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Which exchanges are PLUS coins listed on? (Is the currency group exchange formal?)

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Which exchanges are PLUS coins listed on? (Is the currency group exchange formal?)

What digital currency exchanges are there in the UK?

1. aofex is a digital currency exchange in London, UK, trading digital cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. aofex has created non-standardized option trading NSO, which has various trading methods and potential benefits, and can execute transactions with limited and controllable risk exposure.

2. UKEX Global is also called UKEX Global War. It is a global digital currency exchange from the UK. The exchange is under the UKEX Digital Trading Group and provides terminals through a global broker network. Customers are provided with services such as overseas bank account opening and subsequent digital asset transactions. This is a very innovative financial service. 3. Walesex Wales Exchange is a new era of decentralized digital currency trading platform. Established in the UK in 2018, the daily trading volume of the platform has reached 30 million US dollars. The Walesex exchange platform has three major mainstream businesses: OTC trading channels, currency trading channels and contract trading services. As of December 2019, more than 20 mainstream digital currencies (BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, Dash, EOS, NEO, OMG, XEM, etc.) have been launched, and will follow the development of the blockchain market and launch More reliable digital currencies and emerging currencies.

What are the listed companies on the foreign exchange platform?

FXCM (FXCM: US$2.80/share) total market value: 15.5 million US dollars, facing the risk of Nasdaq delisting, currently suspended

The foreign exchange industry has experienced an impressive " "The Swiss franc black swan incident" has led to certain changes in the overall structure of the industry. Because of this unpredictable event, listed foreign exchange brokers suffered immeasurable losses. The well-known American foreign exchange broker FXCM (FXCM) lost more than 200 million US dollars at that time, its stock price collapsed by nearly 90%, and its market value once fell to 5,000. million, and the stock price once fell below $1 per share. Looking back on this scene, it is expected that many people still have lingering fears.

However, thankfully, with FXCM’s policy adjustments and the development of its main business, it finally won the confidence of investors. Over the past year, FXCM sold companies in Japan and Hong Kong, as well as other non-core business assets, to repay a $300 million loan from creditor Leucadia. With the acceleration of debt repayment and the implementation of a 1:10 reverse split of common shares, FXCM is launching a US$130 million stock repurchase plan with Leucadia and has been approved by the board of directors.

But in February this year, on February 6, 2017 local time in New York, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued an announcement that it fined FXCM and two founding partners Dror Niv and William Ahdout $7 million because the company was accused For defrauding retail foreign exchange customers, FXCM agreed to pay a $7 million fine, also withdrew its registration with the CFTC, and promised never to seek registration again. This also means that FXCM has completely withdrawn from the US market. After FXCM announced its complete withdrawal from the US market, Gain Capital expressed its willingness to take over all of FXCM's clients and assets in the US.

The stock price has been hit hard again and is currently in the suspension stage with a market value of US$15.68 million. In order for GLBR to avoid delisting, the group must trade above the market value threshold of US$15 million for ten consecutive days between now and October 30, 2017. If it fails to meet that standard, Nasdaq will take formal action to delist GLBR, although the group still has the right to protest.

Total market value of Gain Capital (GCAP: US$6.76/share): US$324 million

Gain Capital was the big winner in the "Swiss franc crisis" in January this year. The company was assisted by a large number of mergers and acquisitions Since then, the trading volume has been advancing bravely, approaching FXCM, and even surpassed FXCM for a time. Jiaqiang's stock price maintained an upward trend in January last year, which is rare for foreign exchange companies, and maintained a good trend throughout the first half of the year. However, after the summer, GAIN Capital's senior management's reduction of holdings directly suppressed the stock's sharp decline, and reached a new low for the year at the end of July. Since then, the stock price has maintained a volatile trend between US$6 and US$8.

After completing the acquisition of City Index in April 2015, Gain Capital Group’s online trading revenue reached US$539 million, with retail and institutional client assets in more than 180 countries approaching US$1.1 billion, and annual trading volume exceeding US$3 trillion. . In the past three years, Gain Capital has acquired companies such as City Index, GFT, Open eCry, GAA/Daniels Trading and Galvan Research. This has also contributed to Gain Capital’s stock earnings per share growth rate of 56% and revenue growth for three consecutive years. The rate is 34%, and the overall return growth rate is 28%.

I believe that with the normal return of industry volatility and the growth of Jiaqiang's own performance, competition in 2017 is bound to become more intense. After FXCM was kicked out of the U.S. market by U.S. regulators, Gain Capital was willing to acquire all of FXCM’s U.S. retail foreign exchange business. It was almost acquired by FXCM in the early years and now it is counter-acquiring FXCM.

