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He who plants a tree,
Plants a hope.
Plant a tree by Lucy Larcom ?
In this post I'm going to show you a couple of options for managing hierarchical data represented as a tree data structure. This is the natural approach when you need to implement things like:
If you know what a graph is already, a tree is basically a graph without any cycles. You can represent one visually like this.
There are multiple alternatives for storing trees in relational databases. In the sections below, I'll show you three of them:
There will be two parts to this blog post. In this first one the alternatives are introduced and you see how to load and store data - the basics. Having that out of the way, in the second part, the focus is more on their comparison and trade-offs, for example I want to look at what happens at increased data volumes and what are the appropriate indexing strategies.
All the code you'll see in the sections below can be found here if you're interested to check it out.
The running use-case will be that of employees and their managers, and the IDs for each will be exactly the ones you saw in the tree visualisation I showed above.
I'm using the recently released Postgres 17 with Testcontainers. This gives me a repeatable setup to work with. For example, we can use initialisation SQL scripts to automate the creation of a Postgres database with the necessary tables and populate with some test data.
@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) class TestcontainersConfiguration { private static final String POSTGRES = "postgres"; @Bean @ServiceConnection PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:latest")) .withUsername(POSTGRES) .withPassword(POSTGRES) .withDatabaseName(POSTGRES) .withInitScript("init-script.sql"); } }
Let's jump in and have a look at the first approach.
This was the first solution for managing hierarchical data, so we can expect that it's still widely present in codebases, therefore chances are that you might encounter it sometime. The idea is that we store the manager's, or more generically said, the parent ID in the same row. It will quickly become clear once we look at the table structure.
The table corresponding to the adjacency list option looks like this:
create table employees ( id bigserial primary key, manager_id bigint references employees name text, );
In addition to the above, in order to ensure data integrity, we should also write constraint checks that ensure at least the following:
Especially for Part 2 of this series, we need a way to generate as much data as we want for populating the schema. Let's do it at first step by step for clarity, then afterwards recursively.
We start simple by inserting three levels of employees in the hierarchy explicitly.
You might know already about CTEs in Postgres - they are auxiliary named queries executed within the context of a main query. Below, you can see how I construct each level on the basis of the level before.
@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) class TestcontainersConfiguration { private static final String POSTGRES = "postgres"; @Bean @ServiceConnection PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:latest")) .withUsername(POSTGRES) .withPassword(POSTGRES) .withDatabaseName(POSTGRES) .withInitScript("init-script.sql"); } }
Let's verify that it works as expected so far, and for this purpose do a count to see how many elements have been inserted. You can compare it with the number of nodes in the tree visualisation I showed at the beginning of this post.
create table employees ( id bigserial primary key, manager_id bigint references employees name text, );
Looks alright! Three levels, and in total we get 15 nodes.
Time to move on to the recursive approach.
Writing recursive queries follows a standard procedure. We define a base step and a recursive step then "connect" them to each other using union all. At runtime Postgres will follow this recipe and generate all our results. Have a look.
with root as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select null, 'root' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 1) g returning employees.id ), first_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select root.id, 'first_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, root returning employees.id ), second_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select first_level.id, 'second_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, first_level returning employees.id ) insert into employees(manager_id, name) select second_level.id, 'third_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, second_level;
After running it, let's do a count again to see if the same number of elements are inserted.
postgres=# select count(*) from employees; count ------- 15 (1 row)
Cool! We're in business. We can now populate the schema with however many levels and elements we want, and thus, completely control the inserted volume. No worries if for now recursive queries look a bit difficult still, we'll actually revisit them a bit later with the occasion of writing the queries to retrieve the data.
For now, let's proceed to have a look at the Hibernate entity we can use to map our table to a Java class.
create temporary sequence employees_id_seq; insert into employees (id, manager_id, name) with recursive t(id, parent_id, level, name) AS ( select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, null::bigint, 1, 'root' from generate_series(1,1) g union all select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, t.id, level+1, 'level' || level || '-' || md5(random()::text) from t, generate_series(1,2) g where level < 4 ) select id, parent_id, name from t; drop sequence employees_id_seq;
Nothing special, just a one-to-many relationship between managers and employees. You saw this coming. Let's start querying.
