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Joining hands with the KPL Spring Split and Chongqing Wolves, Hisense Air Conditioning creates a “King” experience for young people in a new style scene

2024-07-20 01:08:011126browse

The story of passionate football is memorable for a long time. This is a feast for fans, and it is also an opportunity for Chinese companies to "show their face" in international competitions.

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

In the early morning of July 15th, Beijing time, the 2024 European Cup final staged a peak showdown. The Spanish team defeated England 2-1, winning all seven games and winning the European Cup for the fourth time.

What remains unchanged is cooperation in sports events

What changes is the context of scene communication

It is not difficult to find that sports marketing has become a must-have option for Chinese companies to continuously increase investment. Compared with other marketing methods, international sports events not only exist Instant traffic, and the "spillover effect" after the game is also very promising.

However, it is not enough to directly use the power of sports events for large-scale communication. Only perceptible scenes can establish a connection between the public and the brand and evoke a deeper resonance of experience.

For example, when Hisense air conditioners entered the global audience's attention with Chinese and English enclosed advertisements such as "Hisense AirCon, Smart Air, PerfectClimate" and "Fresh Air Conditioner, Hisense Pilot" in the venue, the scene output outside the venue was also in progress simultaneously.

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

Before the opening game, Hisense teamed up with CCTV host Sa Beining and "football poet" He Wei to launch the "Hisense Champions Ball View Room" video. Among them, the Hisense Fresh Air Air Conditioner Brilliant C3 series, the official designated air conditioner for the 2024 European Cup, faces the pain points of staying up late to watch football in summer, creating a home environment with suitable temperature and fresh air for chasing football.

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

In the ensuing highlight battle between Spain and Italy, former national football captain Fan Zhiyi and the well-known commentator Guan Zeyuan formed the "Hisense Watching Group". When they went to the Schalke Stadium to watch the game, Guan Zeyuan chatted about it Fan Zhiyi pointed out the odor in the hotel room and pointed to the advertisement for Hisense air conditioner, and gave a solution on the spot. With a Hisense air conditioner, you can immediately enjoy "turn on the air conditioner in 3 minutes, and the whole house will be filled with fresh air."

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

In CCTV-5's "Football Feast" program, the brilliant C3 series continued to strengthen the audience's awareness with the slogan "If you can't get enough oxygen while watching football and have fresh air and air conditioning, choose Hisense", and combined with the fun of answering questions. Interaction draws the attention of the audience to the product.

With the European Cup as the main line and the visual experience as the entry point, the dissemination of information is very immersive. Staying up late to watch games is usually accompanied by eating late night snacks, drinking, smoking and other behaviors. Although turning on the air conditioner can make the room cooler, a closed room will cause a lack of air circulation. In this scenario, a series of communications that incorporate the function of fresh air air conditioning, Let there be a connection point between the website, users and homes.

The marketing layout with high frequency and strong scene correlation not only allows people to get the functions of Hisense fresh air air conditioner products in a short time, but also strengthens the brand positioning of Hisense air conditioners as a Chinese brand to impact the international market, making the product more powerful and influential. Naturally infiltrated into the audience's cognition.

Category innovation from 0 to 1

Creating the myth of "creating trends" twice

Peter Thiel, the godfather of Silicon Valley venture capital, proposed in his book "From 0 to 1" that successful companies often achieve something from scratch Yes, that is, the innovation process from 0 to 1.

In the past nearly 30 years, Hisense air conditioners have experienced two "wind-making" changes from 0 to 1.

In 1996, after in-depth and thorough market research and analysis, Hisense Air Conditioning decided to avoid the hot fixed frequency air conditioner development route in the market, invested 500 million to establish a domestic inverter air conditioner production factory, and launched the first domestic inverter air conditioner in 1997 Inverter air conditioner.

Since then, the inverter technology of Hisense air conditioners has gone through 9 technical iterations. Today, with emphasis on environmental protection, energy saving, and automatic temperature control of air conditioners, inverter air conditioners have long become the mainstream choice in the market.

