading this article! ...

  • The JavaScript environment changes every day. This article will be outdated the moment it is published!
  • By "best" I mean "the most popular/used/hyped general project". All projects have free/open source options, but the list may not contain your favorite projects.
  • Stopped items (such as YUI) are not included, even though they are still very high on the network.
  • Refer to client projects only. Some work on the server side, but the list does not include pure server-side frameworks such as Express.js or Hapi.
  • The information on each project is intended to be brief in order to provide an overview of further research.
  • Each project provides a usage popularity indicator, but the statistics are well known to be difficult to sort out and can be misleading.
  • I am biased. You have bias, too. Others have biases too! I haven't tried every tool here and will declare my favorite tool, but you should make your own assessment based on your needs.
  • SitePoint and I are neither responsible for any disastrous decisions you make!
Tough Terms

The terms "framework", "library" and "tool" may have different meanings for different people at different times, depending on the context. Common definition used here:


Library is an organized and useful collection of features. A typical library may include functions that handle strings, dates, HTML DOM elements, events, cookies, animations, network requests, and more. Each function returns values ​​to the calling application, which you can implement according to your choice. Think of it as a series of automotive components: You can use any component at will to help build a car that can drive properly, but you have to build the engine yourself.

Libraries usually provide higher levels of abstraction, thus simplifying implementation details and inconsistencies. For example, you can implement Ajax using the XMLHttpRequest API, but this requires several lines of code and there are slight differences between browsers. The library can provide simpler ajax() functions, so you can focus on higher levels of business logic.

Library can reduce development time by 20% because you don't have to worry about finer details. Disadvantages:

    Errors in the library may be difficult to find and fix
  • The development team cannot guarantee that the patch will be released quickly
  • Patches may change the API and cause significant changes to the code.

Framework is the skeleton of the application. It requires you to handle the software design in a specific way and insert your own logic at certain points. You will usually provide functions such as events, storage and data binding. Using the car's analogy, the frame provides a working chassis, body and engine. You can add, remove, or adjust certain components, provided the vehicle is still running.

Frameworks usually provide higher levels of abstraction than libraries and can help you build the first 80% of your project quickly. Disadvantages:

  • If your application is out of scope for the framework, the last 20% can be difficult--If not impossible
  • Frame update or migration can be difficult
  • The core framework code and concepts rarely adapt well to the times. Developers will always find a better way to do the same thing.
  • Tools

Tools can assist in development, but are not an indispensable part of the project. Tools include build systems, compilers, translators, code compressors, image compressors, deployment mechanisms, etc.

Tools should provide a simpler development process. For example, many programmers prefer Sass over CSS because it provides code separation, nesting, rendering time variables, loops, and functions. The browser does not understand the Sass/SCSS syntax, so the code must be compiled into CSS using the appropriate tools before testing and deployment.

Don't label me!

The differences between libraries, frameworks, and tools are rarely clear. The framework may contain libraries. The library can implement framework-like methods. Tools can be crucial for both. I've tried marking each item, but the scope may vary.

If this sounds too complicated, you might consider writing native JavaScript. This is great, but you end up writing your own library and/or framework code that has to be maintained. JavaScript itself is an abstraction above the browser and operating system abstraction!

JavaScript frameworks and libraries

Items arranged in approximate order of use/popularity/hype...


jQuery Description type library website jquery.com repository github. com/jquery/jquery GitHub stars 50,000 Current version 3.3.1 Developer jQuery team release date August 2006 Typical size 30kb min Typical use Universal use Usage 73.5% of all websites jQuery remains the most widely used JavaScript library ever, And distributed with WordPress, ASP.NET and some other frameworks. It revolutionizes client development by introducing CSS selectors into DOM node retrieval and linking to apply event handlers, animations, and Ajax calls. In recent years, jQuery has gradually become unpopular with developers, but its usage rate is still high. It is still a viable option for projects that require a small amount of JavaScript functionality.


