As of February 2023, Bitop Exchange ranks 43rd among global cryptocurrency exchanges by CoinMarketCap, 47th by volume, 42nd by spot volume, and 55th by derivatives volume. The ranking is based on factors such as 24-hour trading volume, number of trading pairs, trading fees, liquidity, and user feedback as assessed by CoinMarketCap.
Bitop Exchange Ranking
Global Ranking:
As of 2023 2 In September, Bitop exchange ranked 43rd among global cryptocurrency exchanges by CoinMarketCap.
Other rankings:
Ranking basis:
CoinMarketCap Exchanges are ranked based on the following factors:
Bitop Exchange Introduction:
Bitop is a cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2018 and headquartered in Singapore. It offers trading services for multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and other altcoins. Bitop is known for its easy-to-use platform, low trading fees, and customer support.
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