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AO token is about to be released. It may be the ultimate solution for AI agents on the chain.

2024-06-19 09:27:39772browse

AO token is about to be released. It may be the ultimate solution for AI agents on the chain! AO is built on Arweave's on-chain storage, achieving infinitely scalable decentralized computing, allowing any number of processes to be run in parallel at the same time. The decentralized AI Agent is hosted on the chain by AR and run on the chain by AO. AO is an official project of Arweave, launched by Arweave founder Sam Williams, which supports the introduction of large AI models into smart contracts on the blockchain.

A16Z @a16zcrypto’s CTO highly praised AO’s programming model as “very elegant” and a truly impressive piece of work. At the same time, Hill, the head of research at SevenX Ventures, a well-known investment institution in Web3, excitedly tweeted 20 minutes after the AO conference started: AO may be the ultimate solution for hosting and running decentralized artificial intelligence agents (AI agents).

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

Storage and calculation of AI on the chain

AO’s ultimate vision is to realize the seamless integration of AI and blockchain, so that AI models can be used on the chain It is hosted on the Internet and runs directly on the chain, and realizes independent decision-making. This will greatly enhance the intelligence level of decentralized applications and bring revolutionary changes to Crypto. Funds are not just passively stored, but can be actively operated. Al is used for calculation and optimization, which greatly improves the liquidity and utilization efficiency of funds.

In traditional finance, funds are deposited in banks and managed uniformly by banks. This method is inefficient and the process is cumbersome. In DeFi, assets can be automatically pledged and circulated, improving the efficiency of fund utilization. On AO, all funds are hosted by the users themselves and managed by their own robots or AI. Each fund can have its own strategy, which will greatly improve the intelligence level of financial assets. Because AO has better performance and architecture, users can inject contract code into their wallets and have the agent automatically execute the strategy.

In the past, Arweave as a storage protocol could only be regarded as a hard drive. Only one hard drive could not carry larger narratives and usage scenarios. Therefore, Arweave created a CPU - AO that is perfectly compatible with its own hard drive, and integrated it into the narrative of on-chain AI. It can be said that AO saved AR, and the market has shown great interest and expectations for AO. Before February 2024, the price of AR had been hovering around 6-10 dollars, significantly underperforming BTC, and did not rise with the mainnet upgrade and the start of the bull market. Until the release of AO, the price of $AR increased rapidly, increasing 4 times in a month. After the news of $AO token was released, $AR’s maximum short-term increase was more than 18%. The volatility and wealth creation effects brought about by $AO are becoming more and more obvious.

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

Challenges and solutions for AI model on-chain

The core goal of AO is to achieve trustless and collaboration without any practical scale restrictions. Computing services, this provides a new paradigm for applications incorporating blockchain. There are currently many mainstream public chains, but there are many shortcomings for on-chain AI:

  • Ethereum: Although Ethereum dominates smart contracts, its computing and storage space capabilities Limited, it is difficult to handle complex AI models. Compared with Ethereum, which can only use a single shared memory space, AO also allows any number of parallel processes to operate in the computing unit at the same time and collaborate with other units through open message passing, without relying on in centralized memory space. Moreover, Ethereum gas is very expensive, and running a full-chain AI agent is unacceptable to ordinary retail investors.

  • Other high-performance blockchains such as Solana, Aptos and Sui: Although they have high throughput, their main optimization direction is transaction processing speed, insufficient support for complex AI calculations, and no It is impossible to store AI models on the chain, and the operating environment is not friendly to AI.

