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Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

Linda Hamilton
Linda HamiltonOriginal
2024-12-27 09:02:10285browse

There are a great many Space Marine Chapters in Warhammer 40,000. Most of them are normal, Codex Compliant Chapters; this means that they function similarly to each other, and share much of the same unit and equipment options. However, there are also a handful of Deviant Chapters, whose Gene-Seeds cause noticeable mutations and who follow their own unique creeds and battle tactics.

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

One such Chapter is the Blood Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius. They bear his golden hair, regal bearing, and gift of foresight – but at a heavy cost. They are a Chapter scarred by the death of their Primarch, and they withhold a terrible secret that could claim their minds at any moment. Despite this, they are resolute champions of humanity and the Imperium of Man, warring against the enemy without and resisting the darkness within.

Why Play Blood Angels

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

On the tabletop, the Blood Angels are a fast-moving, melee-focused version of the Space Marines, similar in some ways to both the Black Templars and the Space Wolves. They specialize in Jump Pack units, allowing them to quickly engage the enemy on their terms without being hindered by terrain. They also utilize the iconic Death Company, blood-mad berserkers who are completely lost to their Chapter’s curse and are terrifyingly hard to kill.

Army Rules

If you want to play as the Sons of Sanguinius, you’ll need to follow a couple of simple rules. Everything in your army must have the BLOOD ANGELS Keyword, and you cannot use any units from other chapters. Following these rules gets you access to the Blood Angels’ three unique Detachments, as well as a pile of special units and Wargear options.

It's worth noting that you still share the same Army Rule as your Codex Compliant brethren (Oath of Moment), and all your Detachments still have access to the Space Marines’ signature Stratagem, Armour of Contempt.

Important Units

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

The Blood Angels have lost a few of their more… esoteric units over time, but what you have is still an impressive array of Characters and specialist units to help you spill the blood of the Imperium’s foes.

Epic Heroes

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

The named Characters of the Blood Angels each have long histories, and none of them can be underestimated. Most of them want to be in melee combat as much as possible, and many strengthen the units they lead significantly.

Lord Commander Dante

The Chapter Master of the Blood Angels isn’t one for resting on his laurels. He can deal significant damage at close range and offers several useful buffs to Jump Pack units: pair him with Sanguinary Guard or Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs and watch the sparks fly.

Astorath the Grim

A Jump Pack-toting Chaplain with a very large axe. Can only lead Death Company units that also have Jump Packs, but he cranks their lethality all the way up, granting them Devastating Wounds on the Charge, and even giving them a chance to fight again after dying. He can also duel enemy Characters in melee, thanks to his axe having Precision.


The Guardian of the Lost serves as a counterbalance to Astorath’s relentless aggression. He is also limited to joining Jump Pack Death Company units, and he causes the unit he’s with to take reduced damage and gain Lethal Hits. He also packs a surprisingly deadly Pistol to finish off whatever’s left.

Chief Librarian Mephiston

Mephiston is an absolute monster in melee, but you’ll want to pick your engagements carefully. This is because he cannot join units, so he must rely on Lone Operative to avoid damage. He’s a well-rounded threat, wielding a nasty Psychic attack at range and his signature Force Sword Vitarus in melee. Use him strategically, and your opponent will be shocked at how much damage one little Librarian can do.

The Sanguinor

The Blood Angels are so skilled in melee that even the ghost of their Primarch can still throw down. An absolute blender in Close combat, The Sanguinor possesses a unique twist on Deep Strike: while he can appear normally, he can also spontaneously join a combat when a friendly unit gets charged, allowing him to appear on your opponent’s turn and potentially save a valuable unit with his interference.


Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

Not to be outshone, even the “regular” Blood Angels Characters have a few tricks up their crimson sleeves.

Sanguinary Priest

A more melee-capable Apothecary with the same nasty pistol as Chaplains like Lemartes, the Blood Angels version can’t resurrect fallen models but instead gives his unit Feel No Pain and a bonus to AP in melee.

Blood Angels Captain

Very similar to a standard Captain, except with the ability to swap his Bolt Pistol for an Inferno Pistol – aka a pocket-sized Melta – and the option to use a Master-crafted Chainsword, which is decent against hordes. If those options don’t interest you, consider taking a regular Captain instead.

