The Chinese name of PancakeSwap exchange is "Pancake Swap". It is a BSC-based decentralized exchange that allows users to buy, sell, stake and trade tokens, offers a wide range of trading pairs and high liquidity, and is known for its ease of use and high-yield opportunities.
PancakeSwap Exchange Chinese name:
PancakeSwap The Chinese name of the exchange is Pancake Swap.
Detailed description:
PancakeSwap Exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It allows users to buy, sell, stake and trade tokens without going through traditional centralized exchanges.
PancakeSwap is the largest DEX on BSC, offering a wide range of trading pairs and high liquidity. It is popular for its easy-to-use interface and high-yield farming opportunities.
PancakeSwap's name "Pancake" comes from a popular breakfast food, while "Swap" represents the function of the exchange, which is to exchange tokens. The Chinese name "Jianbing Swap" accurately translates the English name of the exchange while being easy to understand and remember.
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