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ICML 2024 | Revealing the mechanism of non-linear Transformer learning and generalization in contextual learning

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ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制
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The author of this article, Li Hongkang, is a doctoral student in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the United States. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a bachelor's degree. Research directions include deep learning theory, large language model theory, statistical machine learning, etc. He has published many papers at top AI conferences such as ICLR/ICML/Neurips.

In-context learning (ICL) has demonstrated powerful capabilities in many LLM-related applications, but its theoretical analysis is still relatively limited. People are still trying to understand why LLM based on the Transformer architecture can exhibit the capabilities of ICL.

Recently, a team from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and IBM Research analyzed the ICL of Transformer with nonlinear attention module (attention) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) from the perspective of optimization and generalization theory ability. In particular, they theoretically proved the ICL mechanism in which a single-layer Transformer first selects some contextual examples based on the query in the attention layer, and then makes predictions based on label embeddings in the MLP layer. This article has been included in ICML 2024.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

  • Paper title: How Do Nonlinear Transformers Learn and Generalize in In-Context Learning?

  • Paper address: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.15607

Background introduction

In context learning (ICL)

Context learning (ICL) is a new learning paradigm that is very popular in large language models (LLM). It specifically refers to adding N test sample testing examples (context) before the testing query (testing query) ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制, that is, the combination of test input ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 and test output ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制, thus forming a testing prompt: ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 as the input of the model to guide the model Make correct inferences. This method is different from the classic method of fine-tuning a pre-trained model. It does not require changing the weight of the model, making it more efficient.

Progress in ICL theoretical work

Many recent theoretical works are based on the research framework proposed by [1], that is, people can directly use the prompt format to train the Transformer (this step can also be understood as simulating A simplified LLM pre-training mode), thereby making the model have ICL capabilities. Existing theoretical work focuses on the expressive power of the model [2]. They found that one could find a Transformer with “perfect” parameters that could perform ICL through forward operations and even implicitly perform classic machine learning algorithms such as gradient descent. But these works cannot answer why Transformer can be trained to such "perfect" parameters with ICL capabilities. Therefore, there are also some works trying to understand the ICL mechanism from the perspective of training or generalization of Transformer [3,4]. However, due to the complexity of analyzing the Transformer structure, these works currently stop at studying linear regression tasks, and the models considered usually omit the non-linear part of the Transformer.

This article analyzes the ICL capabilities and mechanisms of Transformer with nonlinear attention and MLP from the perspective of optimization and generalization theory:

  • Based on a simplified classification model, this article specifically quantifies how the characteristics of the data affect a The in-domain and out-of-domain (OOD) ICL generalization capabilities of the layer single-head Transformer.

  • This article further explains how ICL is implemented through trained Transformer.

  • Based on the characteristics of the trained Transformer, this article also analyzes the feasibility of using magnitude-based model pruning during ICL inference.

Theoretical part

Problem description

This paper considers a two-classification problem, that is, mapping ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 to ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 through a task ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制. In order to solve such a problem, this article builds prompt for learning. The prompt here is represented as:

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

Training the network as a single-layer single-head Transformer:

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

The pre-training process is to solve an empirical risk minimization for all training tasks. The loss function uses Hinge loss, which is suitable for binary classification problems, and the training algorithm is stochastic gradient descent.

This article defines two cases of ICL generalization. One is in-domain, that is, the distribution of the test data is the same as the training data during generalization. Note that the test task does not have to be the same as the training task in this case, that is, the generalization of unseen tasks has been considered here. The other one is out-of-domain, that is, the distribution of test and training data is different.

This article also involves the analysis of magnitude-based pruning during ICL inference. The pruning method here refers to deleting each neuron obtained by training from small to large according to its amplitude.