Distribution size
  • The learning curve is smooth, and there is a lot of online help
  • Simple grammar
  • Easy to expand
  • Disadvantages:
  • Add speed overhead for native API
  • Now browser compatibility has improved, so it is not very important
  • Usage rate tends to stabilize
  • Some resistance of the industry to unnecessary use.


React Description type library website facebook.github.io/ react/ repository github.com/facebook/react GitHub stars 115,000 Current version 16.6.3 Developer Facebook and Contributor Release Date March 2013 Typical Size 21kb min Typical Use Single Page Application Low Usage Probably Discussed in the past few years The most numerous libraries, React claims to be a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It focuses on the "View" section in model-view-controller (MVC) development and makes it easy to create state-preserved UI components. It is one of the first libraries to implement virtual DOM; in-memory structures compute differences and effectively update pages.

React usage seems to be low in statistics, probably because it is used for applications rather than websites. Nearly 70% of developers claim they have some experience using the library.


  • Small, efficient, fast and flexible
  • Simple Component Model
  • Good documentation and online resources
  • Server-side rendering is possible
  • Still very popular and develops rapidly
  • Many of the work advertises React developers


  • New concepts and grammar need to be learned
  • Building tools are essential
  • Other libraries or frameworks may be required to provide model and controller aspects
  • May be incompatible with code and other libraries that modify DOM

AngularJS 1.x

AngularJS Description type framework website website angularjs.org repository github. com/angular/angular.js GitHub stars 60,000 Current version 1.7.5 Developer Google Release Date October 2010 Typical Size 144kb Typical Use Single Page Application Low Usage Angular is the first framework that appears in this list-or MVC Application Framework. The most popular version is still version 1.x, which extends HTML through bidirectional data binding while separating DOM operations from application logic.

Despite the release of version 2.0 (now version 4.0!), Angular 1.x is still under development. Puzzled? See below...


  • A popular framework adopted by several large companies
  • Single solution for creating modern web applications
  • is part of the "standard" MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.JS, AngularJS, NodeJS), so there are many articles and tutorials available


  • The learning curve is steeper than other alternatives
  • The code base is huge
  • Cannot upgrade to Angular 2.x
  • Although it is a Google project, Google does not seem to use it?

Angular 2 (now 7.x)

Angular Description type framework website website angular.io repository github. com/angular/angular GitHub stars 43,000 Current version 7.1 Developer Google Release Date September 2016 Typical Size 450kb min Typical Use Single Page Application Low Usage Angular 2.0 was released in September 2016. This is a complete rewrite that introduces a modular component model created using TypeScript (compiled as JavaScript). To increase confusion, version 4.0 was released in March 2017 (skipped v3 to avoid semantic versioning issues).

Angular 2 is completely different from v1. Neither compatible— Maybe Google should give the project a different name? !


  • Single solution for creating modern web applications
  • is still part of the MEAN stack, although fewer Angular 2 tutorials are available
  • For those familiar with statically typed languages ​​such as C# and Java, TypeScript offers some advantages.


  • The learning curve is steeper than other alternatives
  • The code base is huge
  • Unable to upgrade from Angular 1.x
  • Compared with 1.x, Angular 2.x adoption rate is relatively low
  • Although it is a Google project, Google does not seem to use it?


Vue.js Description type framework website vuejs.org repository github.com/vuejs/vue GitHub stars 120,000 Current version 2.5.17 Developer Evan You Release Date February 2014 Typical Size 19kb min Typical Purpose Components and Single Page Application Low Usage Vue.js is a lightweight progressive , framework for building user interface. The core provides a React-like virtual DOM-driven view layer that can be integrated with other libraries, but it is also capable of driving single page applications. The framework was created by Evan You, who had previously worked at AngularJS but wanted to extract the parts he liked.

