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BIP352 (Silent Payments): A Massive Privacy Breakthrough for Bitcoin

2024-08-15 06:30:26617browse

Bitcoin continue de fournir une percée massive à l'ère numérique en permettant aux gens d'effectuer des transactions entre eux sans tiers.

BIP352 (Silent Payments): A Massive Privacy Breakthrough for Bitcoin

Bitcoin constitue une avancée majeure à l'ère numérique en permettant aux gens d'effectuer des transactions entre eux sans tiers. Cependant, l’un des défauts de Bitcoin est la confidentialité. Système de paiement basé sur le push (personne n'est autorisé à « retirer » des paiements de votre part, vous devez les autoriser explicitement vous-même et les « pousser » à d'autres personnes), Bitcoin exige que l'expéditeur dispose des informations nécessaires pour définir la destination de l'argent. ils envoient. Cela nécessite que le destinataire communique à l’expéditeur son adresse Bitcoin d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Dans le cas d'une tentative de collecte de fonds auprès du grand public, cela a des conséquences énormes en termes de confidentialité ou de nécessité de maintenir une présence interactive constante en ligne. N'importe qui est tout à fait capable de simplement publier une seule adresse Bitcoin quelque part en ligne, et à partir de ce moment, toute personne souhaitant envoyer de l'argent à cette personne peut simplement le faire, mais il n'y a aucune confidentialité dans la collecte d'argent de cette manière. Prenez simplement cette adresse et recherchez-la sur la blockchain, et vous pouvez non seulement voir combien d'argent cette personne a été envoyée, mais vous pouvez également voir l'empreinte sur la blockchain de tous ceux qui lui ont envoyé de l'argent. Tant la personne qui tente de collecter des fonds que tous ceux qui lui ont fait un don n'ont aucune vie privée ; tout est complètement ouvert et corrélé à la vue du monde entier.

Avant les paiements silencieux, la seule alternative était soit de réutiliser les adresses par contact pour protéger votre vie privée, soit d'exécuter un serveur qui propose une nouvelle adresse chaque fois que quelqu'un demande de vous envoyer de l'argent. Aucune de ces options n’est utilisable ou évolutive pour la plupart des utilisateurs, réservant la confidentialité à quelques privilégiés qui ont su comment garantir la confidentialité. Heureusement, la communauté a fait d'énormes progrès depuis, avec la sortie de Silent Payments.

After much discussion on how to implement the feature as efficiently as possible, BIP352 is now a reality. When someone wants to receive money privately, lets say an activist organization, they can post their Silent Payments address on their site instead of a traditional Bitcoin address. Now, when a user wants to send the organization money, they use a Silent Payment address within a supporting wallet. This will automatically use the unique public key attached to the Silent Payment address, combined with the public keys of the outputs they want to send to generate a brand new, single-use address that looks like any other Bitcoin address. It sounds complicated, but all of this functions behind the scenes. All a user needs to do is paste the address and send money to it, just like any other address.

There are many benefits:

The organization itself only has to post a single address on its site to still receive the benefit of generating new addresses for every transaction.

The user sending money to the organization can always reference the same static address, making it easy for them to continually send money without needing to track multiple addresses.

If the same user continually gives money to the same Silent Payments address, a new Bitcoin address is generated each time, so the sender doesn't need to worry about the receiver knowing it's the same user sending them money.

The receiver gains massive privacy benefits as users are not able to easily look into the funds of their wallet and see who else is sending them money.

The addresses that are generated to transact between both users appear like any other Bitcoin transaction, meaning use of the feature is obfuscated to outside parties.

No server is required. Any wallet that supports Silent Payments handles all this technology locally within the wallet.

To summarize the benefits: With Silent Payments, any person or organization can now opt to using a static Silent Payments Bitcoin address in place of their traditional static address to not only have better privacy for themselves, but it also protects people trying to send them money by ensuring not even they as receivers can snag information about senders. With Silent Payments, the sender and receiver gain a massive layer of privacy, while still largely benefiting from the power of the underlying Bitcoin protocol to give them the freedom to transact as they please.

With that said, there are drawbacks. The first is a direct result of the benefit of not needing a dedicated device online to facilitate the transactions. Users will need to scan through blockchain transactions to detect payments made to them. This scanning can take time, but it comes with massive privacy benefits for both users. Over time, performance of scanning can also be improved to make this less of an issue for users.

The second issue is one of adoptability, since Silent Payments are new with wallet support being fairly limited at the time of writing. Both the sender and receiver need to use a wallet that offers support for the feature. silentpayments.xyz is a resource that shares which wallets support Silent Payments, the first of which to currently have full support being Cake Wallet. If the community hopes to see wider adoption of Silent Payments, wallets need to integrate the functionality to offer more users the privacy benefits provided by Bitcoin Silent Payments.

Overall the idea of protecting user privacy through the native Bitcoin protocol is an important one that can offer user privacy without jeopardizing what makes Bitcoin, Bitcoin. In fact, the privacy benefits of Silent Payments strengthen

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