Construction of data and tasks

Please refer to Section 3.2 of the original text for this part. Here is just an overview. The theoretical analysis of this article is based on the recently popular feature learning route, that is, the data is usually assumed to be separable (usually orthogonal) patterns, thereby deriving gradient changes based on different patterns. This article first defines a set of in-domain-relevant (IDR) patterns used to determine the classification of in-domain tasks, and a set of task-independent in-domain-irrelevant (IDI) patterns. These patterns are orthogonal to each other. There are ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 IDR patterns and ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 IDI patterns. A ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 is represented as the sum of an IDR pattern and an IDI pattern. An in-domain task is defined as a classification problem based on two IDR patterns.

Similarly, this article can describe the data and tasks when OOD is generalized by defining out-of-domain-relevant (ODR) pattern and out-of-domain-irrelevant (ODI) pattern.

The representation of prompt in this article can be explained by the example in the figure below, where ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 is the IDR pattern and ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 is the IDI pattern. The task being done here is to classify based on ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 in x. If it is ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制, then its label is + 1, which corresponds to +q. If it is ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制, then its label is - 1, which corresponds to -q. α, α' are defined as the context examples that are the same as the query's IDR/ODR pattern in the training and testing prompts respectively. In the example below, ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

Theoretical results

First of all, for the in-domain situation, this article first gives a condition 3.2 to specify the conditions that the training task needs to meet, that is, the training task needs to cover all IDR patterns and labels. Then the in-domain results are as follows:

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

This shows: 1. The number of training tasks only needs to account for a small proportion of all tasks that meets condition 3.2, and we can achieve good generalization of unseen tasks ; 2. The higher the proportion of IDR patterns related to the current task in the prompt, the ideal generalization can be achieved with less training data, number of training iterations, and shorter training/testing prompts.

Next is the result of out-of-domain generalization.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

It is explained here that if the ODR pattern is a linear combination of the IDR pattern and the coefficient sum is greater than 1, then OOD ICL generalization can achieve the ideal effect at this time. This result gives the intrinsic connection between training and test data required for good OOD generalization under the framework of ICL. This theorem has also been verified by experiments on GPT-2. As shown in the figure below, when the coefficient sum ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 in (12) is greater than 1, OOD classification can achieve ideal results. At the same time, when ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制, that is, when the proportion of ODR/IDR patterns related to classification tasks in the prompt is higher, the required context length is smaller.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

Then, this paper gives the ICL generalization results with magnitude-based pruning.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

This result shows that, first of all, some (constant proportion) neurons in the trained ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制 have small amplitudes, while the remaining ones are relatively large (Equation 14). When we only prune small neurons, there is basically no impact on the generalization results. When the proportion of pruning increases to pruning large neurons, the generalization error will increase significantly (Formula 15, 16). The following experiment verifies Theorem 3.7. The light blue vertical line in Figure A below represents the ICML 2024 | Revealing the mechanism of non-linear Transformer learning and generalization in contextual learning obtained by training and presents the results of Formula 14. However, pruning small neurons will not worsen generalization. This result is consistent with the theory. Figure B reflects that when there is more task-related context in the prompt, we can allow a larger pruning ratio to achieve the same generalization performance.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

ICL mechanism

By characterizing the pre-training process, this article obtains the internal mechanism of single-layer single-head nonlinear Transformer for ICL, which is in Section 4 of the original article. This process can be represented by the diagram below.

ICML 2024 | 揭示非线形Transformer在上下文学习中学习和泛化的机制

In short, the attention layer will select the same context as the ODR/IDR pattern of the query, giving them almost all attention weights, and then the MLP layer will focus on making the final classification based on the label embedding in the attention layer output. .


This article explains the training mechanism of nonlinear Transformer in ICL, as well as its generalization ability to new tasks and distribution shift data. The theoretical results have certain practical significance for designing prompt selection algorithm and LLM pruning algorithm.


[1] Garg, et al., Neurips 2022. "What can transformers learn in-context? a case study of simple function classes."

[2] Von Oswald et al., ICML 2023. "Transformers learn in-context by gradient descent."

[3] Zhang et al., JMLR 2024. "Trained transformers learn linear models in-context."

[4] Huang et al., ICML 2024. "In-context convergence of transformers."

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