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Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

2024-06-25 22:45:11531browse

Written by Lydia Wu

Readers should be aware that since Quilibrium’s mainnet has not yet been released and there is currently little public information, the descriptions of incentive mechanisms, economic models, financing history, roadmaps, etc. in this article are only based on the current time. points, actual conditions may change in the future. This article is mainly written for research and science purposes. Please do not use it as an investment reference. We also welcome criticism and discussion from peers.

1. Report Points

1.1 Core Investment Logic

  • Quilibrium tries to find a "balance" between the computing power of the traditional Internet and the decentralization of the blockchain, and has designed a unique decentralization system for this purpose.
  • Quilibrium has built a database-based operating system that is closer to traditional software in terms of development experience. It may attract more traditional software developers and facilitate current Web3 developers to build more complex encryption. The design of the application
  • Quilibrium emphasizes security and privacy, which is more attractive to enterprises that do not want to expose sensitive data and expect to use encryption technology; for individuals, Farcaster’s initial breakthrough also proves decentralization The long-term potential of the application in acquiring users and generating revenue
  • Founder and CEO Cassie Heart is a former Coinbase senior engineer and Farcaster developer. The team has rich experience, stable delivery capabilities and distinctive personality

1.2 Main risks

  • The project is in a very early stage, the main network has not yet been released, and the project complexity is high, and the verification of technical feasibility and market demand has not yet been completed
  • In the short term, it may face difficulties in user thinking and development from the more well-known Arweave AO Competition among investors
  • There is no fixed token model, and the token release rate may be unstable, which increases a certain risk for investors

1.3 Valuation

Since Quilibrium is still in a very early stage, we are temporarily unable to Come up with an accurate valuation for your project. However, from the perspective of circulating market capitalization and full circulation market capitalization, compared with other market players with overlapping concepts, Quilibrium's current market capitalization is somewhat attractive.

2. Business Analysis

Quilibrium positions itself as a "decentralized Internet layer protocol that provides the convenience of cloud computing without sacrificing privacy or scalability" and a "decentralized PaaS solution". In response to this positioning, this section will elaborate on Quilibrium's business around the following issues.

  • What are the problems with cloud computing on the traditional Internet?
  • Why do we need a decentralized computer (again)?
  • Compared with current mainstream blockchain designs, what is special about Quilibrium?

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源:Cassie Heart 的 Farcaster 账号

2.1 Business positioning

2.1.1 Let’s talk about computing

Whether in Web2 or Web3, "computing" is a crucial concept and the source of power for application development, execution and expansion.

In the traditional Internet architecture, computing tasks are usually completed by centralized servers. The emergence of cloud computing has improved the scalability, accessibility, and cost efficiency of computing, and has gradually replaced traditional computing as the mainstream.

In terms of service content, the cloud service models provided by large cloud service providers can usually be divided into three categories: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), which respectively correspond to different needs and The subject of capabilities provides different levels of control over resources. The one that general end users are more familiar with is SaaS. PaaS and IaaS are primarily for developers.

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源:Lydia @ Mint Ventures

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源: S2 Lab, Lydia @ Mint Ventures

In mainstream blockchains such as Ethereum, calculations are usually done by decentralized nodes. This method does not rely on centrally controlled servers. Each node performs computing tasks locally and ensures the accuracy and consistency of data through a consensus mechanism. However, the power and processing speed of decentralized computing are usually not comparable to traditional cloud services.

And Quilibrium tries to find a "balance" between the computing power and scalability of the traditional Internet and the decentralization of the blockchain, opening up new possibilities for application development.

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源: Cassie Heart 的直播录屏

2.1.2 The centralization problem of computer systems

For most end users, the centralization problem of computers is not easy to perceive. This is because most end users directly face computer systems at the hardware level. Our PCs, mobile phones and other devices are scattered around the world and operate independently under personal control. This distributed physical existence makes the computer system not necessarily centralized at the hardware level.

