Retrieving HTML Element Style Values in JavaScript In JavaScript, obtaining the inline styling of an element is straightforward. However, accessing styles set via the tag requires a slightly different approach.</p> <p>To retrieve computed style values, JavaScript provides the getComputedStyle method, accessible through the document.defaultView object. This method standardizes cross-browser style retrieval and presents values converted to pixel units. Here's how to use it:</p> <pre>let element = document.getElementById("box"); let width = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("width");</pre> <p>For older browsers like Internet Explorer, a different approach is needed. IE supports the element.currentStyle property, which expects style property names in camelCase format and returns values in their original units:</p> <pre>let width = element.currentStyle.width;</pre> <p>To ensure cross-browser compatibility, you can use a helper function like the following:</p> <pre>function getStyle(element, styleProp) { let value; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { styleProp = styleProp.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-").toLowerCase(); value = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(styleProp); } else if (element.currentStyle) { styleProp = styleProp.replace(/\-(\w)/g, str => str[1].toUpperCase()); value = element.currentStyle[styleProp]; if (/^\d+(em|pt|%|ex)?$/i.test(value)) { return convertPixelValue(value); } else { return value; } } return value; }</pre> <p>This function handles differences between browsers, converting IE legacy properties and unit formats to match the standard. With this helper, you can obtain computed style values consistently across browsers.</p>