Home >web3.0 >Messari: How does the modular L1Particle Network tell the abstract narrative of the 'universal' chain?

Messari: How does the modular L1Particle Network tell the abstract narrative of the 'universal' chain?

2024-06-25 07:08:19818browse

撰文:Average Joe's Crypto,Messari 研究員

編譯:Coolman,Foresight News


  • Particle Network 正在開發一個模組化的Layer1 區塊鏈,透過所有通用鏈位址以實現鏈抽象。
  • 透過其 L1 區塊鏈,Particle Network 實現了三個核心功能:通用帳戶、通用流動性和通用 Gas。每個功能透過消除使用者體驗中的手動多鏈交互,支援獨特的使用場景。
  • Particle Network 也透過 Babylon 實施了雙重質押 (dual staking) 引導加密經濟安全性,同時採用聚合資料可用性 (aggregated data availability) 消除網路資料可用性的單點故障。
  • Particle Network 的公開測試網於 5 月 2 日上線,同時推出了名為「Particle Pioneer」的獎勵計畫。目前已有 130 萬個帳戶註冊,分發了 67.1 億 $PARTI 點。


無論市場呈現何種狀況,區塊鏈總數量的不斷增加似乎是加密貨幣行業為數不多的不變因素之一。無論是以太坊 Layer2, 非 EVM Layer1 還是特定應用鏈,幾乎每個月都會有新的區塊鏈。

無論市場狀況如何,區塊鏈數量不斷增加是加密貨幣產業少數不變的不變因素之一。無論是以太坊的 Layer 2、非 EVM Layer 1,還是特定應用鏈,似乎每個月都有新的區塊鏈推出。雖然多樣化的區塊鏈系統能夠為用戶提供各種選擇,但由於每種區塊鏈都是針對特定需求或用例量身定制的,多鏈生態系統對開發者和用戶來說都有缺點。

開發者不僅要操心正在開發的應用程式或產品,還要考慮在哪個區塊鏈生態上部署。是選擇部署在多個鏈上,從而承擔額外開發成本,還是選擇部署在一個單獨的鏈上,以節省成本開支,卻與更廣泛的多鏈生態系統隔離開來,這些都是需要開發者在產品設計初期需要考慮的問題。對使用者來說,更多的鏈則意味著更多的複雜性和流動性,使用者體驗(UX)遠不如 Web2 那麼簡單。

Web3 領域想要其採用率真正達到 Web2 水平,鏈抽像似乎成了不得不選擇的道路。 Particle Network 正在開發模組化 L1 區塊鏈,透過讓每個用戶在所有區塊鏈上都擁有一個統一的鏈上位址和餘額來實現鏈抽象。


Particle Network 於 2022 年 4 月由 Pengyu Wang 和 Tao Pan 共同創立。兩位創辦人都擁有行動端遊戲開發經驗,創建 Particle Network 的最初目的則是為開發者提供後端基礎架構。迄今為止,Particle Network 已透過四輪融資募集了 2,500 萬美元。 2024 年 5 月 2 日,Particle Network 的激勵 L1 測試網啟動,透過 Particle Pioneer 提供積分獎勵,其主網計畫於 2024 年下半年啟動。


Particle Network 透過其開發的 Layer1 鏈可實現通用帳戶、通用流動性和通用 Gas 三大核心功能。每種功能都有一個獨特的使用案例,其明確目的是透過消除使用者體驗中的手動多鏈交互,為使用者實現鏈抽象。


Messari:模块化L1Particle Network如何讲好“通用”链抽象叙事?