All subordinates of a manager
For retrieving all employees which are subordinates of a specific manager referenced by her ID, we'll write a recursive query again. You'll see again a base step and a recursive step that is linked up with the base step. Postgres will then repeat this and retrieve all the relevant rows for the query. Let's take the employee with ID = 2 for example. This is a visual representation which makes it hopefully easier to understand what I've just described. I haven't included all the results, just the first few.
Here's the JPQL query for querying descendants:
@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) class TestcontainersConfiguration { private static final String POSTGRES = "postgres"; @Bean @ServiceConnection PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:latest")) .withUsername(POSTGRES) .withPassword(POSTGRES) .withDatabaseName(POSTGRES) .withInitScript("init-script.sql"); } }
In queries such as the above one, in order to make them cleaner and avoid needing to write the fully qualified name of the record we will write the results into, we can use the hypersistence-utils library to write a ClassImportIntegratorProvider:
create table employees ( id bigserial primary key, manager_id bigint references employees name text, );
It works, but let's have a deeper look at what Hibernate generated. It's always good to understand what's happening under the hood, otherwise we might incur inefficiencies that will happen with every user request, this will add up.
We'll have to start the Spring Boot app with the following setting:
with root as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select null, 'root' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 1) g returning employees.id ), first_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select root.id, 'first_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, root returning employees.id ), second_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select first_level.id, 'second_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, first_level returning employees.id ) insert into employees(manager_id, name) select second_level.id, 'third_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, second_level;
Alright, let's have a look. Here's the query for the descendants generated by Hibernate.
postgres=# select count(*) from employees; count ------- 15 (1 row)
Hmm - looks a bit more complicated than expected! Let's see if we can simplify it a bit, keeping in mind the picture I showed you earlier about the base step and the recursive step linked with the base step. We shouldn't need to do more than that. See what you think of the following.
create temporary sequence employees_id_seq; insert into employees (id, manager_id, name) with recursive t(id, parent_id, level, name) AS ( select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, null::bigint, 1, 'root' from generate_series(1,1) g union all select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, t.id, level+1, 'level' || level || '-' || md5(random()::text) from t, generate_series(1,2) g where level < 4 ) select id, parent_id, name from t; drop sequence employees_id_seq;
Much better! We removed some unnecessary joins. This is expected to make the query go faster because it will have less work to do.
As a final step let's clean up the query and replace the table names that Hibernate adds with ones that are more human readable.
postgres=# select count(*) from employees; count ------- 15 (1 row)
Alright, time to see how we go "up" the tree.
All managers up the chain
Let's first try to write down the conceptual steps for getting the managers of employee with ID = 14.
Looks very much like the one for the descendants, just the connection between the base step and the recursive step is the other way.
We can write the JPQL query looks like this:
@Entity @Table(name = "employees") @Getter @Setter public class Employee { @Id private Long id; private String name; @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "manager_id") private Employee manager; @OneToMany( mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true ) private List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>(); }
And that's it! I have looked at the SQL query generated but I could not find any extra commands that I could shave off. Time to move on to approach 2.
ltree is a Postgres extension we can use to work with hierarchical tree structures as materialized paths (starting from the top of the tree). For example, this is how we will record the path for leaf node 8: There are several useful functions it comes with. We can use it as a table column:
return entityManager.createQuery(""" with employeeRoot as ( select employee.employees employee from Employee employee where employee.id = :employeeId union all select employee.employees employee from Employee employee join employeeRoot root ON employee = root.employee order by employee.id ) select new Employee( root.employee.id ) from employeeRoot root """, Employee.class ) .setParameter("employeeId", employeeId) .getResultList();
In order to populate the above table with test data, the approach I took is basically migrate the generated data from the table used for the adjacency list you saw before, using the following SQL command. It's again a recursive query which collects elements into an accumulator at every step.
public class ClassImportIntegratorProvider implements IntegratorProvider { @Override public List<Integrator> getIntegrators() { return List.of( new ClassImportIntegrator( singletonList( Employee.class ) ) ); } }
Here's the entries that the above command generated.