Vue.js binds DOM to instance data using HTML template syntax. When the data changes, the model is a normal JavaScript object that updates the view. Other tools provide tools for scaffolding, routing, status management, animation, and more.


  • Fast adoption and increasing popularity
  • Easy to get started, high developer satisfaction
  • Lightweight, low dependency, good performance


  • May be covered up by React
  • Reliance on updates for individual developers
  • Less resources than alternatives

Sencha Ext JS

Ext JSDescriptiontype Framework and Component Library website sencha. com/products/extjs/ Current version 6.6.0 Developer Sencha Release Date December 2007 Typical size depends on requirements: 85 – 500kb Typical use components and single page applications Low usage Ext JS is developed from YUI-Ext , one of the longest history on this list. While it is best known for its wide range of configurable, accessible cross-browser UI components and data visualization tools, Ext JS also provides a framework for building complete applications. Alternatively, you can use the component library with React or Angular. Ext JS is the only framework here that provides business training and support. There is also an option to have the Sencha team help review your code, automate tests, and migrate to other platforms.


    Widely available components
  • Contains everything you need to create a web and mobile application
  • Script customization, design tools and rapid prototyping
  • Providing tools for intuitively building and styling web applications
  • Business support and excellent documentation
  • 30-day free trial and community version for small applications (revenues less than $10,000 per year)

    As of now, integration with frameworks other than React and Angular may be impractical—see Ext JS 7's Roadmap Plan
  • Deep custom UI changes can be difficult
Lodash and Underscore

LodashDescriptiontype library website lodash.com/ repository github .com/lodash/lodash/ GitHub stars 35,000 Current version 4.17.11 Developer John-David Dalton Release Date April 2012 Typical size 4kb – 24kb min Typical use Common use Low usage UnderscoreDescriptiontype library website underscorejs.org/ repository github.com/jashkenas/underscore GitHub stars 24,000 Current version 1.8. 3 Developer Jeremy Ashkenas Release Date October 2009 Typical Size 6kb min Typical Use Common Use Low Usage This section combines Lodash and Underscore as they provide hundreds of functional JavaScript utilities to supplement native characters String, numbers, arrays, and other raw object methods. There is some overlap, so it is unlikely that you will need both libraries in one project. Client usage is low, but either library can be used in server-side Node.js applications.


    Small and simple
  • Easy to learn, good documentation
  • Compatible with most libraries and frameworks
  • Do not extend built-in objects
  • Can be used on the client or server side

  • Some methods are provided in ES2015 and later JavaScript.


Backbone.js Description type framework website backbonejs.org repository github.com/jashkenas/backbone/ GitHub stars 37,000 Current version 1.3.3 Developer Jeremy Ashkenas Release date October 2010 Typical size 8kb min Typical use Single page application low usage Backbone.js is the first common server-side framework to provide one of the client options for the MVC structure. Its only dependency is Underscore.js, which is created by the same developer.

Backbone.js claims to be a library because it can be integrated with other projects. I suspect most developers think it is a framework, although it is not as arbitrary as some others.


  • Small, lightweight and not too complicated
  • Do not add logic to HTML
  • Excellent documentation
  • has been adopted by many applications, including Trello, WordPress.com, LinkedIn and Groupon


  • A lower level of abstraction than alternatives like AngularJS (but this can be considered an advantage)
  • Other components are required to implement functions such as data binding
  • Recent frameworks have been far away from MVC architecture


Ember.js Description type framework website website emberjs.com repository github.com/emberjs/ember.js GitHub stars 20,000 Current version 3.6.0 Developer Ember Team Release Date December 2011 Typical Size 95kb min Typical Use Single Page Application Low Usage Ember.js is based on Model-View-View One of the larger arbitrary frameworks of the Model (MVVM) model. It implements templates, data bindings, and libraries in one package. For those with experience with Ruby on Rails, the concept of convention over configuration is immediately familiar.