来源: Particle Network

Particle Network 通用帳戶為每個用戶提供一個統一的地址、餘額與交互點,該帳戶無需考慮用戶所使用的 dApp 與資金位於哪條鏈上。此外,通用帳戶透過 ERC-4337 實現 EVM 與非 EVM 網路相容,甚至還可以部署至比特幣等可編程性有限的網路中。與經典的EOA 帳戶相比,智慧帳戶具有更強的靈活性、可編程性和安全性,此外,通用帳戶還透過跨鏈統一來改進EOA,使得用戶在所有鏈上都能使用一個恆定的帳戶和餘額。

例如,假設用戶想在 L2 rollup 上鑄幣一個 NFT,但他們所有的 ETH 都在以太坊鏈上。使用EOA,用戶必須簽署以下交易:

  1. 批准橋接合約
  2. 將ETH 從以太坊橋接到L2
  3. 批准鑄幣合約
  4. 鑄造NFT


Particle Network 也正在開發通用 WaaS SDK,以便任何應用程式都能輕鬆地將通用帳戶整合到其產品中。此外,通用WaaS 還將允許已經與Particle Network 現有的錢包抽象服務、模組化智慧錢包即服務(Modular Smart Wallet-as-a-Service)和BTC 連接(BTC Connect)整合的應用程式自動將現有的智慧帳戶升級為通用帳戶。


Messari:模块化L1Particle Network如何讲好“通用”链抽象叙事?

来源: Particle Network

Universal liquidity is the basis for the Particle Network universal account to aggregate all on-chain liquidity and generate a single balance data. Simply put, Universal Liquidity is Particle Network’s cross-chain bridge solution that allows users to trade on any supported blockchain.

For example, let’s say a user wants to buy SPL tokens on Solana, but all their funds are on Ethereum. By using Particle Network’s universal account, users only need to sign a single transaction to complete their purchase. The underlying liquidity mechanism of this transaction is to bridge funds from Ethereum to Solana through universal liquidity. These transactions will be executed on the user’s behalf through Particle Network’s distributed network of Bundler nodes.

Ultimately, Universal Liquidity aims to automate cross-chain activity on a per-transaction basis. Typically, cross-chain activity involves multiple manual transactions on multiple different blockchains. Through universal liquidity, the user experience is simplified and only one transaction is required to complete cross-chain activities as described above.

Universal Gas

Messari:模块化L1Particle Network如何讲好“通用”链抽象叙事?

来源: Particle Network

One challenge faced by multi-chain frameworks is Gas payment payment. Particle Network’s Universal Gas aims to solve this complex problem by abstracting away the specific Gas tokens used. By using Particle Network’s Paymaster, users can pay gas fees for transactions using any supported on-chain token. For example, USDC on Ethereum can be used to pay for gas on transactions on Solana.

When conducting transactions through a universal account, Particle Network will prompt users to choose which token to use to pay the relevant gas fees. Users can choose multiple tokens, even tokens on multiple blockchains, to pay. These tokens will then be transferred to Paymaster, exchanged for Particle Network’s native token PARTI, and used to settle related transactions on Particle Network. The Bundler node then executes the relevant transactions.


Particle Network is a modular Layer 1 built on Cosmos SDK and CometBFT. The Cosmos SDK is an open source software development kit (SDK) for building sovereign, multi-asset, public, PoS blockchains. It is often used to build custom application layers or state machines, while CometBFT is used by all users in the network. The state machine is safely replicated on the node. CometBFT is an application-agnostic engine that handles the network layer and consensus layer through two main components:

  • The consensus algorithm, known as Tendermint.
  • Socket protocol, namely Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI, Application Blockchain Interface).

Tendermint verifies requests on the source chain and confirms changes on the target chain. Its consensus provides instant finality and Byzantine fault tolerance. In addition, Particle Network also uses Berachain’s BeaconKit and has an EVM-compatible execution environment.


Particle Network’s core functions (universal accounts, liquidity and gas) are implemented through three main modules: Master Key Storage Hub, Decentralized Message Network and Decentralized Bundler.

Messari:模块化L1Particle Network如何讲好“通用”链抽象叙事?

来源: Particle Network

Master Keystore Hub

The Master Keystore Hub module acts as the central "real archive" of the Particle Network by synchronizing the status changes of all universal accounts on the supported blockchain. In this way, the master keystore hub can keep state equal between networks while logging any changes that occur on the Particle Network.