Death Company Captain

Sadly, not even heroes of the Chapter are immune to the Black Rage – though it does make for a nasty close combat unit on the tabletop. Losing Rites of Battle and Finest Hour in their madness, Death Company Captains instead give their Death Company brothers Scouts if they’re on foot, which can help them get into Engagement Range sooner. The Captain can also re-roll failed Hits in melee, and has a chance to deal Mortal Wounds when he dies in close combat.
Sanguinary Priest
A more melee-capable Apothecary with the same nasty pistol as Chaplains like Lemartes, the Blood Angels version can’t resurrect fallen models but instead gives his unit Feel No Pain and a bonus to AP in melee.
Blood Angels Captain Very similar to a standard Captain, except with the ability to swap his Bolt Pistol for an Inferno Pistol – aka a pocket-sized Melta – and the option to use a Master-crafted Chainsword, which is decent against hordes. If those options don’t interest you, consider taking a regular Captain instead.
Death Company Captain Sadly, not even heroes of the Chapter are immune to the Black Rage – though it does make for a nasty close combat unit on the tabletop. Losing Rites of Battle and Finest Hour in their madness, Death Company Captains instead give their Death Company brothers Scouts if they’re on foot, which can help them get into Engagement Range sooner. The Captain can also re-roll failed Hits in melee, and has a chance to deal Mortal Wounds when he dies in close combat.

If you want a Character to lead your Jump Pack-wearing Death Company units, you can give a Death Company Captain a Jump Pack for a small point increase. Doing this also changes his unit buff from Scouts to giving his attached unit Sustained Hits.


Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

Though the Blood Angels do not have any unique Battleline units, they can freely use any of the options from the standard Space Marine list.

Assault Intercessor Squad

While not a Blood Angels-specific unit, the Assault Intercessors get a special mention for remaining a cheap, reliable unit to smash faces in Close combat. Make sure to give them a transport so they can keep up with your Jump Pack squads.


Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

The bulk of your non-character units are here, dealing death up close and personal. These units aren’t cheap, but they will often form the backbone of your strategy.

Death Company Marines

A gathering of battle-brothers who have fallen to the Black Rage, they come in three varieties – this is the default, melee version. Functionally an upgrade over the Assault Intercessors, they come with built-in re-rolls to Hit, Sustained Hits, and Feel No Pain, but cannot claim Objectives unless they have a Chaplain with them.

Death Company Marines with Bolt Rifles

The ranged version of the above unit, they lose Sustained Hits and Feel No Pain for free Overwatch and Heroic Interventions, along with the ability to deal modest damage at range. A situational side-grade to regular Intercessors.

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs

Here’s where things get interesting – a direct upgrade to Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, they swap the Sustained Hits for re-rolls to Charge, which is super useful. Combine them with a Death Company Captain (or one of your named Chaplains) for a flying meteor of death.

Sanguinary Guard

Super expensive, but very powerful. A premium bodyguard unit for any Character attached to them, they clean house in melee while being surprisingly hard to kill.
Death Company Marines
A gathering of battle-brothers who have fallen to the Black Rage, they come in three varieties – this is the default, melee version. Functionally an upgrade over the Assault Intercessors, they come with built-in re-rolls to Hit, Sustained Hits, and Feel No Pain, but cannot claim Objectives unless they have a Chaplain with them.
Death Company Marines with Bolt Rifles The ranged version of the above unit, they lose Sustained Hits and Feel No Pain for free Overwatch and Heroic Interventions, along with the ability to deal modest damage at range. A situational side-grade to regular Intercessors.
Death Company Marines with Jump Packs Here’s where things get interesting – a direct upgrade to Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, they swap the Sustained Hits for re-rolls to Charge, which is super useful. Combine them with a Death Company Captain (or one of your named Chaplains) for a flying meteor of death.
Sanguinary Guard Super expensive, but very powerful. A premium bodyguard unit for any Character attached to them, they clean house in melee while being surprisingly hard to kill.


Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

It should come as no surprise that even the Vehicles of the Blood Angels like to go fast. Make sure not to get them stuck in unnecessary fights, and they’ll do a fine job supporting your Infantry as they rush forward.

Baal Predator

Your version of the classic battle tank. Can re-roll Advance rolls, which is good, because nearly every weapon it carries has the Assault rule. Good for mobile anti-Infantry shooting, but you’ll need something else for anti-tank.

Death Company Dreadnought

Everything you love about Brutalis Dreadnoughts, now with extra brutality! Keeps the Feel No Pain and Hit re-rolls from the Infantry Death Company (along with their inability to capture Objectives without a Chaplain nearby) and gains the ability to make a free move toward any enemy unit that injures him in the Shooting Phase.
Baal Predator
Your version of the classic battle tank. Can re-roll Advance rolls, which is good, because nearly every weapon it carries has the Assault rule. Good for mobile anti-Infantry shooting, but you’ll need something else for anti-tank.
Death Company Dreadnought Everything you love about Brutalis Dreadnoughts, now with extra brutality! Keeps the Feel No Pain and Hit re-rolls from the Infantry Death Company (along with their inability to capture Objectives without a Chaplain nearby) and gains the ability to make a free move toward any enemy unit that injures him in the Shooting Phase.


Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

Even among the Blood Angels, individual Battle Companies wage war in different ways, as represented by your bespoke Detachments. You can still use all the standard Space Marine Detachments, but you may find these will play more into the strengths of your unique units.

Detachment Name


Suggested Units

Liberator Assault Group

Simple, straightforward, and well-rounded. This Detachment makes you better at the thing you wanted to be doing anyways: destroying the enemies of The Emperor in close combat. Any, Chaplains

The Lost Brethren

When too many of your brethren have fallen to the Black Rage, there is only one solution: send them all running at the nearest enemy, so they can finally find peace in death. Chaplains, Death Company Captains, Death Company Marines

Angelic Host

Exemplifying the speed and grace for which the Chapter is well-known, the Angelic Host makes your Jump Pack units even more mobile and deadly. Sanguinary Guard, Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, Death Company Marines with Jump Packs
Detachment Name
Description Suggested Units
Liberator Assault Group Simple, straightforward, and well-rounded. This Detachment makes you better at the thing you wanted to be doing anyways: destroying the enemies of The Emperor in close combat. Any, Chaplains
The Lost Brethren When too many of your brethren have fallen to the Black Rage, there is only one solution: send them all running at the nearest enemy, so they can finally find peace in death. Chaplains, Death Company Captains, Death Company Marines
Angelic Host Exemplifying the speed and grace for which the Chapter is well-known, the Angelic Host makes your Jump Pack units even more mobile and deadly. Sanguinary Guard, Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, Death Company Marines with Jump Packs

Sample Armies

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

With the Chapter’s history and unique units fresh in your mind, it is time to muster the Blood Angels for war. These armies are designed to emphasize the strengths of their Detachments, but there are as many ways to play Blood Angels as there are drops of blood on a battlefield. Go forth, Sons of Sanguinius, and make the stars run red.

Blood For The Emperor (Liberator Assault Group)

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

  • Blood Angels Captain (Enhancement: Rage-Fuelled Warrior)
  • Assault Intercessor Squad
  • Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs x2
  • Infiltrator Squad
  • Gladiator Lancer
  • Vindicator
  • Impulsor


The Jump Intercessors can start in Reserves or on the table and will try to Charge valuable units wherever they hide. The Infiltrators will grab an Objective on either the side or rear of the board, denying enemy Reserves and taking shots at anything that wanders nearby. The Gladiator Lancer is your main anti-tank, with the Vindicator trundling up behind for backup and horde-clearance.

Lastly, your Captain and the regular Assault Intercessors will sneak up in the Impulsor, hopping out to deal significant damage wherever it’s needed with a combination of Red Rampage and the Captain’s Enhancement, Rage-Fuelled Warrior.

Visions Of Death (The Lost Brethren)

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

  • Death Company Captain with Jump Pack (Enhancement: Sanguinius’ Grace)
  • Chaplain
  • Intercessor Squad
  • Death Company Marines
  • Death Company Marines with Jump Packs
  • Death Company Dreadnought
  • Predator Annihilator


The Chaplain will lead your footslogging Death Company toward the middle of the board and can remove the Battle-shocked status from nearby units once per battle, counteracting the drawbacks of your Stratagems. The Dreadnought will follow them, charging off toward whatever unlucky enemy unit damages it.

Your Intercessors will stay on the fringes, capturing Objectives and guarding your rear, and the Annihilator will blast any Vehicles that cross its path.

Finally, your Death Company Captain and his Jump Pack friends will either wait in Reserves to Deep Strike or hop from cover to cover as they approach a valuable target.

Golden Warriors (Angelic Host)

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

  • Commander Dante
  • Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs x2
  • Sanguinary Guard
  • Scout Squad
  • Suppressor Squad
  • Baal Predator


This army list focuses on mobility and being in the right place at the right time, constantly repositioning and taking undefended objectives. Dante and the Sanguinary Guard will be your opponent’s number one target, so you’ll have to protect them well as they move around the board. The two Jump Intercessor units will do what they do best, and the Scouts will sneak onto Objectives while your Angels clear the skies.

The Baal Predator is the only unit here who can’t take itself off the board to reposition, but it makes up for that by Advancing all over the place and shredding any nearby Infantry. The Suppressors are your only real anti-tank, so you’ll have to manage them carefully and use your mobility to play sightlines and avoid getting blasted out of the air.

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels Army Guide

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