  • Providing a single solution for client applications
  • Developers can increase productivity immediately - it uses jQuery
  • Good backward compatibility and upgrade options
  • Used modern web development standards


  • Distribute large files
  • It is considered monolithic compared to other frameworks that are moving to smaller component structures
  • Steep learning curve - this is Ember's way, or there is no way at all


Knockout.js Description type framework website knockoutjs.com repository github.com/knockout/knockout GitHub stars 9,000 Current version 3.5.0 Developer Steve Sanderson Release Date July 2010 Typical Size 59kb min Typical Use Single Page Application Low Usage Knockout.js is one of the older MVVM frameworks, It uses observers to ensure that the UI remains in sync with the underlying data. It has templates and dependency tracking capabilities.


  • Small and lightweight, no dependencies
  • Excellent browser support, traceable to IE6
  • Excellent documentation


  • Large projects can become complicated
  • Development speed slows down
  • Usage seems to be declining

Projects worth paying attention to

Hope to learn more? The following items are not very popular, but worth considering:

  • Polymer - A library that enables cross-browser support for HTML5 web components
  • Meteor - A full stack platform for web applications.
  • Aurelia - A lightweight, cross-platform framework
  • Svelte - A fairly new project that converts framework source code to native JavaScript
  • Conditioner.js - A new library that automatically loads and unloads modules based on their status.

Tool: General Task Runner

Building tools automate various web development tasks such as preprocessing, compilation, module bundling, image optimization, code compression, code style checking, and running tests. Tasks are usually managed together in an executable package. The most popular options:


Webpack Description website webpack.js.org repository github. com/webpack/webpack GitHub stars 45,000 Current version 4.25.1 4 million downloads per week Webpack supports all popular module options and has become synonymous with React development. Despite claiming to be a module bundler, Webpack can be used as a general purpose task runner. Configurations based on JavaScript objects can be a bit clumsy. The generator is available, but some Webpack users have moved to Parcel for easier configuration and faster compile times.


Gulp.js Description website gulpjs.com repository github. com/gulpjs/gulp GitHub stars 30,000 Current version 4.0.0 (3.9.1 is still active) 750,000 weekly downloads Although it is not the first task runner, Gulp quickly became one of the most popular task runners , which is also my personal favorite. Gulp uses easy-to-read JavaScript code that loads the source file into a stream, then passes the data through various plugins before outputting it to the build folder. It's simple, fast and fun, but the developers have moved to Webpack.


npmDescriptionwebsite npmjs.com repository github.com/ npm/npm GitHub stars 17,000 Current version 6.4.1 Weekly downloads 1 million npm is the Node.js package manager, but its scripting tools are available for common task runs. This is an attractive option for simple projects with fewer dependencies. However, more complex tasks can quickly become impractical.


GruntDescriptionwebsite gruntjs.com repository github.com/ gruntjs/grunt GitHub stars 17,000 Current version 1.0.3 Downloads per week 425,000 Grunt was one of the first JavaScript task runners to implement large-scale adoption, but its speed and complex JSON configuration led to the rise of Gulp. The worst problem has been solved and Grunt is still a popular choice.

Tool: Module Bundler

Managing multiple JavaScript files can become cumbersome. Unless you can natively adopt the relatively new ES6 module import syntax, you must load or connect JavaScript dependencies in the browser in the appropriate order. If you need to support older browsers (any browsers released before 2018), you can use the module bundler, but the demand for these tools will decrease over time.


Browserify Description website browserify.org repository github.com/ browserify/browserify GitHub stars 12,000 Current version 16.2.3 Downloads per week 480,000 Browserify supports the CommonJS module used by Node.js, compiling all modules into a single browser-compatible file.


RequireJS Description website requirejs.org repository github.com/ requirejs/r.js GitHub stars 2,500 Current version 2.3.6 Downloads per week 230,000 RequireJS was originally an in-browser module loader, although it can also be used in Node.js. It supports AMD syntax.