与相对分散的硬件形成对比的是,现有的计算机系统在网络架构和云计算服务层面明显更加中心化——亚马逊 AWS, 微软 Azure, Google Cloud 在 2024 年一季度的云服务市场份额超过 67%,与后来者拉开了显著的差距。

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源:Synergy Research Group

并且,作为 AI 浪潮「卖水人」,云服务商强者恒强的趋势似乎还在延续。微软 Azure 作为 OpenAI 的独家云服务提供商,近一年来的业绩增速一改往日颓势,呈现出加速增长的态势。在微软 2024 财年第三财季(即 2024 自然年一季度)财报中,Azure 和其他云服务的收入增长了 31%,高于市场预期的增长 28.6%。

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

来源: Microsoft, Lydia @ Mint Ventures

除了市场竞争层面的考量,中心化的计算机系统带来的隐私和安全问题也愈发得到关注——几家大型云服务商的每一次宕机都会产生大范围的影响。数据显示,从 2010 年至 2019 年间,AWS 累计出现过 22 次突发故障,年均故障次数达 2.4 次。除了亚马逊自身的电商业务受影响之外,使用 AWS 的 Robinhood、迪士尼、Netflix、任天堂等公司的网络服务也大规模中断。

2.1.3 去中心化计算机的提出



  • 世界计算机 (World Computer): 一般指以太坊,提供一个全球性的智能合约执行环境,其核心功能是去中心化的计算和智能合约的全球统一执行
  • 互联网计算机 (Internet Computer): 一般指由 Dfinity 基金会开发的 ICP,目标是扩展互联网的功能,实现去中心化的应用直接在互联网上运行
  • 超并行计算机(Hyper Parallel Computer): 一般指由 Arweave 提出的 AO 协议,是一种基于 Arweave 网络运行的分布式计算系统,特点是高并行性和高容错性

值得注意的是,ICP, AO 和 Quilibrium 都不是传统意义上的区块链。它们不依赖线性的区块排列结构,但保持了区块链的核心原理如去中心化、数据不可篡改等,可以被视为是区块链技术范畴的自然扩展。虽然 ICP 至今未能将其宏图伟业落实,但 AO 和 Quilibrium 的出现确实带来了一种影响 Web3 未来的新可能性。

下表对比了三者的技术特点和应用方向,以期帮助读者理解「Quilibrium 是否会重蹈ICP覆辙」,以及同样作为去中心化计算的前沿解决方案,Quilibrium 和被称为「以太坊杀手」的AO有什么区别。

Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

2.2 共识机制


Quilibrium 的共识机制被称为「有意义的工作证明」 (Proof of Meaningful Work/PoMW),矿工被要求完成对网络有实际意义的工作,比如数据存储、数据检索、网络维护等。PoMW 共识机制的设计整合了如密码学、多方计算、分布式系统、数据库架构和图论等多个领域,旨在降低对单一资源 ( 如能源或者资本 ) 的依赖,确保网络的去中心化程度,以及在网络规模扩大的同时也能保持安全性和扩展性。

激励机制是确保共识机制能够顺利运行的关键。Quilibrium 的激励分配不是静态的,而是会根据网络状态动态调整,以保障激励与需求相匹配。Quilibrium 还引入了多重证明机制,允许一个节点验证多个数据片段,在节点和核心资源不足时依然可以维持网络运行。




Next ICP? Detailed explanation of decentralized computer Quilibrium

Among them, each parameter is defined as follows:

  • Time in Mesh for Topic: The longer the participation time, the higher the stability, the higher the score
  • First Message Deliveries for Topic: The more times the message is delivered for the first time, the higher the score
  • Mesh Message Delivery Rate/Failures for Topic: Nodes with high delivery rate and low failure rate have higher scores
  • Invalid Messages for Topic: The fewer the number of invalid messages delivered, the higher the score

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