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IOSG: With a market value ranging from billions to tens of billions of dollars, is Rollup overvalued or undervalued?

2024-06-25 19:15:42509browse


Currently, the Ethereum Rollup L2 ecosystem has begun to take shape. The overall single-day TVL exceeds $37b, which is more than 3 times that of Solana and exceeds ⅕ of Ethereum. From a user's perspective, the recent average daily number of mainstream L2 users has reached 158k, exceeding Solana's data of about 100k.

However, the short-term performance of Rollups’ currency price is not as good as expected. In terms of market value, among the mainstream rollups, Arbitrum has a market value of $7.8b, Optimism has a market value of $7.3b, Starknet has a market value of $6.9b, zkSync FDV has just completed an airdrop of $3.5b, and Solana’s FDV reached $74b during the same period. Recently, zkSync has been launched recently, and its poor market performance has not met market expectations for Rollups.

From a revenue perspective, Ethereum’s revenue reached $2b in 2023, while the annual revenue of Arbitrum and Op Mainnet, which performed better in the same year, reached $63m and $37m respectively, which is a big gap with Ethereum. . Base and zkSync, which are new entrants to the market and performed better this year, earned $50m and $23m in revenue respectively in the first half of 2024, while Ethereum generated $1.39b in revenue during the same period, and the gap has not narrowed. Rollups has yet to achieve the revenue scale that rivals Ethereum.

The current low activity of some Rollups is certainly a reason. This is a problem faced by most public chains. What we want to know more is how well Rollups is fulfilling its mission as a Mass adoption infra, and is its value being underestimated due to its current low activity?

Everything still has to go back to the original proposition. The birth of Rollups originated from the increasing congestion of Ethereum, and the fees reached a level that was unacceptable to users. Therefore, Rollups was born with the purpose of “reducing transaction costs”. The advantages of Rollups, in addition to the well-known L1 level security of Ethereum, also include its disruptive cost structure. The so-called "the more users, the cheaper Rollups".

If this can be implemented well, we believe that Rollups will have irreplaceable value. A more rational cost structure could also improve Rollups' resilience in the face of market changes. Continuous investment brought by healthy cash flow is the source of competitiveness. Protocols with advantages in profit margins will naturally have higher valuations and long-term competitiveness.

This article briefly analyzes the current economic structure of Rollups and looks at future possibilities.

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

1. Business model of Rollups

1.1 Overview

The Rollups protocol uses Sequencer as the revenue and expenditure point, charging users for transactions on Rollups to cover the costs incurred on L1 and L2, and to obtain additional profits .

On the revenue side, the fees Rollups charges users include:

  • Basic fees (including congestion fees)
  • Priority fees
  • L1 related costs and fees

Potential fees that can be captured by the protocol’s own strategy include:

  • MEV cost

Cost side, including L2 execution cost which currently accounts for a relatively small proportion and L1 cost which accounts for the main part, including:

  • DA cost
  • Verification cost
  • Communication cost

Rollups compared to other L2 The business model differs in its cost structure. For example, the DA cost, which accounts for the largest proportion, is regarded as a variable cost that changes with the amount of data, while the verification cost and communication cost are regarded more as fixed costs to maintain the operation of Rollups.

From the perspective of business model, we hope to clarify the marginal cost of Rollups, that is, to what extent the new cost of an additional transaction can be less than the average cost of each transaction, to verify the specific extent to which "the more users, the cheaper Rollups" is established. .

The reason behind this is that Rollups batches data processing, data compression, and verification aggregation, resulting in higher efficiency and lower marginal cost than other public chains. Theoretically, the fixed cost of Rollups can be well amortized into each transaction, so it can even be ignored if the transaction volume is large enough, but this also needs our verification.

1.2 Rollups income

1.2.1 Transaction fee income

The main income of Rollups comes from the transaction fee, which is gas. The purpose of the fee is to cover the cost of Rollups and obtain a part of the profit to hedge the risk of long-term L1 ga s changes. and obtain part of the profits. Some L2s will charge transaction priority fees to allow users to prioritize urgent transactions.

Aribtrum and zkSync adopt the FCFS mechanism, that is, the order of transaction processing is first come, first processed, and do not support "queue jumping" requests. The OP stack has adopted a flexible approach to such issues, allowing "queue-jumping" of transactions by paying a priority fee.

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: IOSG Ventures

For users, the cost of Rollups L2 will be determined by the lower base fee when they are less active on the chain. When the chain is relatively busy, each Rollups will determine the degree of congestion and charge congestion fees (often rising exponentially).