Decentralized Message Network

Particle Network’s Decentralized Message Network (DMN) module forwards successful user operations (transactions of universal accounts) on the external blockchain to Particle Network. DMN is built on a system of repeater nodes (node ​​information hubs on the Particle Network). In addition, DMN works with the Master Keystore Hub to transfer state data to and from supported blockchains.

Decentralized Bundler

The Decentralized Bundler module is responsible for executing external user operations (UserOperations), which is the core component of universal liquidity. This module consists of a distributed network of Bundler nodes. Bundler nodes conduct transactions on behalf of universal accounts, such as purchasing NFTs or exchanging tokens. Bundler nodes achieve this by interacting with liquidity providers. Note that the liquidity provider here is not a traditional decentralized exchange (DEX), but a liquidity pool whose funds span multiple chains and can be used for bridging liquidity pools.

For example, let’s say a user wants to buy SOL on Solana, but all of their funds are in USDC, split evenly between Ethereum, Optimism, and Arbitrum. A universal account signs a single transaction and can achieve the following functions:

  1. Particle Network’s L1 handles user actions related to signed transactions.
  2. Bundler forwards user operations to liquidity providers, sending USDC on Ethereum, Optimism and Arbitrum to the corresponding liquidity providers.
  3. After receiving the USDC, the liquidity provider sends the USDC on Solana to the user account.
  4. Bundler nodes execute transactions on Solana DEX, exchanging USDC for SOL on behalf of users.

Finally, Watchtower nodes ensure that these interrelated modules work properly by providing proof of execution or proof of fraud for each block generated in each epoch.

Double pledge

Particle Network adopts a DPoS consensus mechanism featuring a double pledge system. Particle Network will utilize two different sets of validator nodes: one validating in Particle Network’s native token, and the other validating in BTC via the Bitcoin marking protocol Babylon. Two sets of validators will independently reach consensus. A double-collateral system can enable crypto-economic security with proven crypto assets like BTC and the network’s own native token.

Aggregation Data Availability

Data availability is also one of the integral challenges in the blockchain field. Data availability refers to ensuring that all nodes have access to all data needed to verify transactions and maintain the state of the chain. Additionally, using only one data availability solution creates a single point of failure. If the data availability solution is not working properly, the Particle node cannot guarantee the validity of the blocks. Therefore, Particle Network adopts Aggregated Data Availability (AggDA), a unique approach that leverages multiple data availability networks: Celestia, Avail, and NEAR DA.

Messari:模块化L1Particle Network如何讲好“通用”链抽象叙事?

来源: Particle Network

For each block generated on Particle Network, its data will be published randomly by any of the following methods:

  • Selective publishing - data related to the block is only published to one of the supported DAs solution. This approach helps reduce the costs associated with publishing data.
  • Over-Release -- Block-related data is published to all supported DA solutions. This approach, while more expensive than selective releases, spreads the risk of any individual DA solution not functioning properly.

Public Testnet

Particle Network’s public testnet was launched on May 2, 2024. This testnet has two core functions of Particle Network’s universal account and universal Gas. Users can register for the testnet and create a universal account using an EVM wallet such as MetaMask or Rainbow to act as a signer of the relevant universal account. Additionally, through Particle Network’s BTC Connect, users can also control universal accounts using Bitcoin wallets such as Unisat or OKX.

Users can test Particle Network’s universal gas functionality by depositing local tokens from supported test networks (Ethereum’s ETH, BSC’s BNB, etc.). Once these tokens are deposited, they are automatically converted into Universal Gas (USDG). With USDG, users can send transactions on the testnet. As of press time, USDG has been used in 9.6 million transactions on Particle Network’s testnet. Additionally, there have been over 121.5 million UserOperations associated with these transactions. It is worth noting that this is an early version of the universal Gas implementation, and a completely new implementation will be adopted after the mainnet is launched.

Particle Pioneer

Particle Network has launched the Particle Pioneer plan to encourage users to participate in the Particle Network test network. The program rewards testnet users with $PARTI points in exchange for future airdrops, bonuses on the People's Launchpad, and whitelisting credits for various ecosystem projects. People's Launchpad is a Particle Network ecological project designed to guide projects and applications in the ecosystem.

