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In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

2024-08-21 18:37:11973browse

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

If you want to select a mobile phone technology that has the greatest gap with expectations, curved screens may be nominated.

The curved screen, which first appeared on Samsung Note Edge, is responsible for changing the interface and interaction of mobile phones. It has always faced two waves of people who love and hate it. Those who love it love its elegant shape and pleasing appearance, while those who hate it hate it. It's flashy and superfluous.

2024 is a turning year for curved screen mobile phones. Flagship mobile phones, which are industry trendsetters, are increasingly using curved screens. Under this trend, we can even make a bold prediction: in 2025, Almost all flagship mobile phones will abandon the curved screen and use a straight screen.

Samsung, about the curved screen "from beginning to end"

In the fall of 10 years ago, Samsung released the Galaxy Note Edge mobile phone, and the curved screen was launched in an astonishing way. It was quite a science fiction form at the time. Compared with Samsung and Samsung in early 2014, Among various "curved" phones such as the LG G Flex, the Galaxy Note Edge can be regarded as the official beginning of curved screen phones.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

At that time, its side curved surface had a separate display area and shouldered separate functions. It could even be regarded as a variant of a "dual-screen mobile phone" or a "large- or small-screen mobile phone."

The Galaxy S6 Edge, launched the following year, was the first mobile phone with a hyperboloid screen. Compared with the weird single surface of the Galaxy Note Edge, the S6 Edge's hyperboloid is more harmonious, and its aesthetics and feel are even better.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

Source: Forbes

At a time when the front of mobile phones was still stuck in the "ID borderless" style, the Galaxy S6 Edge, a futuristic hyperboloid screen, brought a little screen shock to the world.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

The "ID Borderless" design language on LeTV Mobile 1S, source: CNET

So, what is the significance of such a special screen?

Samsung’s answer at that time was “purposeful design”: a better visual experience, a better grip, and a unique design.

However, the Galaxy S6 Edge has very few interactive designs for the curved screen, which can only give people a feeling of “a promising future”.

Unexpectedly, in the past ten years, curved screens have mainly played a "styling role". Samsung has hardly brought innovative interactive functions to curved screens, and even the functionality has become weaker and weaker, immediately integrating with the front. As a whole, it becomes a purely morphological change, a bit like "curved surfaces for the sake of curved surfaces", and no longer assumes specific interface display and independent interaction responsibilities.

On the 2024 Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, this screen is completely bent and has become a pure straight screen.

Although "from curved to straight", the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra has also achieved the same width on all four sides of the front frame. The titanium alloy middle frame is also easier to hold. The look and feel are no less than Samsung's top flagships with curved screens in the past.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Source: CNET

This also shows that Samsung no longer needs a curved screen to achieve "a better visual experience" and "a better grip", which is the reason for choosing a curved screen Not much left.

The curved screen trend started by Samsung was also ended by Samsung itself.

Huawei and Xiaomi, from curve to straight

For a long time, in order to differentiate themselves from Apple, and considering that Samsung, the king of curved screens, is the leader of Android, domestic Android flagship phones will adopt curved screens to demonstrate high-end practices.

There was even a time when larger screen curvature seemed to mean higher end. 90° bending, removing the volume keys, and using touch or screen virtualization is futuristic and sci-fi.

Huawei’s pursuit of curved screens is very extreme, and the gameplay is very radical. The "Ring Screen" debuted on Mate 30 Pro, an 88° curved hyperboloid screen, was astonishing at the time.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

This screen covering the left and right borders of the phone also leaves no place for the traditional mobile phone volume buttons. Therefore, if you want to adjust the volume of Mate 30 Pro, you need to double-click the side screen, which completely subverts your daily mobile phone usage habits.

Such an overly radical plan caused quite a bit of controversy at the time. More people think that this is a "possible but unnecessary" design. Therefore, the Mate 40 Pro brings back the volume button, which is placed behind the ring screen like the power button.

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

而 P40 Pro 上,华为则带来了「四曲满溢屏」,不仅左右边框有曲面屏,连上下边框都带有屏幕弯曲,整体效果就像一杯装满的水。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens



特别是 Mate 30 Pro,当时华为不仅在国内走高端旗舰路线,海外市场上也在持续扩张,环幕屏的出现,确实让老外也「Wow」了一下。而满溢屏给 P40 Pro 带来的高颜值,也获得了国内外媒体和消费者的点赞。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

P40 Pro 上的「下巴」也是「弯曲」的,图源:The Verge


小米首款搭载曲面屏的手机是小米 Note 2,这是小米向「高端旗舰」发起冲击的第二台作品。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens



而胎死腹中的小米 MIX Alpha,不仅体现了小米继续打造高端的夙愿,原本也肩负着小米 MIX 系列探索新手机形态的使命。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

小米 MIX Alpha 的官方假想图





虽然小米在数字旗舰 14 Pro/Ultra 上保留了曲面屏,但都改为「四微曲」设计。而标准版这边,直接换成了直屏。


In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

小米 14

而华为从去年的 P60 系列开始,到 Mate 60 系列,再到上市不久的 Pura 70 系列,也均采用了直屏或 3D 玻璃的「四微曲」设计。

自此,Android 阵营旗舰,已有半壁江山转向直屏或微曲屏。

OPPO 和 vivo,线下之王的稳与变

曲屏和直屏交锋这 10 年,对曲面屏最为坚守的,是 OPPO 和 vivo 。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