Tool: Code Style Check

Code Style CheckAnalyze your code for potential errors or deviations from the grammatical standards. You will never miss the close bracket or undeclared variable!


ESLint Description website eslint.org repository github.com/ eslint/eslint GitHub stars 12,000 Current version 5.9.0 Downloads 4 million per week ESLint is the most popular code style checking tool, which is supported by most IDEs, editors, bundlers, and task runners. Each rule is a plugin, so it can be configured according to your preferences.


JSHint Description website jshint.com repository github.com/ jshint/jshint GitHub stars 8,000 Current version 2.9.6 Downloads per week 390,000 A flexible JavaScript code style checker that is not as configurable as ESLint, but strikes a good balance between real bugs and rigid syntax requirements.


JSLint Description website jslint.com repository github.com/ reid/node-jslint GitHub stars 8,000 Current version 0.12.0 Downloads per week One of the earliest code style checkers that implements a strict set of default rules. Development has slowed down, and for some developers it may be a little uncompromising.

Tool: Test Suite

Test-driven development requires you to write code to test your code before you start writing it. Welcome to write code to test your test code!

There are many options, including Ava, Tape and Jasmine, but the three most popular options are...


Jest Description website https://www .php.cn/link/50be28d343081a44df25869ab1e4502f repository github.com/kof/node-qunit GitHub stars 21,000 Current version 23.6.0 Weekly downloads 2 million from Facebook's test framework due to its close connection with React and Webpack And it is becoming more and more popular.


Mocha Description website mochajs.org repository github.com/ mochajs/mocha GitHub stars 16,500 Current version 5.2.0 1.8 million downloads per week Mocha can run tests in Node.js and browsers. It supports asynchronous testing and is usually used with Chai to be able to express test code in a readable style. It has been the most popular choice for years.


Jasmine Description website jasmine.github.io repository github. com/jasmine/jasmine-npm GitHub stars 300 Current version 3.3.0 Downloads per week 750,000 Jasmine is a behavior-driven test suite that automates testing your UI and interactions in your browser.

Tools: Other Tools

Despite my best efforts, I admit that not everyone loves JavaScript! Compilers such as TypeScript, LiveScript and CoffeeScript can make your development life a little more enjoyable. Alternatively, consider using Babel to convert modern, concise ES2015 source code into cross-browser-compatible ES5 code.

There are many JavaScript-driven HTML template engines, including Mustache, Handlebars, Pug (Jade) and EJS. I prefer lightweight options that preserve JavaScript syntax, such as EJS and doT.

Lastly, why write your own documentation when you can automate it? ES2015-compatible document generators include ESDoc, JSDoc, YUIdoc, documentation.js and Transcription.

Summary and Suggestions

If you follow the wisdom of the masses, the current momentum is behind React, and other libraries are also moving towards similar technological directions. This is a safe career choice, but you should also consider Vue.js or React-compatible but smaller Preact.

Monographed frameworks are no longer popular, but AngularJS is still a popular choice if you need to provide a strict structure for large projects. Most developers stick with version 1.0, but this may be out of necessity and not choice. Version 2 may be a safer option in the long run, but you need to learn TypeScript.

Sencha's Ext JS is a great option for companies (small business to enterprise) who want to have both frameworks and pre-built integrated components and tools (including access to commercial support). Ext JS also easily integrates its powerful component library with React and Angular, which is a great choice for developers who want to implement pre-built components instead of building them yourself.

Don't ignore jQuery. It's not stylish and rarely mentioned in tech news, but it's under active development and is more than enough for websites and applications. jQuery's learning curve is smooth and is understood by many developers around the world.

New translator options like Svelte and Rawact will convert framework code to native JavaScript if you want to take risks. The framework dependencies have been removed, the code is smaller and it runs faster.

The choice of tools is less important and may vary by project. Most Webpack, Gulp or npm scripts. For testing you can use ESLint and Jest, but there are many other alternatives to try.

