"Control Panel">"Administrative Tools", and then double-click the left mouse button to open "Task Scheduler". The way to open the Task Scheduler in the Win10 version is: left-click and select: "Windows Button">"Windows Management Tools&q"/> "Control Panel">"Administrative Tools", and then double-click the left mouse button to open "Task Scheduler". The way to open the Task Scheduler in the Win10 version is: left-click and select: "Windows Button">"Windows Management Tools&q">

Home >Computer Tutorials >Troubleshooting >How to shut down the computer regularly?

How to shut down the computer regularly?

2024-08-07 19:38:58716browse

When you use your computer frequently, you may need to leave your desk to handle things, and you are worried about leaving your computer on for a long time. In this case, you can use the scheduled shutdown function to solve this problem. PHP editor Baicao will introduce you to the method of scheduled computer shutdown, so that you can easily set the computer shutdown time to avoid long-term power consumption of the computer and ensure the security of data. The following will introduce in detail the method of setting a scheduled shutdown in Windows and macOS systems to help everyone achieve an efficient and worry-free computer use experience.

How to shut down the computer regularly?

1. How to shut down the computer regularly?

First of all, we need to use the "Task Scheduler" to implement scheduled shutdown and cancel scheduled shutdown.

The way to open the Task Scheduler in the Win7 version is:

Left-click and select: "Windows Button">"Control Panel">"Administrative Tools", then double-click with the left mouse button to open "Task Scheduler" ".

The way to open the Task Scheduler in the Win10 version is:

Left-click and select: "Windows Button" > "Windows Management Tools" (under the W letter category) > "Task Scheduler" ".

After opening the Task Scheduler, we click "Create Basic Task" to start creating tasks.

We first need to name the task, in this case we named it "Computer scheduled shutdown settings", and then click "Next".

Next, we need to set the departure frequency of the (task) trigger. If we need to shut down regularly every day, set it to every day. Set it according to your needs, and then click "Next".

In this step, we need to set the scheduled shutdown time. In this example, we set it to 11:59:59 pm.

In this step, set "What operation do you want this task to perform", we select the first item "Start the program", and then click "Next".

Under the startup program, we set the program or script to "shutdown", which is the "shutdown" command, and then continue to click "Next".

In this step, we confirm the name, description, trigger, and operation content of the task, and then click "Finish".

We left-click the "Task Scheduler Library" to find the "Scheduled Shutdown Task Program" we set in the program library.

2. Computer scheduled shutdown tutorial-How to set the computer to shut down scheduled time?

Computer shutdown schedule tutorial-How to set the computer shutdown schedule?

With the widespread use of computers in life, we often need to automatically shut down the computer after a period of time, such as after a download is completed or in the early morning. This article will introduce how to set up a scheduled shutdown on Windows and Mac computers.

1. Set a scheduled shutdown on your Windows computer

In Windows, you can set a scheduled shutdown by following these steps:

Click the Start menu, search and open the Control Panel. In Control Panel, select System and Security. Click Scheduled Tasks and select Create Basic Task. Follow the wizard instructions to set the date and time for scheduled shutdown, and perform the shutdown operation. Finally, confirm the settings and complete the creation of the task.

2. Set a scheduled shutdown on Mac

In Mac, you can set a scheduled shutdown by following these steps:

Click the Apple menu and select System Preferences. In System Preferences, click Energy Saver. Click on the Planning tab. Check the box to start or shut down at a specified time. Select Shutdown and set the shutdown time. Finally, close System Preferences and the computer will automatically shut down at the set time.


Before setting a scheduled shutdown, please make sure to save the work you are doing. In addition, pay attention to setting a reasonable scheduled shutdown time to avoid affecting the execution of other tasks.


Through the methods introduced in this article, you can easily set a scheduled shutdown on Windows and Mac computers. By following the above steps, you can shut down the computer at a specific time according to your needs and improve computer usage efficiency.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope this article will be helpful to you in setting a scheduled shutdown!

3. How to set a scheduled shutdown of the computer? How to set a scheduled shutdown of the computer?

First press the button to open the run box and enter;

-s -t and there is a space in front of 600. The number represents the time in seconds;

For example, 600 represents 10 minutes. Click to complete the setting. This The system will pop up a prompt dialog box;

Method 2, press the button and enter in the box;

Change it to the specific time you want to shut down, and then click.

4. How to set a scheduled shutdown of the computer? Learn the computer scheduled shutdown command in one trick

Computer scheduled shutdown command: Learn in one trick

In the process of daily use of computers, we sometimes need to set the computer to schedule shutdown, whether it is to save electricity bills or to avoid long-term operation. Hardware wear and tear. The following will introduce how to use the command line to set a scheduled shutdown of the computer.


