The steps to use Bitget Wallet to withdraw money to Alipay are as follows: Open Bitget Wallet and enter your password or use your fingerprint to unlock. Click Withdraw Coins and select a cryptocurrency. Enter Alipay information and fill in the payment account number and amount. Select network Select the network that matches the Alipay payment method. Set fee Confirm fee amount and accept. Confirm and Submit Review the information and click Confirm. Waiting for confirmation Waiting for verification by the blockchain network. After receiving the funds, the withdrawal will be credited to the Alipay payment account.

Bitget Wallet Guide to Withdrawing Money to Alipay
The process of using Bitget Wallet to withdraw money to Alipay is very simple, and the detailed breakdown is provided below Step Guide:
Step 1: Enter Bitget Wallet
- Open the Bitget Wallet app.
- Enter your password or use your fingerprint to unlock.
Step 2: Select Withdraw Coins
- Click the "Withdraw Coins" tab at the bottom of the screen.
- In the "Currency" field, select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw (e.g. USDT).
Step 3: Enter Alipay information
- In the "Address" field, enter your Alipay payment account number (the mobile phone bound to Alipay or Alipay account).
- In the "Amount" field, enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to withdraw.
Step 4: Select a Network
- Bitget Wallet supports multiple networks such as ERC20, TRC20 and BEP20.
- Select the network you want to use. Please note that the network you choose must match your Alipay payment method.
Step 5: Fee Settings
- Bitget Wallet will charge a small fee.
- Check the fee amount and choose whether to accept it.
Step 6: Confirm and Submit
- Double check that all the information you entered is correct.
- Click the "Confirm" button to submit your request.
Step 7: Wait for confirmation
- The withdrawal request will be submitted to the blockchain network for verification.
- Confirmation times will vary based on the network you select and network congestion levels.
Step 8: Receive funds
- Once the transaction is confirmed, your Alipay payment account will receive the cryptocurrency you withdrawn.
- You can check your balance in your Alipay app.
Please note that specific steps may vary slightly depending on browser version or mobile device. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bitget Wallet customer service for assistance.
The above is the detailed content of How to withdraw money from Bitget Wallet to Alipay. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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