@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) class TestcontainersConfiguration { private static final String POSTGRES = "postgres"; @Bean @ServiceConnection PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:latest")) .withUsername(POSTGRES) .withPassword(POSTGRES) .withDatabaseName(POSTGRES) .withInitScript("init-script.sql"); } }
We can proceed to write the Hibernate entity. In order to map columns of type ltree, I implemented a UserType. I can then map the path field with @Type(LTreeType.class):
create table employees ( id bigserial primary key, manager_id bigint references employees name text, );
We're ready to write some queries. In native SQL, it would look like the following:
with root as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select null, 'root' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 1) g returning employees.id ), first_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select root.id, 'first_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, root returning employees.id ), second_level as ( insert into employees(manager_id, name) select first_level.id, 'second_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, first_level returning employees.id ) insert into employees(manager_id, name) select second_level.id, 'third_level' || md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 2) g, second_level;
But let's write our queries in JPQL. For this, we'll have to first write our custom StandardSQLFunction. This will allow us to define a substitution for the Postgres native operator.
postgres=# select count(*) from employees; count ------- 15 (1 row)
We then have to register it as a FunctionContributor, like so:
create temporary sequence employees_id_seq; insert into employees (id, manager_id, name) with recursive t(id, parent_id, level, name) AS ( select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, null::bigint, 1, 'root' from generate_series(1,1) g union all select nextval('employees_id_seq')::bigint, t.id, level+1, 'level' || level || '-' || md5(random()::text) from t, generate_series(1,2) g where level < 4 ) select id, parent_id, name from t; drop sequence employees_id_seq;
The last step is to create a resource file in the META-INF/services folder called org.hibernate.boot.model.FunctionContributor where we will add a single line with the fully qualified name of the class above.
Okay, cool! We're finally in position to write the following query:
postgres=# select count(*) from employees; count ------- 15 (1 row)
For example, we can call this method like this to retrieve all the paths that contain ID = 2:
@Entity @Table(name = "employees") @Getter @Setter public class Employee { @Id private Long id; private String name; @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "manager_id") private Employee manager; @OneToMany( mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true ) private List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>(); }
Postgres offers a wide set of functions for working with ltrees. You can find them in the official docs page. As well, there's a useful cheatsheet.
It's important to add constraints to our schema in order to ensure data consistency - here's a good resource I found on this topic.
Easiest to understand is with an image showing the intuition. At every node of the tree we have an extra "left" and a "right" column besides its ID. The rule is that all the children have their left and right in between their parent's left and right values.
Here's the table structure to represent the tree above.
return entityManager.createQuery(""" with employeeRoot as ( select employee.employees employee from Employee employee where employee.id = :employeeId union all select employee.employees employee from Employee employee join employeeRoot root ON employee = root.employee order by employee.id ) select new Employee( root.employee.id ) from employeeRoot root """, Employee.class ) .setParameter("employeeId", employeeId) .getResultList();
In order to populate the table, I have converted the script from Joe Celko's "SQL for smarties" book into Postgres syntax. Here it is:
public class ClassImportIntegratorProvider implements IntegratorProvider { @Override public List<Integrator> getIntegrators() { return List.of( new ClassImportIntegrator( singletonList( Employee.class ) ) ); } }
Alright, I'm ready to do some queries. Here's how to retrieve the ancestors.
@DynamicPropertySource static void registerPgProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) { registry.add("spring.jpa.show_sql", () -> true); }
For the descendants, we'd first have to retrieve the left and right, after which we can use the below query.
with recursive employeeRoot (employee_id) as ( select e1_0.id from employees eal1_0 join employees e1_0 on eal1_0.id = e1_0.manager_id where eal1_0.id=? union all ( select e2_0.id from employees eal2_0 join employeeRoot root1_0 on eal2_0.id = root1_0.employee_id join employees e2_0 on eal2_0.id = e2_0.manager_id order by eal2_0.id ) ) select root2_0.employee_id from employeeRoot root2_0
And that's it! You've seen how to go up or down the tree for all three approaches. I hope that you enjoyed the journey and you find it useful.
The database we've used for the examples above is PostgreSQL. It is not the only option, for example you might wonder why not choose a document database like MongoDB, or a graph databases like Neo4j, because they were actually built with this type of workload in mind.
Chances are, you already have your source of truth data in Postgres in a relational model leveraging transactional guarantees. In that case, you should first check how well Postgres itself handles your auxiliary use-cases as well, in order to keep everything in one place. This way, you will avoid the increased cost and operational complexity needed to spin up and maintain/upgrade a new separate specialised data store, as well as needing to get familiar with it.
There are several interesting options for modelling hierarchical data in your database applications. In this post I've shown you three ways to do it. Stay tuned for Part 2 where we will compare them as well as see what happens with larger volume of data.
The above is the detailed content of Hierarchical data with PostgreSQL and Spring Data JPA. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!