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What are the standards for Douyin video publishing specifications? How can I extend the video if it's not long enough?

2024-07-02 09:39:461008browse

What are the standards for Douyin video publishing specifications? How can I extend the video if its not long enough?

Douyin video release specifications: ensuring account security and increasing exposure. As Douyin becomes popular around the world, discussions about its video release specifications have also attracted much attention. Following these guidelines will not only ensure the security of your account, but also increase your video's visibility and interaction rate. In response to this problem, PHP editor Xigua will explain in detail the various standards of Douyin video publishing specifications for you to help you create high-quality content and gain higher exposure and fan attention.

1. What are the standards for Douyin video release specifications?

1. Content quality: The Douyin platform encourages the publication of high-quality, creative, and positive content. Video content should try to avoid vulgarity, violence, horror and other bad information, and should not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

2. Video duration: Douyin platform has certain requirements for video duration. Typically, video length should be between 15 seconds and 3 minutes. A video that is too short may not be able to fully display the content, and a video that is too long may cause user loss.

3. Video clarity: The Douyin platform also has requirements for video clarity. The video resolution should generally be 1080P or above to ensure video quality and improve user viewing experience.

4. Use of tags: When publishing videos, reasonable use of tags can increase the exposure of the video. Tags should be chosen that are relevant to the video content and avoid using popular tags that are not relevant to the video content.

5. Copyright issues: The Douyin platform takes copyright issues very seriously. When posting videos, you should ensure that the video content does not infringe the copyrights of others, such as music, images, etc. If necessary, you can use copyrighted materials provided by the Douyin platform.

6. Advertising and promotion: The Douyin platform allows the insertion of advertisements and promotional content in videos, but relevant regulations must be followed. Advertising and promotion content should be relevant to the video content and avoid over-advertising.

2. How to lengthen the TikTok video if the time is not enough?

1. Editing and merging: Multiple videos can be merged through editing software to make the video length meet the requirements. When editing, pay attention to maintaining the coherence and smoothness of the video.

2. Add materials: You can add pictures, music, text and other materials to the video to enrich the video content and improve the appeal of the video.

3. Improve content quality: Produce high-quality, in-depth content to make the audience interested in a short period of time, thereby increasing the completion rate of the video.

4. Optimize the video structure: Reasonably arrange the beginning, development and end of the video to make the video more attractive and increase the audience's viewing time.

Complying with Douyin video publishing specifications can not only ensure the security of the account, but also increase the exposure and interaction of the video. When publishing videos, please ensure that content quality, video length, clarity, tag usage, copyright issues, and advertising promotion comply with regulations. You can make the video time meet the requirements by editing and merging, adding materials, improving content quality, and optimizing the video structure. I hope that the answers in this article can help you gain more attention and success on the Douyin platform.

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