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java.net Package

2024-08-30 15:18:241127browse

Java.net is a package that provides a set of classes as well as interfaces for networking in Java. Some of the classes are URL class, URLConnection class, Socket class, ServerSocket class,  DatagramSocket, MulticastSocket etc. In the below sections, the different classes of the java.net package will be discussed.

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Working of java.net Package

As already discussed, the java.net package is helpful in Java networking. It supports two protocols such as:

  • TCP(Transmission Control Protocol): Permits reliable communication between 2 applications. It is denoted as TCP/IP.
  • UDP(User Datagram Protocol): It is a connection-less protocol.

Permits data packets to transfer between applications. In order to perform several operations on these protocols, classes of java.net packages are used. It will be discussed in the next section.

Various Classes of java.net Package

The following are the classes of the javs.net package:

Class Description of the Class
Authenticator It is very essential to get or fetch the connection authentication for networking applications in a network.  Authenticator class objects help in getting this authentication.
  • Class Declaration: public class Authenticator extends Object
CacheRequest It is known to us that cache memory is a memory that used for fast information retrieval.  CacheRequest class helps in storing the ResponseCache resources.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class CacheRequest extends Object
CacheResponse CacheRequest class helps in retrieving the ResponseCache resources.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class CacheResponse extends Object
ContentHandler Normally, a network connection is established by using URLs. ContentHandler class is the superclass of the particular classes which are chosen for reading the URL connection objects.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class ContentHandler extends Object
CookieHandler CookieHandler class object offers a callback mechanism to HTTP protocol handler with the HTTP state management policy implementation.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class CookieHandler extends Object
CookieManager CookieManager class extends or implements the CookieHandler class i.e.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class CookieManager extends CookieHandler
DatagramPacket DatagramPacket class renders the datagram packet.
  • Class Declaration: public final class DatagramPacket extends Object
DatagramSocket In a network, in order to transfer datagram packets, an entity socket is essential.
  • Class Declaration: public final class DatagramSocket extends Object implements Closeable
DatagramSocketImpl Parent class which helps in the implementation of sockets as well as a datagram.
  • Class Declaration: public final class DatagramSocketImp extends Object implements SocketOptions
InterfaceAddress A class that represents the network interface address.
  • Class Declaration: public class InterfaceAddress extends Object
JarURLConnection This class does URL connection establishment to the JAR files.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class JarURLConnection extends URLConnection
MulticastSocket Multicast IP packets transfer is done with the help of this class.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class MulticastSocket extends DatagramSocket.
InetSocketAddress IP address-port number combination is known as IP Socket Address. InetSocketAddress class offers a similar implementation. It is declared as follows:
  • Class Declaration: public class InetSocketAddress extends Object implements SocketAdress
InetAddress This class represents the IP Address.
  • Class Declaration: public final class InetAddress extends Object implements Serializable
Inet4Address This class represents the IP version 4 Address.
  • Class Declaration: public final class Inet6Address extends InetAddress
Inet6Address This class represents the IP version 6 Address.
  • Class Declaration: public final class Inet4Address extends InetAddress
IDN Conversion of IDN between the ASCII CE and normal Unicode representation.
  • Class Declaration: public final class IDN extends Object
HttpURLConnection This class helps in getting URL connections that have HTTP features.
  • Class Declaration: public final class HttpURLConnection extends URLConnection
HttpCookie This class helps in representing HTTP cookies which carries state information between client-server. The class is declared as:
  • Class Declaration: public final class HttpCookie extends Object implements Cloneable
NetPermission This class offers several network-related permissions.
  • Class Declaration: public final class NetPermission extends BasePermission
networkInterface This class helps in representing the network interface.
  • Class Declaration: public final class NetworkInterface extends Object
PasswordAuthentication This class acts as a data holder by the authenticator.
  • Class Declaration: public final class PasswordAuthentication extends Object
Proxy This class helps in proxy related settings.
  • Class Declaration: public final class Proxy extends Object
ProxySelector This class helps in proxy server selection.
  • Class Declaration: public final class ProxySelector extends Object
ResponseCache This class represents the Caches that are associated with the URL connections.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class ResponseCache extends Object
SecureCacheResponse This class represents the Cache that is obtained by the use of secure modes.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class SecureCacheResponse extends CacheResponse
ServerSocket This class helps in server socket implementation.
  • Class Declaration:public abstract class ServerSocket extends Object implements Cloaseable.
Socket This class implements the sockets that are associated with the client-side.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class Socket extends Object implements Cloaseable.
SocketAddress This class implies the Socket Address representation.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class SocketAddress extends Object implements Serializable
SocketImpl This is a class that acts as a parent class for every socket implementing classes.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class SocketImpl extends Object implements SocketOptions
SocketPermission This class does network access provision by using sockets.
  • Class Declaration: public final class SocketPermission extends Permission implements Serializable
StandardSocketOptions This class provides standard socket options.
  • Class Declaration: public abstract class StandardSocketOptions extends Object
URI This class represents a Uniform Resource Identifier.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URI extends Object implements Serializable, Comparable
URL This class represents Uniform Resource Locator.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URL extends Object implements Serializable
URLClassLoader Loading of certain classes and resources mentioned with the search path is done using this class.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URL extends SecureClassLoader implements Closeable
URLConnection This is a class that acts as a parent class for the classes that communicate between the application & a URL.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URLConnection extends Object
URLDecoder The decoding of HTML forms are done by using this class.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URLDecoder extends Object
URLEncoder The encoding of HTML forms are done by using this class.
  • Class Declaration: public final class URLEncoder extends Object
URLStreamHandler This is a class that acts as a parent class for Stream Protocol Handlers.
  • Class Declaration:public final class URLStreamHandler extends Object

The above is the detailed content of java.net Package. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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