Fund transfer steps: Create an exchange account. Get the wallet address of the exchange. Connect Ownbit wallet to dApp browser. Enter the Ownbit wallet and send funds. Confirm transaction. Wait for transaction confirmation.
How to transfer funds from Ownbit wallet to exchange
Step 1: Create an exchange account
Create an account on the exchange where you want to trade. Provide the necessary information such as name, email address, and phone number as directed by the exchange.
Step 2: Get the wallet address of the exchange
After logging into your exchange account, navigate to the "Deposit" or "Recharge" section. Find the wallet address of the cryptocurrency you want to transfer funds to. This address usually starts with "0x" or other similar prefix.
Step Three: Connect Ownbit Wallet to dApp Browser
Open a dApp browser such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet on your mobile device or computer. Connect your Ownbit wallet to your browser and follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 4: Send Funds
Go into the Ownbit wallet and find the cryptocurrency you want to transfer. Click the "Send" button and enter the wallet address provided by the exchange and the amount you want to transfer.
Step 5: Confirm the transaction
Check the transaction details carefully to ensure that the wallet address and amount are correct. Once the transaction is confirmed, funds will be sent from your Ownbit wallet.
Step Six: Wait for Confirmation
Confirmation time for transactions may vary depending on the cryptocurrency used and the level of network congestion. Once the trade is confirmed, funds will be credited to your exchange account.
The above is the detailed content of How to transfer Ownbit wallet to the exchange. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!