Users earn points by sending transactions and paying Gas using USDG. Earn 50 points per transaction, up to 100 transactions per day. In addition, users can get extra points for checking in every day. The more days you send transactions in a row, the more points you earn.

Particle Pioneer also offers additional points to holders of Particle Pioneer NFTs (NFTs are reserved for testnet users and participants of previous events). It is reported that there are three types of NFT, and depending on the NFT, points can be increased by 2% to 30%.

To date, 1.3 million accounts have registered to participate in the Particle Pioneer activity and earned $6.71 billion in PARTI points.


With the launch of the Particle Network testnet in May, the protocol is one step away from the final mainnet release. The Particle Network roadmap is as follows:

  • Q2'24 - Adding universal liquidity and modular nodes to the public testnet
  • Q3'24 - Mainnet V1 launched with universal accounts, liquidity and Gas
  • Q4'24 - Testnet launching double staking and AggDA
  • 2025 - Mainnet V2 supports double staking and AggDA

Competitive Landscape

Chain abstraction is the origin of solving two major problems in the blockchain industry. The first problem is that multi-chain frameworks disperse liquidity and users, forming an isolated ecosystem. The second problem is that externally owned account (EOA) wallets provide a poor user experience that cannot match the seamlessness of Web2 applications. Solutions to these problems have mostly been developed individually: bridging protocols connect siled blockchains, while smart contract wallets enhance user experience. Chain abstraction integrates these solutions, bringing the best of both into a single product. Traditionally, protocols and teams have focused on one solution or the other, but new projects, including Particle Network, are committed to delivering both, resulting in a more cohesive and efficient user experience.


NEAR is a multi-functional L1 smart contract platform with chain abstraction services. NEAR's multi-chain signature service allows users to use accounts on NEAR to sign transactions on other chains such as Ethereum and BNB. Similar to Particle Network, NEAR also implements chain abstraction through its MPC network and chain signatures and multi-chain Gas relays.

Avocado developed by the Instadapp team

Instadapp’s Avocado platform is a smart contract account compatible with multiple EVM compatible networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain and Gnosis Chain. Similar to Particle Network, Avocado abstracts the underlying chain from the user experience. Additionally, Avocado implements the Paymaster gas tank, allowing users to pay for all gas in USD. One major difference is that Avocado only integrates with EVM networks, while Particle Network also chooses to support non-EVM networks.


XION is a modular L1 blockchain designed to create a "universal abstraction" layer to enable a frictionless Web3 user experience. The common abstraction layer is a comprehensive infrastructure solution that integrates accounts, signatures, fees and interoperability directly at the protocol level. The key to this solution is XION’s “Meta Accounts”, which are a smart contract account solution similar to Particle Network’s universal accounts. However, one of the key differences is that meta accounts initiate cross-chain transactions from XION’s L1, while universal accounts initiate cross-chain transactions from the source blockchain and then forward to and further coordinated by Particle Network’s L1. XION is currently in beta and plans to launch mainnet in 2024.

Closing Summary

Particle Network addresses existing needs in the blockchain space by solving liquidity dispersion and user experience issues in multi-chain ecosystems. With modular Layer1, Particle Network provides three functions: universal account, universal liquidity, and universal Gas to achieve chain abstraction and simplify user interaction between different blockchains. Since its founding in April 2022, Particle Network has launched an incentivized L1 testnet and received financial support from prominent investors. The Particle team expects to officially launch the mainnet in the second half of 2024. In addition, Particle Network's underlying technology includes Cosmos SDK, CometBFT and various innovative modules to enable seamless cross-chain transactions and status synchronization.

The public testnet launched in May 2024 has already launched the functions of universal accounts and universal Gas. In the future, Particle Network will continue to integrate universal liquidity and modular nodes, and launch the mainnet in the third quarter of this year, followed by 2025 Other features will be introduced in the year. Particle Network’s comprehensive approach to chain abstraction and dual-staking system make it a strong contender in the chain abstraction design space, competing against projects like NEAR, Instadapp’s Avocado, and XION.

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