Interactive Brokers (IBKR: US$40/share) total market capitalization: US$16.5 billion

As the largest mixed-service Internet brokerage in the United States by revenue and trading volume, Interactive Brokers Group’s stock price performance over the past year has been quite high Strong, the stock price rose nearly 50% throughout the year. Although more than US$100 million was lost in the "Swiss franc incident", it had no impact on the overall operations of Interactive Brokers. Huishang once mentioned in relevant articles that the foreign exchange business accounts for only 9% of IB’s overall brokerage business, which is a very small share.


KVB崑崙國際(8077:HK 0.395港元/股)總市值:8億港幣




PLUS500(PLUS:LN 632便士/股)總市值:7.2億英鎊

專注於網路行銷的以色列知名外匯及差價合約(CFD)Plus500在過去的一年可謂「命運多舛」。 2015年5月下旬,Plus500英國公司遭到英國金融市場行為監理局(FCA)有關反洗錢的審查,客戶資金遭凍結,股票被大型投資人拋售,股價幾近被腰斬。之後Plus500管理層在為能繼續營運而奔波。

2015年6月初,以色列富豪Teddy Sagi控股公司、歐洲最大遊戲公司Playtech 6月1日宣布將收購零售外匯交易公司Plus500,收購價約4.6億英鎊。然而,鑑於一系列因素,就在年關之時,這樁收購案最終未能通過,並半路夭折。

儘管如此,得益於Plus500的強勁營收及業務增長,該公司股價於去年11月底開始反彈,並收復此前部分失地,一度逼近500便士。隨著Plus500獨立營運計畫實施及FCA的審查令解禁。 2016年年報受業績影響,股票價格大幅回落,16年FCA宣布降低最大槓桿50倍,不可以提供客戶增金後,股價跳水。

LCG(LCG:LN 1.62便士/股)總市值:597萬英鎊



但願LCG在2016更新公司LOGO、新網站網域及全新交易平台LCG Trader上線後,能帶來好運。



2015年夏季,IG股價一度飆升至8英鎊上方,公司市值一度達到29.4億英鎊(約45億美元)。 IG集團在過去的數月致力於打造其股票經紀平台,同時不斷拓展國際業務市場。其業務在英國可謂佔半壁江山,在同業中遙遙領先。 IG集團CEO Tim Howkins去年正式卸任退休,該公司COO Peter Hetherington暫任CEO一職。

IG集團去年12月曾透露了截止2015年11月30日的第一季(即IG集團2016財年的第2季)的交易情況。 IG集團表示,9月到11月這個季度市場波動平緩,不過公司的業績依然較之前的一個季度有所增長。在截止2015年8月31日的第一季(即IG集團2016財年的第1季),營收達到1.06億英鎊(約1.643億美元),較去年同期上漲24%,季增21%。 2017年中報業績具有很大程度的提升。

CMC Markets Plc(CMCX:LN 159.46便士/股)總市值:4.6億英鎊

CMCmarkets自16年上市以來股價及公司業績磕磕觸碰跌跌撞撞,目前業績跌破IPO以來最低點。高盛曾在該公司去年以2.18億英鎊IPO上市時擔任CMC Markets的長期投資者,持股僅次於該公司創始人和首席執行官Peter Cruddas。格下跌到1英鎊以下,顯然有些受挫。

該公司的股價下跌部分是自己造成的,其業績表現未能達到IPO後預期。此外,FCA出人意料的宣布對外匯和差價合約經紀設定包括50x槓桿上限和禁止客戶獎金的新規也衝擊了CMC Markets的股價。

高盛的競爭對手摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)將Plus500的股份增持至7.8%,而黑石(BlackRock)已經將其在IG股份增持至10%以上。


瑞訊銀行(SwissquoteBank)在去年初「瑞郎事件」中約損失2,800萬美元。從其全年股價走勢看,經歷了一個上升—下跌—震蕩的走勢。瑞訊銀行可說是瑞士本土最大的外匯經紀商,5年時間內,先後吞併了ACM及MIG Bank兩家瑞士外匯券商。








作為新數通盛世科技(北京數通盛世科技(北京數通盛世科技)有限公司旗下網站,Xplus成立於2003年,領先全球開發出「網路雜誌」內容表現形式,並以獨創的Xplus客戶端軟體,透過網路完成派送、訂閱機制。 2006年,基於日臻完美的Xplus平台,新數通公司也成功推出業界領先的MagA個人網路雜誌製作軟體。 2006年底,基於全球領先的報紙數位化軟體Np Maker,Xplus推出電子報產品,繼而成為國內最大的數位媒體發行平台。

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