OPPO Find X7



甚至像当年荣耀 X40 这样的中端线下机型,其第一卖点就是曲面屏,其他配置乏善可陈,相机甚至是伪双摄(5000W+200W)。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

荣耀 X40

之所以 OV 在由曲转直的过程中,比其他家要更慢,也正是因为「线下」这个关键词。

OV 也是所有手机厂商里,从 Micro USB 转 USB Type-C 最晚的一批,这不是因为成本原因,或者偷懒,而是一个时机问题。

并不是所有用户都知道 USB Type-C 这个巨大的接口改变,一旦 OV 贸然大规模地率先从 Micro USB 转向 USB Type-C,那么就会有大量用户,用旧的 Micro USB 充电线,强行插进 USB Type-C 接口尝试充电,接着损坏接口,产生大量消费投诉和售后维修。

这不是假想场景,而是真实事件。即便 OV 接口转向已经足够慢,但仍出现了大量插错接口的投诉和售后。

率先在接口上转向,并且拥有强大用户教育能力的华为,则在很长一段时间里,在民间获得了 USB Type-C 的命名权:华为口。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

第一款转向 Type-C 接口的华为手机:华为 P9,图源:Android Authority

而国内第一家用 USB Type-C 接口的乐视手机曾一度想争夺 USB Type-C 的命名为「乐视口」,以失败告终。

因而,对于 OV 来说,因为线下和客群原因,任何转向操作,都要慎之又慎,比如从曲面转向直屏,很可能就会受到此前旗舰机客群的质疑:旗舰系列,怎么和中端机用一样的屏幕了?

而 Reno 系列在直屏和曲屏之间的左右横跳,很难说不是一种 AB test,以及用户教育和市场反馈之间的博弈。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

OPPO Reno 11,搭载了一块曲面屏

所以,OV 旗舰机由曲转直,也需要等待时机。

现在,就是时机逐渐成熟的阶段,一是华为经过三款旗舰系列:Mate 60 系列,P60 和 Pura 70 系列,完成了对线下用户「直屏」和「微曲屏」的教育,一如「华为口」那样。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

Pura 70 Pro 上的「四微曲」屏幕,图源:Unbox

二是柔性直屏 + 四边等宽 + 2.5D 玻璃的搭配,观感上已经不输曲面屏,甚至不少直屏手机观感还更好,线下机无需依靠曲面屏的形态来吸引人了。

三是在 OLED 屏幕等技术的普及下,直屏手机同样可以兼顾「薄机身」和「高配置」,没有必要再用曲面屏来「显薄」。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

iPhone 15 Pro 上的等宽窄边框

最终,功过参半的曲面屏在「美」的层面,逐渐丧失了优势,用户们也逐渐认识到,直屏也可以是旗舰配置,那么这一场由三星启动,主流 Android 厂商参与的形态轮回,终于也要迎来故事的结尾。

所以在 2025 年到来之前,我们看到了 vivo X100s 变成了直屏,而 OPPO 也官宣全新 Reno12 Pro 手机为「超美小直屏」。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

vivo 产品副总裁表示,推出 vivo X100s 是因为听到了「直屏党」的呼唤


直屏可以做到和曲屏一样优雅美观,在我看来有三大关键原因:窄边框,四边等宽,3D 玻璃。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

其中窄边框和四边等宽,都依赖于从 iPhone X 开始的柔性屏幕做直屏用到的 COP 封装技术。

而且 iPhone 也是手机厂商里面,较早用到 2.5D 和 3D 面板玻璃的。

在十年前的 iPhone 6 上,苹果把手机屏幕玻璃做出了弧度,以自身强大的影响力,开启了手机圈屏幕玻璃由直变曲的风潮。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

图源:Android Authority

颜值高且手感好的 2.5D 玻璃,在纯直面屏和曲面屏之间做到了平衡,因此直到现在,2.5D 玻璃仍然是市场的主流。曾经在 iPhone 12 上取消 2.5D 玻璃的苹果,也在最新的 iPhone 15 系列上加了回来。

而 iPhone X 上拿出的 COP 工艺,将柔性 OLED 屏幕弯曲,从而实现边框的缩小,在当时几乎是独一家。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

在手机屏幕还停留在传统 COF、COG 封装的时代,iPhone X 四边等窄的视觉效果,着实非常惊艳,也拉开了全面屏时代的序幕。

In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens


某种程度而言,iPhone X 在 7 年前,就已经站在了终点,而其他厂商则是绕了好大一圈。


不过在长达近 10 年的曲面屏风潮中,苹果始终没有推出过像三星、华为那样的曲面屏手机,一路坚持直屏直到现在。


In 2025, flagship phones will all abandon curved screens

三星 Galaxy S6 Edge,图源:PCMag

Galaxy S6 Edge 推出那年,身边许多平时不太关注手机圈的小伙伴,都在谈论「三星出了一台弯的手机」。

这有点像 iPhone X 发布那段时间,大家也在讨论,苹果出了台全面屏手机。




而三星 Galaxy S6 Edge 曾经带来的惊艳也会被人们永远记住,那是科技探索和创新所迸发的火花。

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