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PHP Date Time Functions are the inbuilt functions which can simplify the working of the date data types which can help in transforming the date or the time into one human-readable format in order to display the data of the article which is going to be published and the time function will help in returning the timestamp (Numeric value/values in seconds between the current value time and the time which is at Greenwich Mean Time(GMT value which is as at 1970, 1st January 00:00:00)) in the UNIX format.
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PHP’s date or time functions are a part of the PHP core programming language. So you don’t need any extensions in order to use all the date/time functions. Check out the different types of PHP Date/Time Functions briefly below:
List of the Date Time Functions of PHP Programming Language:
1. checkdate(): This function will let us validate a Gregorian data.
2. date_add(): This function will let add days, months, years, hours, minutes and also seconds to the date.
3. date_create_from_format(): The above date time function will return a Date Time Object formatted which is new according to the specific format.
4. date_create(): The date_create() function will return a new DateTime Object
5. date_date_set(): The date_date_set() function will help you to set a new date in PHP programming language.
6. date_default_timezone_get(): The date_default_timezone_get() function will help in returning the default timezone which is used by all the time/date functions.
7. date_default_timezone_set(): The date_default_timezone_set() function will help you in setting the default time zone which can be used by all the Date Time functions.
8. date_diff(): The date_diff() function will return the difference between the two dates in PHP programming language.
9. date_format(): The date_format() function will help in returning the date formatted according to the format which is specified in the PHP programming language.
10. date_get_last_errors(): The date_get_last_errors() function helps in returning the errors/warnings which are found in the date string in PHP programming language.
11. date_interval_create_from_date_string(): The date_interval_create_from_date_string() function will help in setting up the date interval which are from the string’s relative parts in PHP programming language.
12. date_interval_format(): The date_interval_format() function will help in formatting the interval in the PHP programming language.
13. date_isodate_set(): The date_isodate_set() function will help in setting the ISO date in PHP programming language.
14. date_modify(): The date_modify() function will help you in modifying the timestamp in the PHP programming language.
15. date_offset_get(): The date_offset_get() function will help in returning the timezone’s offset in the PHP programming language.
16. date_parse_from_format(): The date_parse_from_format() function will help in returning the associative array with some detailed info about a specific date according to the specified format in PHP programming language.
17. date_parse(): The date_parse() function will help you in returning the associative array with the detailed info regarding a specific/specified date in PHP programming language.
18. date_sub(): The date_sub() function will help in subtracting the days, the months, the years, the hours, the minutes and the seconds form date in PHP programming language.
19. date_sun_info(): The date_sun_info() function will help you in returning the array/arrays which contains the info regarding the sunrise/sunset and also the twilight begin/end which are for a specified day and also for a specified location in PHP programming language.
20. date_sunrise(): The date_sunrise() function will help you in returning the sunrise time for a specified location and the specified date in PHP programming language.
21. date_sunset(): The date_sunset() function will help in returning the sunset time for the specified location and the specified day/date in PHP programming language.
22. date_time_set(): The date_time_set() function will help you in setting the time in PHP programming language.
23. date_timestamp_get(): The date_timestamp_get() function will help in returning the Unix’s timestamp in PHP programming language.
24. date_timestamp_set(): The date_timestamp_set() function will help us in setting the time and date based on the Unix’s timestamp in PHP programming language.
25. date_timezone_get(): The date_timezone_get() function will help in returning the zone of the time which is given from the DateTime Object in PHP programming language.
26. date(): The date() function will help in formatting the local time and date in PHP programming language.
27. getdate(): The getdate() function will help in returning the time/date info/information of the timestamp or the current local time/date.
28. gettimeofday(): The gettimeofday() function will help in returning the current time.
29. gmdate(): The gmdate() function will help in returning the formatted a GMT/UTC time and date.
30. gmmktime(): The gmmktime() function will help for a GMT date by returning the UNIX time
31. gmstrftime(): The gmstrftime() function will help to format a UTC/GMT time and time according to the locale setting/settings.
32. idate(): The idate() function will format the local date/time just as the integer.
33. localtime(): The localtime() function will help us in returning the local system time.
34. microtime(): The microtime() function will help in returning the current Unix timestamp/timestamps with microseconds.
35. mktime(): The mktime() function will help by returning the Unix timestamp for the date.
36. strftime(): The strftime() function formats the local date and/or local time according to the local settings.
37. strptime(): The strptime() function will help in parsing the date/time which is generated strftime().
38. strtotime(): The strtotime() function will help in parsing an English textual datetime into the Unix timestamp.
39. time(): The time() function will help in returning the current time as a Unix timestamp.
40. timezone_abbreviations_list(): The timezone_abbreviations_list() function will help in returning the associative array which contains the DST, offset and also the timezone’s name.
41. timezone_identifiers_list(): The timezone_identifiers_list() function will help in returning the indexed array with also all the time zone identifiers.
42. timezone_locaiton_get(): The timezone_location_get() function will helps in returning the location info/information for the specified time zone.
43. timezone_name_form_abbr(): The timezone_name_form_abbr() function will help in returning the timezone’s name from its abbreviation.
44. timezone_name_get(): The timezone_name_get() function will help in returning the timezone’s name.
45. timezone_offset_get(): The timezone_offset_get() function will help in returning the timezone’s offset from the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
46. timezone_open(): The timezone_open() will help in creating the new DateTIme zone’s object.
47. timezone_transitions_get(): The timezone_transitions_get() function will help in returning all the transactions for the timezone.
48. timezone_version_get(): The timezone_version_get() function will help us in returning the time zoned version.
The above is the detailed content of PHP Date Time Functions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!