由于 Rollups 的L2开销极低(仅有链下工程和运维成本),而收取的执行成本自主性较高,导致几乎所有用户用于支付L2费用的收入都将成为协议的利润。由于中心化运营Sequencer,Rollups对于基础费用下限、拥堵费用、优先费用拥有控制权,因此L2执行费用将是协议的“参数”游戏,在生态较为繁荣,以及价格不会引来用户的反感的前提下,执行费用的多少可以任由设计。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: David_c @Dune Analytic

1.2.2 MEV收入



IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: IOSG Ventures

与以太坊不同的是,Rollups 不提供一个公开的 mempool,只有排序器可以在交易最终确定之前看到交易,因此只有排序器有能力发起 L2 链上的 MEV,由于现绝大部分L2都是中心化排序器,暂时不太会存在恶意MEV的情况,因此目前的 MEV 收入将需考虑套利和清算类型。

根据Christof Ferreira Torres等人的研究,其回放了 Rollups 上的交易,得出的结论是 Arbitrum, Optimism, Zksync 是存在链上非恶意MEV行为的,三个链目前总计产生了$580m的 MEV 价值,足以作为一个值得关注的收入来源。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Rolling in the Shadows: Analyzing the Extraction of MEV Across Layer-2 Rollup

1.2.3 L1相关的成本费用

这部分是Rollups为了覆盖 L1 相关成本而向用户收取的费用,具体的成本构成后文会讲到。不同 Rollups 收取的方式不一样。除了对 L1 gas 进行预测去覆盖L1数据的费用外,Rollups 还会产生额外费用,作为应对未来 gas 波动风险的预备资金,本质上是 Rollups 的一笔收入。如 Arbitrum 会加上一笔“Dynamic”费用,OP stack 会将费用乘以“Dynamic Overhead”系数。这部分费用在 EIP4844 升级前,估算下来为 DA 费用的1/10左右。

1.2.4 分润

Base 由于采用了 OP stack 会相对特殊一点有一个分润,Base 承诺贡献总收入2.5%/L2交易中扣除向 L1 提交数据的成本后的利润的15%二者中取其高,给到 OP stack。作为回报,Base 将参与 OP Stack 和 Superchain 的链上治理,并获得最多 2.75% 的 OP 代币供应量。以最近的数据来看,Base 给 Superchain 的收入贡献在5 ETH/天。

我们能发现 Base 为 Optimism 提供了不小的收入比例,除了现金流之外,健康的网络效应也让OP Stack 生态在用户和市场的眼中更具吸引力。尽管 Arbitrum 的某些表现如 TVL 或稳定币市值高于 Base + Optimism,但目前已无法超过后者的交易量和收入。从两者的 P/S ratio 也能看出这一点——考虑Base收入后,$OP 的 PS ratios 高于 $ARB 16%,体现了生态带给 $OP 的额外价值。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: OP Lab

1.3 Rollups成本


每一条链具体的成本结构不同,但大类基本可以分为通信成本,DA成本,ZK Rollups特有的验证成本

通信成本:主要包括 L1 和 L2 之间的状态更新、跨链交互等。


在EIP4844前,L1成本主要成本来源于DA成本(对于 Arbitrum 和 Base 来说超过95%,对于 zkSync 超过75%,对于 Starknet 超过80%)

在EIP4844后,DA 成本大幅下降,而由于不同 L2 的机制,DA 成本的降低程度也不一样,大概有50%-99%的成本下降。


主要为 ZK Rollup 所用,用于通过 ZK 手段验证 Rollups 交易的可靠性。


主要包括链下工程以及运维成本等。由于目前的 Rollups 运作方式,节点的运行成本接近于云服务器成本,相对较小(接近于企业 AWS 服务器成本)

1.4 L2的利润和其他L1的数据对比

至此,我们大概了解了 Rollup L2 的整体收入-支出结构,可以和 Alt L1 做一个对比,这里Rollups 选择了 Arbitrum,Base,zkSync,Stakrnet 周平均数据作为数据来源。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Dune Analytic, Growthepie

可以看出,Rollups 整体的利润率和Solana较为接近,相较BSC有明显优势,体现出 Rollups 的商业模式在盈利能力和成本管理方面的优秀表现。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

2. Rollup横向对比

2.1 概述

Rollups 发展的不同阶段,基本面表现差异显著。如当交易存在发币预期时,Rollups 会迎来显著的交易量提升,随之而来的手续费收入和费用支出也会显著提升。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: IOSG Ventures

绝大部分 Rollups 仍处于早期,绝对的盈利能力对其来说没有那么重要,更多的是保证收支平衡,保证长期发展。这也是 Starknet 一直宣告的不向用户收取额外费用并以此盈利所希望达到的理念。


让我们带着这个问题继续深入。实际上,Rollups 的收入结构相对趋同,而由于每条链的Rollup机制带来的边际成本结构有区别,数据压缩方式等计算机制不一样也带来了成本上的差异。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: IOSG Ventures

我们希望在 Rollups 中进行成本的对比,以帮助我们横向对比不同的 Rollups 有着什么样的特性。

2.2 不同类型L2的成本结构ZK Rollup

ZK Rollups 主要在验证成本有差异,验证成本往往可以被视为其固定成本,难以通过分摊手续费收取,也是造成 Rollups 出现入不敷出状况的根因。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: David Barreto@Starknet, Quarkslab, Eli Barabieri, IOSGVentures

本文主要讨论两个比较成熟有交易量的ZK Rollups。




IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Starknet community - Starknet Costs and Fees

Starknet中的可变成本随交易数量增加而增加,主要是 DA成本,这一部分理论上并不会产生额外的支出。实际甚至相反——Starknet 的交易费用是按每次写入收费的,但其 DA 成本仅取决于更新的内存单元数量,而不是每个单元的更新次数。因此,Starknet 在此前收取了过高的 DA 费用。



IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Eli Barabieri - Starknet User Operation Compression

Starknet由于对每个块有计算资源的限制(Cairo Steps),其gas fee计算方法是根据计算资源和数据量大小,分别覆盖固定成本和可变成本。由于出块/批次的成本难以分摊到每个交易,但由于每个块是到达了一定计算资源后才关闭(固定成本被触发),因此可以通过计算资源的维度来计算并收取一部分的固定成本。


IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Growthepie


zkSync (zkSync Era)

zkSync era在Boojum升级后从块验证转向了批次验证和存储状态差异,有效降低了验证和DA成本。流程基本类似Starknet,Sequencer提交批次到Executor合约(状态差异和DA承诺),证明节点提交验证( ZK 证明和 DA 承诺),验证通过后执行批次(每45个批次执行一次);区别在于Starknet对于块和批次都有验证成本而zkSync仅有批次的验证成本。


Starknet批处理大小比 zkSync Era 要大得多,zkSync Era 每批的交易限制为 750 或 1,000,而 Starknet 没有交易限制。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source:IOSG Ventures

这样看来,Starknet的scale能力更强,由于每个块都有计算资源限制,单块中处理更多交易和批次的能力使其在高频交易和需要处理大量简单操作的场景中表现更好,但在交易量较小的时候会出现固定成本过高的问题。zkSync的压缩效率和灵活的块资源使其在需要灵活应对L1 gas价格波动和自身链上活跃度匮乏的情况下更具优势,但在出块速度方面会有限制。



2.3Optimistic rollup

Optimistic Rollup的成本结构相对简单,在没有验证成本的情况下,用户仅需要支付L2的计算成本和发布到L1数据的DA成本,其中状态根的发布由于和出块相关,更偏固定成本,而压缩交易的上传为易于预估易于分摊的可变成本。

和Zk Rollup相比,其固定成本更低,更适合交易量适当的场景,但由于每笔交易需要包含签名,导致DA即可变成本会更高,在大规模采用阶段边际成本带来的优势也就相对更小。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source:IOSG Ventures

基于目前的采用规模,ZK Rollup的固定成本可能会导致无补贴交易更高的费用下限,相较OP Rollups为用户带来成本,但ZK的优势明显在于规模化:

高交易量和证明聚合将验证成本分摊,最终L1节省的边际成本将超过Optimism Rollups;运行Validiums/Volitions和仅需状态差异的DA、更快的提款速度等会更适合规模型的经济需求和RaaS生态。

2.3 数据对比


Rollups向用户收取的gas fee,可以看到Base收入较高,Starknet收入较低,Arbitrum和zkSync持平,交易量的差异导致了横向和纵向的差距,因此我们计算每交易收入。会发现在EIP4844升级前,Arbitrum的每交易收入较高,升级后Base的每交易收入较高。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source:IOSG Ventures


从每笔交易的成本来看,Base在EIP4844前,由于DA成本过高,导致交易成本过高,实际上处于边际成本较高的情况,由于规模效应导致的成本优势并没有体现。而在EIP4844后,随着DA成本的大幅降低,Base的每单交易成本直线下降,目前是所有Rollup里交易成本最低的。OP和ZK相比,可以看到OP Rollups是升级更大的受惠者,StarkNet 的 L1 DA 的实际成本可以降低约 4 到 10 倍,略小于OP Rollups一个数量级。这也与理论推论一致:在 EIP-4844 升级中,ZK Rollups 的收益不如 OP Rollups 大。ZK Rollup在升级后的费用表现也体现了固定成本对其的影响。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source:IOSG Ventures


数据来看,Base由于规模效应毛利最高,远超同为Optimistic的Arbitrum。同为ZK Rollup的Starknet由于交易量过低,无法覆盖固定成本导致交易毛利为负,zkSync则为正但同样受限于固定成本,低于OP Rollup。EIP4844的升级并没有给利润率带来直接的帮助——受惠的主要将是用户,其费用成本大幅降低。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source:IOSG Ventures

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

3. 总结

3.1 成本侧

目前看来大部分Rollups还处于其Margin curve的前半段,随着交易量的提高边际成本逐渐降低,同时平均固定成本也会显著降低。但未来以太坊L1或L2生态交易量兴起后,受网络的容量影响平均交易成本的上升会导致边际成本逐渐呈上升趋势(从Base3-5月的表现可见),这是Rollup长期发展不可忽视的问题。在关注短期采用导致的成本变化时,我们也需要关注Rollups在长期成本曲线上作出的努力。

IOSG:动辄几十亿上百亿美元市值,Rollup币价高估 or 低估?

Source: Wikipedia - Cost curve


3.2 收入侧



总的来看,Rollups的商业模式的确具有规模经济的优势,尤其是ZK Rollups。目前的市场状况并不适合Rollups发挥其优势,都需要等到类似今年3-5月的Base时刻。商业模式的多样性和不同Rollups在不同市场状态下的适应能力也让我们看到以太坊L2 Rollups生态的深远考量。













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