In 2007, outside the field of temperature control, Hisense air conditioners shifted their development goals to a larger "air proposition" and began their second innovation journey from 0 to 1. After launching the country's first fresh air air conditioner "Exclusive" in 2008, Hisense air conditioners have continued to enrich product functions with oxygenation, sterilization, soft air and other technologies to create a more comfortable experience for users.

When the AI ​​era comes, Hisense air conditioners focus on the "Five-Dimensional Air Butler" strategy, focusing on the five dimensions of temperature, humidity, wind, purification and oxygen, from precise temperature control, smart humidity control, refreshing and comfortable, healthy sterilization and freshness The five aspects of oxygen enrichment proactively provide smart air scene solutions based on the preferences and needs of each family member.

例如,如果使用者正處於裝修階段,無處不在的甲醛污染可以交給海信空調來解決。有別於單一新風系統只能進行空氣置換的做法,海信空調透過升溫加速甲醛釋放- 掃風加速甲醛揮發- 新風除醛換氣的" 烘房除醛"AI 智能場景,加速進行甲醛治理;再例如,海信空調以廣西巴馬長壽村的優質空氣為基準,復刻出富氧清新、柔風拂面的" 巴馬空氣"AI 智能場景,為關注居家空氣品質的用戶送上自然深呼吸。

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景


以使用者為中心的創新驅動,帶來了正向回饋的市場表現。根據奧維雲網線下新風空調市場監測數據顯示,2024 年6 月,海信新風空調線下市場銷售額佔有率48.89%;新風市場TOP10 產品中,7 款海信空調在列,包括璀璨C320、璀璨C310 、小氧吧X5 以及X600、X628。



目前,新一輪大規模家電以舊換新已經在全國多地落地推進,作為消費主力軍的年輕人,除了購置新房需要增添新電器之外,檢查家中有無" 過期" 家電,及時為父母更換家電產品的任務也交到了年輕人的手上。




在品牌年輕化的探索之路上,海信空調將體育行銷的佈局擴展至電競領域,以期涵蓋更多目標用戶群。 3 月14 日,海信空調宣布與KPL 王者榮耀職業聯賽以及國內知名電競俱樂部重慶狼隊達成合作,官宣合作消息釋放的同時,海信空調乘勢推出戰神套系中的海信新風空調小氧吧X5,將年輕化的品牌形象快速植入目標使用者群體心中。

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

2024 年 KPL 夏季賽的對戰正在激烈角逐中,已經奪得 2024KPL 春季賽冠軍的重慶狼隊,在本季賽事備受矚目。聚焦夏季室內電競場景,海信與重慶狼隊聯手推出電競與家電跨界融合的創意短片,海信新風空調小氧吧X5 再次出鏡,為緊張刺激的電競場景注入增氧不憋悶的好空氣,加足" 新風"buff,將產品與新氧呼吸、低噪安靜等遊戲競技所需的空氣場景深度關聯。

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

除了與知名體育IP 的合作,海信空調在2022 年簽約奧運會雙冠王陳夢,展開長期戰略合作關係;2024 年,海信家電集團深化與陳夢的合作,官宣陳夢為海信家電冠軍產品體驗官,持續讓品牌與全民關注的國乒工程相關。

2024 巴黎奧運啟幕在即,海信空調已經在陳夢出發日發出了借勢海報,一場品牌與熱愛體育的年輕用戶之間的同頻社交也即將開啟。

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

基於搶佔消費者心智的領先策略,保持體育營銷與品牌理念一致性的海信空調,穩紮穩打地構建出自己的體育營銷版圖,也充分展現出了品牌對冠軍品質的追求和力求卓越的運動精神,持續拉滿運動行銷氛圍,從各方面貫徹" 信,就是冠軍" 的堅定理念。

 携手 KPL 春季赛与重庆狼队,海信空调为年轻人打造“王者”体验新风场景

今年以來,家電市場表現出了較為強勁的成長態勢,憑藉體育行銷策略,海信空調成功 " 破圈 " 目標消費群體,以新風空調帶來全新使用場景與生活方式的變革。我們也期待在未來的全球賽場上,海信空調能夠秉承敢於創新的主張,繼續創造新的 " 造風 " 神話。

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