That is, each project, team, and skill set are different. You have limited time to evaluate, so it's tempting to use what you know. This post will receive comments, recommended FrameworkX, but when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Lastly, never forget that libraries, frameworks and tools are optional! JavaScript development has revolutionized over the past decade; we have evolved from several basic auxiliary libraries to incredible choices. It's easy to fall into the trap of increasing complexity or switch to the latest popular framework every few months. Always consider native JavaScript – especially in small and personal projects. The knowledge you gain will not be outdated and will become invaluable when evaluating frameworks for other projects.

Am I missing, dismissed, or failed to praise the advantages of your favorite JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and tools? Of course, I did it! Welcome to comment...

Frequently Asked Questions about Top JavaScript Frameworks, Library and Tools

What is the main difference between Angular and React?

Angular and React are both popular JavaScript frameworks, but they have some key differences. Angular, developed by Google, is a mature MVC framework that provides a powerful set of features to build complex applications. It uses two-way data binding and real DOM. React, developed by Facebook, on the other hand, is a library for building user interfaces. It uses one-way data binding and virtual DOM, which makes it faster and more efficient when rendering large lists and datasets.

How to choose the right JavaScript framework for my project?

Choose the right JavaScript framework depends on several factors. You should consider the size and complexity of the project, the learning curve of the framework, the size of the community and available resources, and the performance and scalability requirements of the application. It is also important to consider the long-term viability of the framework, as you want to choose a framework that will continue to be supported and updated in the future.

What are the advantages of using Vue.js compared to other JavaScript frameworks?

Vue.js is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It has a gentle learning curve, making it a good choice for beginners. It also has a flexible architecture that allows you to choose between lightweight, library-like settings or fully-featured framework settings. Vue.js also uses virtual DOM and provides efficient re-rendering and component-level caching for fast performance.

What is the role of Node.js in JavaScript development?

Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to be run on the server side. This means you can use JavaScript to build the front-end and back-end of your application, which will improve development efficiency and simplify code maintenance. Node.js also has a huge ecosystem of libraries and tools and is known for its high performance and scalability.

How important is it to learn TypeScript when using JavaScript framework?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types to the language. Learning TypeScript to use JavaScript frameworks is not necessary, but it may be beneficial. TypeScript can help catch errors at compile time rather than runtime, resulting in more robust code. It is especially useful when dealing with large code bases and teams.

What are the benefits of using JavaScript libraries like Lodash?

Lodash is a utility library that provides useful ways to manipulate arrays, objects, and other data types in JavaScript. It can help make your code more concise, readable and more efficient. The Lodash methods are also optimized for performance, so in some cases they may be faster than native JavaScript methods.

How does Ember.js compare to other JavaScript frameworks?

Ember.js is a fully functional framework that provides many built-in features such as routers and data layers. This can make building complex applications easier, but it also means more content needs to be learned. Ember.js follows the principle of conventions over configuration, which can speed up development, but may not be as flexible as other frameworks.

What are the key features of the Polymer library?

Polymer is a library developed by Google for building web components. It provides a set of features for creating custom HTML elements, encapsulating CSS and JavaScript in these elements, and using data binding and event processing. Polymer also supports one-way and two-way data binding.

How does jQuery work in a modern JavaScript environment?

jQuery is a library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event processing, and animation. While it's not as necessary as it used to be due to the improvements in native JavaScript and the rise of modern frameworks, jQuery is still widely used and is a good choice for simpler projects or maintaining legacy code.

What are some emerging JavaScript frameworks and libraries worth paying attention to?

Some emerging JavaScript frameworks and libraries include Svelte, a compiler-based framework designed to provide a simpler and faster development experience; Next.js, a framework for server-side rendering of React applications; And Gatsby, a static site generator based on React. These tools are becoming more popular and may become more important in the future.

The above is the detailed content of Best JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries and Tools to Use in 2019. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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