首先,需要開啟命令提示字元。在Windows系統中,可以按下「Win + R」組合鍵,然後在彈出的運行視窗中輸入「cmd」並按下回車鍵。



shutdown -s -t XXXX

其中,XXXX是表示電腦定時關機的時間,單位是秒。例如,如果想讓電腦在30分鐘後自動關機,就輸入“shutdown -s -t 1800”,其中1800是30分鐘的秒數。



shutdown -a




五、電腦如何設定定時關機| 簡單實用的定時關機方法




大部分作業系統都提供了定時關機的功能。在Windows作業系統中,只需要按下Win+R鍵開啟執行窗口,然後輸入"shutdown -s -t {定時時間(單位為秒)}"即可實現定時關機。例如,如果你希望電腦在30分鐘後關機,那麼輸入"shutdown -s -t 1800"即可。 Mac作業系統也有類似的指令,只需要開啟終端,輸入"sudo shutdown -h {定時時間(單位為分鐘)}"即可。







六、怎樣設定電腦定時關機 | 電腦定時關機設定教學





打開開始選單,點擊“運行”,或按下Win+R組合鍵。 在執行對話方塊中輸入“cmd”並點擊“確定”,開啟命令提示字元。 在命令提示字元視窗中輸入「shutdown -s -t {定時關閉時間}」(不包含引號),其中{定時關閉時間}為您想要設定的關閉時間,以秒為單位。 按下回車鍵,電腦將在設定的時間自動關機。



下載並安裝“{第三方工具名稱}”,該工具提供了簡單的操作介面,您可以根據需要設定定時關機的時間。 開啟該工具,在主介面選擇您想要設定的關閉時間。 點選「確定」或「套用」按鈕,工具將自動幫您設定定時關機。



請確認您擁有管理員權限,否則無法設定電腦定時關機。 設定定時關機時,請確保沒有未儲存的工作。 使用第三方工具時,請選擇可信賴的軟體來源,以防安全問題。 定時關機功能不適用於正在執行重要任務或需要長時間執行的程式。






1. Wise Auto Shutdown

Wise Auto Shutdown是一款功能強大且操作簡單的電腦定時關機軟體。它支援設定定時關機、重新啟動、登出和鎖定等操作,使用者可以根據自己的需求靈活設定關機時間。而且,Wise Auto Shutdown也支援定時任務的設置,讓電腦在特定時間自動執行指定操作,方便使用者管理電腦的使用時間。

2. Off-PC

Off-PC是另一款實用的電腦定時關機軟體,它不僅支援定時關機功能,還可以根據使用者的需求設定定時重新啟動、睡眠和喚醒等操作。 Off-PC擁有直覺的使用者介面,操作簡單方便,適合各類使用者使用。無論是辦公室人員、學生或家庭用戶,都可以透過Off-PC輕鬆實現電腦的定時管理。

3. Windows系統自帶的任務計劃程序


4. 定時關機軟體的選擇要點



透過本文的介紹,相信大家對電腦定時關機軟體有了更深入的了解,可以根據自己的需求選擇適合自己的工具。無論是使用Wise Auto Shutdown、Off-PC或Windows系統自帶的任務規劃程序,都可以實現電腦的定時管理,提高工作效率,節省能源開支。希望大家在使用電腦定時關機軟體時能順利完成任務,提升生活與工作的便利性。


電腦設定定時關機有多種方法,以下是三種常用的方法:使用電腦自帶的任務規劃程式。點擊電腦螢幕左下角的“開始”按鈕,在搜尋框內輸入“任務計劃程式”,點擊進入。在任務計劃程式介面,點擊右側的“建立基本任務”,在彈出對話框的名稱一欄輸入“定時關機”,然後點擊下一步。在觸發器設定介面可以依需求選擇「每天」、「每週」等,以「每日」為例,使用者可以選擇關機的特定時間。設定好時間後點擊下一步會出現對話框,點擊“瀏覽”,找到C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe,在新增參數選項後輸入-s(關機命令),之後點擊“下一步”,再點擊“確定”即可。使用命令列。按住「win+r」組合鍵開啟電腦的運作窗口,在運作框內輸入 shutdown-s+關機的時間,如 shutdown-s7200 表示兩小時後關機,7200 的單位是秒。使用第三方軟體。執行定時關機3000,點選「新增任務」按鈕。在彈跳窗中選擇需要執行的任務,並設定需要執行的條件,點選「確定」。請注意,在使用定時關機功能時,請確保電腦處於正常狀態且沒有任何重要的運行中任務。同時,謹慎選擇是否關機,避免造成不必要的損失。


1、開啟電腦,按住組合鍵,彈出運作指令,在編輯框內輸入以下指令:shutdown -s -t 3600;


2、shutdown -s -t 3600指令的意思如下:shutdown -s表示關機,shutdown -s -t表示電腦關機倒數計時,最後面的數字則表示倒數時間,單位為秒。也就是說電腦將在3600秒後自動關機;




4、如果想取消自動關機或定時關機,可以開啟「執行」指令,輸入如下字元:shutdown -a;





在日常使用電腦的過程中,我們經常會遇到需要在一定時間後自動關機的情況,尤其是在下載大檔案或進行資料處理的時候。 Win10系統提供了便利的定時關機功能,本文將為您介紹Win10電腦定時關機的幾種方法,讓您輕鬆掌握如何設定電腦定時關機。




第二種方法是透過指令提示字元來設定定時關機。在開始功能表中搜尋“cmd”並以管理員身份執行命令提示字元。在命令提示字元視窗中輸入指令「shutdown -s -t XXXX」(XXXX代表距離關機的秒數),即可實現定時關機功能。




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