To transfer the coins in the TP wallet to the EuroExchange, you need to: Obtain the deposit address of the EuroExchange. Open the TP wallet and select the currency you want to transfer out. Enter the deposit address of Eureka Exchange. Enter the transfer amount and set the GAS fee. Send the transaction, taking care to select the correct network and confirmation address.

How to transfer coins in TP wallet to Eureka Exchange
Get the address of Eureka Exchange: Log in to Eureka Exchange and go to "Wallet" page, find the currency you want to transfer, and click "Recharge". The system will generate a recharge address.
Open TP wallet: Make sure the correct network and account are connected in TP wallet.
Select the currency you want to transfer out: Click the "Send" button in the TP wallet and select the currency you want to transfer out.
Enter the address of EuroExchange: Paste the EuroExchange address obtained in step 1 into the "Recipient Address" field of the TP wallet.
Enter the transfer amount: Enter the amount of currency to be transferred.
Set GAS fee: TP wallet will display the recommended GAS fee based on network congestion. You can save money by choosing a lower fee, but this may cause a delay in your transaction.
Send Transaction: After double-checking all the information, click the "Send" button.
- Make sure you select the correct network in your TP wallet.
- Be sure to confirm whether the address of Eureka Exchange is correct before transferring money.
- After the transaction is completed, you can view the transferred currency on the "Wallet" page of Eureka Exchange.
- Transfers may take some time depending on network congestion.
The above is the detailed content of How to transfer coins from tp wallet to Eureka Exchange. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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