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Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

2024-07-02 15:42:10937browse

Original title: "ORA: Ethereum's TrustlessAI"

Written by: ORA

Compiled by: Fairy, ChainCatcher

Editor's note: On June 26, the oracle protocol ORA announced the completion of US$20 million in financing, with investors including Polychain, SevenX Ventures, HF0 and Hashkey Capital, among others. At the intersection of blockchain and artificial intelligence, ORA is pioneering new frontiers. By combining AI, rich data sources, and computing power at any scale, ORA not only breaks the limitations of smart contracts, but also gives developers room for innovation.

This article introduces ORA’s core technologies and products in detail, including zero-knowledge machine learning (zkML), optimal machine learning (opML) and optimistic privacy protection artificial intelligence (opp/ai). Read this article to learn how ORA is driving the development of on-chain AI.

ORA Introduction

ORA is Ethereum’s trustless artificial intelligence that enables artificial intelligence and computing at any scale on the blockchain.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

ORA breaks the limitations of smart contracts by providing AI, richer data sources, and arbitrary computation so that developers can innovate freely.

ORA’s work is trusted by Compound, the Ethereum Foundation, Uniswap, Optimism and more.

1. Oracle ORA on-chain artificial intelligence

ORA makes on-chain artificial intelligence a reality. ORA has contributed a series of cutting-edge research and products to the field of on-chain artificial intelligence. Products include zkML, opML and opp/ai.

a) zkML: Zero-knowledge machine learning

zkML is an encryption method for on-chain machine learning.

ORA is a pioneer in the zkML field and invented the world's first zkML library: Keras2Circom.

Keras2Circom outperforms other zkML frameworks according to research benchmarks supported by the Ethereum Foundation.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

Additionally, Keras2Circom is production-ready and battle-tested with a rich ecosystem.

Read more here and check out the Keras2Circom library on GitHub.

b) opML: Optimistic Machine Learning

opML is a cost-effective machine learning framework that now enables on-chain machine learning.

ORA is the inventor and creator of opML, both from an academic research and open source implementation perspective.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

zkML can generate cryptographic proofs for ML computations that are concise enough to be verified on-chain. However, current computing power makes it virtually impossible to generate proofs efficiently and cost-effectively, especially for large AI models.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

In contrast to zkML, opML can effectively bring large models such as Grok’s 314 billion parameter model onto the chain, thereby reducing management costs by more than 1,000,000 times.

Learn more in our paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.17555.

c) opp/ai: Optimistic privacy-preserving artificial intelligence

opp/ai, optimistic privacy-preserving artificial intelligence, combines zkML for privacy protection with opML for improving efficiency.

opp/ai is a hybrid model tailored for on-chain AI.

ORA is the inventor of opp/ai.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

Opp/ai performs better than pure zkML while maintaining the same privacy features as zkML.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

Read more and learn more in our paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15006.

2. ORA Onchain AI Oracle (OAO)

a) Introduction

ORA’s Onchain AI Oracle (OAO) is ORA’s verifiable, decentralized AI oracle.

OAO enables anyone to use on-chain AI inference on any blockchain.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

OAO uses opML to create verifiable proofs for ML computations that can be verified on the blockchain. This opens up new possibilities for AI in blockchain.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

b) OAO About Ethereum and Optimism

OAO has been running on Ethereum and Optimism based on opML to generate verifiable AI inferences.

Last month, ORA OAO was deployed on the Ethereum mainnet.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

Recently, in partnership with Optimism, ORA OAO has been integrated into the Optimism mainnet.

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

阅读有关以太坊和 Optimism 上 OAO 部署公告的更多信息。

c) 使用 OAO 构建

作为开发人员,您可以查看以下资源来构建由 AI 驱动的链上应用程序:

  • OAO 回购:OAO。
  • OAO 文档:AI Oracle。
  • 使用 OAO 构建的视频教程:如何使用 OAO 进行交互和构建。
  • 使用 OAO 构建的想法以获得灵感:所以您想使用 Onchain AI 构建。
  • ORA 生态系统项目参考:awesome-ora。

3. ORA 初始模型发行(IMO)

在 AI 时代,ORA 引入了新的机制 IMO(Initial Model Offering)。

a) 简介

TL;DR:IMO 在链上将 AI 模型代币化。

对于人工智能模型,IMO 为开源人工智能模型提供可持续的资金。

对于生态系统,IMO 有助于协调分配和持续贡献的价值观和激励措施。

对于代币持有者,IMO 允许任何人都从链上收入和推理资产(例如 ERC-7007)等来源获取链上 AI 模型的价值。

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

许多开源 AI 模型面临着将其贡献货币化的挑战,导致贡献者和组织都缺乏动力。因此,AI 行业目前由闭源的营利性公司主导。开源 AI 模型的制胜秘诀是需要筹集更多资金并公开构建。

有了 IMO,我们就能赢得开源 AI 之战。IMO 可以通过促进长期利益、鼓励参与和资助开源 AI 社区,实现开源 AI 模型生态系统的可持续发展。当我们拥有比专有模型更好的开源模型时,我们就赢了。

