> "Heart of a boulder, fearless body, I am the iron-blooded defense line, never retreat!" Surt has a burly figure, several feet tall, as if A towering mountain. He is not made of flesh and blood, but of the hardest and purest essence of rock. His hands turned into huge stone fists, capable of destroying everything"/> > "Heart of a boulder, fearless body, I am the iron-blooded defense line, never retreat!" Surt has a burly figure, several feet tall, as if A towering mountain. He is not made of flesh and blood, but of the hardest and purest essence of rock. His hands turned into huge stone fists, capable of destroying everything">
Home >Mobile Game Tutorial >Mobile Game Guide >'My Magical Heroes Companions' Surte Skills Illustrated
In "My Magic Hero Companion", Surt is a very powerful chaos recovery tank, with excellent recovery ability and powerful skills to disrupt opponents. PHP editor Strawberry has compiled Surte's detailed skill illustrations, including character drawings, skill introductions, magical skill recommendations and genre play recommendations, to provide you with an in-depth interpretation of this hero's unique charm. Come and get to know Sirte and start a magical journey of healing and love!
Hero Information Retrieval>
Surte is tall and tall, several feet tall, like a majestic mountain peak.
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