PancakeSwap transaction fees are low at 0.2%, of which 0.17% is allocated to liquidity providers and 0.03% is used to buy back and burn CAKE tokens. PancakeSwap deposit time depends on the network and amount. BEP-20 network usually takes 10-30 minutes to deposit, while ERC-20 network may take several hours or more.
Are PancakeSwap transaction fees expensive?
No, PancakeSwap’s transaction fees are relatively low. PancakeSwap charges a 0.2% trading fee, of which 0.17% is allocated to liquidity providers and 0.03% is used to buy back and burn CAKE tokens. This fee is low compared to other decentralized exchanges.
How long does it take for PancakeSwap recharge to arrive?
PancakeSwap recharge time depends on the network used and the recharge amount.
For large deposits, it may take longer to arrive. It is recommended to check the network status before recharging to avoid delays caused by network congestion.
The above is the detailed content of Are pancakeswap transaction fees expensive?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!