IMO 将开源 AI 模型的所有权代币化,并将其利润分享给代币持有者。

b) IMO 的核心组件

IMO 是无需许可的,因此任何人和任何社区都可以对其 AI 模型进行 IMO。

在 IMO 中,有两个核心组件:

  • 具有可验证性的链上人工智能模型
  • 链上使用收益分享

对于 Onchain AI,我们需要将代币与正确的 AI 模型和推理绑定在一起。ORA 正在通过前面提到的 ORA OAO 来实现这一点,这是世界上第一个适用于任何 AI 模型的 AI Oracle。

对于链上使用收益共享,ORA 引入了 ERC-7641:内在 RevShare 代币,作为 IMO 的基础,实现公平收益共享。IMO 代币不是 AI meme 币,而是代表 AI 模型的份额。持有者可从 OAO 和推理资产(如 ERC-7007:可验证 AI 生成内容代币)中受益于 AI 模型的收益。

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

c) IMO 概要

IMO 是无需许可的,因此任何人和任何社区都可以对其 AI 模型进行 IMO。

IMO 将特定的 AI 模型代币化,从而提供:

  • 社区能够有效地为开源筹集资金。
  • 激励贡献者继续改进全球可访问的模型。
  • 代币持有者可以通过使用链上模型获得收入机会。

有意义的 IMO 需要 Onchain AI 和 IMO 代币的收益分享机制:

  • Onchain AI 可以通过 ORA OAO 实现。
  • 收入来源于 ORA OAO 中的模型使用,以及 ORA 共同撰写的 ERC-7007 等推理资产。
  • 收益分享机制可以通过 ORA 编写的 ERC-7641 来执行。

主网上的 $OLM:0xe5018913F2fdf33971864804dDB5fcA25C539032LP


a) OpenLM 简介

OpenLM 是一个执行性语言建模 (LM) 存储库,旨在促进中型 LM 的研究。

OpenLM 是开放的、高性能的、去中心化的人工智能,而不是由大型科技寡头资助和监督的封闭的、中心化的、许可的 LLM。

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

OpenLM 是一个由分散团队创建的 MIT 许可证下的开源模型。他们的贡献将通过此次捐赠得到认可,这也将有助于激励和促进任何人都可以访问的开源 LM 的研发。

b) OpenLM IMO

4 月 10 日,我们发布了全球首个 IMO:OpenLM IMO。

OpenLM IMO 将 OpenLM 的开源模型标记化。

Interpretation of ORA: Trustless Artificial Intelligence on Ethereum

就像普罗米修斯为文明窃取火种一样,ORA 通过 OpenLM 的首个 IMO 展示了 IMO 为开源 AI 社区带来的好处

$OLM is not ORA’s token. It is a tokenization of the OpenLM model on Ethereum, with ownership shared among OpenLM contributors and the community. Nonetheless, ORA’s on-chain AI oracle enables the tokenization of artificial intelligence models.

IMO will be a cornerstone of the OpenLM journey, providing funding and incentives to foster a sustainable ecosystem, democratize access, and drive continued growth.

IMO for OpenLM is expected to revolutionize the LLM landscape by leveraging the power of open source software and community.

Read more about OpenLM IMO here.

c) OpenLM IMO event

OpenLM IMO The world’s first IMO was a great success.

500 million tokens all sold for 150 ETH (approximately $500,000 USD). This happened within 5 minutes. This is evidence of high demand amid low supply. $OLM continues to change hands on Uniswap’s decentralized exchange.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who attempted to purchase $OLM when the sale began did not have their transactions successfully processed as demand far outstripped the limited supply.

This is the first IMO, there will be more to come. Future IMOs will have different parameters to allow more valuable people and wallets to participate.

d) OpenLM IMO Roadmap

IMO’s goal is to cultivate the open source community and grow the ecosystem. OpenLM IMO provides more resources to the OpenLM open source community.

This is the flagship demonstration of IMO technology. This is the beginning of a journey toward a more sustainable, competitive, and open source AI future.

Here is the roadmap to achieve OpenLM IMO success.

1. OAO integration

To achieve revenue sharing of $OLM, ORA integrates the OpenLM AI model into the Onchain AI Oracle. This way, every time a user interacts with an OpenLM model, on-chain revenue can be generated and tracked by OAO.

2. OpenLM Ecosystem Expansion

For AI models, IMO provides sustainable financial support for open source AI models. With this effort from OpenLM IMO, projects of all kinds can use OpenLM to contribute to $OLM’s revenue pool.

3. Donate to the OpenLM community

As previously announced and planned, 10% of $OLM IMO tokens will go to existing and future OpenLM contributors.

We are finalizing all the details of support for the open and decentralized AI community.

4. Revenue Sharing Activity

OpenLM RevShare Token ($OLM) has the following features:

  • Revenue Sharing: A portion of the revenue from OAO or other sources will be allocated to the revenue sharing pool of $OLM tokens. Token holders can claim their earnings every 90 days after the snapshot.
  • Burn: A portion of the revenue from OAO or other sources will be allocated to the $OLM token burning pool. Token holders can burn their tokens as a buyback mechanism. The burning mechanism will support the "floor price" of the OpenLM token.

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