How to transfer coins from EXMO exchange to wallet? Log in to your EXMO account and select your withdrawal option. Enter the withdrawal wallet address, amount and network. Enter the verification code and submit the withdrawal request.
![How to withdraw coins from EXMO exchange to wallet](
How to transfer coins from EXMO exchange to wallet?
Step 1: Log in to EXMO account
- Visit EXMO official website and log in to your account.
Step 2: Select a withdrawal option
- On the account homepage, click on the "Wallet" tab.
- On the Wallet page, scroll down and select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw.
- Click the "Withdraw" button.
Step 3: Enter wallet address
- In the "Withdrawal Address" field, enter the wallet address you want to transfer coins to.
- Please be sure to double check the address to make sure it is correct.
Step 4: Enter the amount of coins to withdraw
- In the "Quantity" field, enter the amount of coins you want to withdraw.
- Please note that EXMO may set minimum and maximum limits for withdrawals.
Step 5: Select a Network
- If the cryptocurrency of the withdrawn coin supports multiple networks, you will need to select the network you want to use.
- Generally, choose a network with fast speed and low cost.
Step 6: Enter the verification code
- EXMO will send a verification code to your registered mobile phone or email.
- Enter the received verification code in the "Verification Code" field.
Step 7: Submit the withdrawal request
- After checking that all the information is correct, click the "Withdraw" button.
- EXMO will process your withdrawal request, and the withdrawal time will vary depending on the network.
- Please make sure your wallet can support the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw before withdrawing coins.
- A certain fee will be charged for withdrawing coins, and the fee amount will vary depending on the cryptocurrency and network.
- Please do not close the browser or refresh the page before the withdrawal request is processed.
The above is the detailed content of How to withdraw coins from EXMO exchange to wallet. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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