  • Decentralized storage and decentralized computing power such as Filecoin and io.net: Projects such as Filecoin and io.net propose decentralized storage and computing power in an attempt to compete with traditional AWS, but The real value of blockchain lies in consensus and trustlessness, rather than direct competition for computing costs or storage costs. Projects such as Filecoin and io.net only use blockchain technology to implement a storage or computing power market where users can conduct transactions. They use decentralized technology to allocate computing resources, and there is no innovation to achieve censorship resistance. , a computing method that cannot be turned off or trusted. Arweave is completely different, focusing on blockchain storage. Blockchain storage is similar to Bitcoin's ledger, which is decentralized, non-tamperable and traceable. In the Arweave ecosystem, there are already projects such as Apus building GPU AO nodes. In the future, these nodes will also run on AO. As a protocol, AO was designed by Arweave founder Sam, hoping to become more decentralized. Developers around the world can freely develop GPU computing, DPIN and social applications on the AO protocol. It is completely open and does not rely on big VC financing, but is built in a decentralized manner from the beginning. This model makes AO highly decentralized from the beginning.

Architecture of AO+AR

AO is a distributed, decentralized, Actor-oriented (Actor Oriented) computing system based on Arweave. Actor is the basic unit of a concurrent computing model in computer science. Actor-oriented refers to a method based on the Actor model. In this method, each Actor can modify its assigned private state, but if you want to modify the state of other Actors, It can only be modified indirectly by sending messages, and is suitable for building high-concurrency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems

AO consists of three subnets. Including messenger unit (MU), scheduling unit (SU) and computing unit (CU). These three subsystems cooperate with each other and are respectively responsible for receiving processing information, scheduling and sorting information, and actual computing operations. Through the ordering of the blockchain, each unit can serve as a horizontally scalable subnetwork to execute a large number of transactions simultaneously, thereby enabling high-performance computing and theoretically providing nearly unlimited computing performance. Its characteristics can be summarized into two:

  • Separation of computing and storage: AO uses Arweave's decentralized storage solution to ensure the permanence and immutability of data. Arweave is responsible for storing the AI ​​model and its related data, ensuring the security and verifiability of the data, while AO is responsible for performing complex computing tasks, including reasoning and training of the AI ​​model, and achieving the verifiability of computing results by storing all interaction logs. This holographic state storage mechanism allows anyone to reproduce the calculation process and verify its correctness, which brings new possibilities to decentralized computing.

  • Infinite expansion of computing power: AO's design allows any number of parallel running processes and achieves coordination between processes through a message passing-based system, which is different from traditional shared memory Parallel computing models contrast. This design improves the scalability and efficiency of the system because it avoids the lock contention problem in the traditional model. This is especially important for running large AI models, as it can significantly increase computational efficiency and speed.

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

The key processes in the AO network include: after the interaction information in the AO network is verified by the MU and the signature is passed, it is passed to the SU. After sorting, it is uploaded to Arweave, and consensus on the order is reached and stored on Arweave. When the user needs to obtain the status, the message will be passed to SU through MU. SU selects the appropriate CU and delivers the message to CU. CU passes the message on Arweave. The data completes the status calculation and returns the output to the user through MU.

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

AR founder Sam provides an llama3 model on AO in his personal Github repository, which means that large models can be run directly on AO. The AO+AR architecture is simply tailor-made for on-chain AI. This design model has now been proven to be very suitable for AI computing. Three key points have been realized, making the AI ​​agent on the chain truly possible:

  • Separation of computing and storage: Storing AI models and their training data requires a lot of space. Arweave provides a decentralized and efficient storage solution that ensures data durability and immutability. Unlike other blockchains, AO can directly perform model training, which is a major breakthrough. AO+AR's SCP (Storage Consensus Paradigm) separates the computing layer from the storage layer, making the storage layer permanently decentralized, while the computing layer maintains the traditional computing layer model. Therefore, AO's computing resources are not essentially different from traditional computing, except that a permanent storage layer is added to make traditional computing traceable and decentralized. There is no type restriction on the computing scalability of AO. We can implement multiple computing modes such as EVM and WASM on AO. By storing calculation logs and processes on AR, AO's computing power is almost the same as traditional computing. In this way, we can further expand GPU computing and even adapt to computing models such as NVIDIA's CUDA, showing its wide scalability.

  • Actor architecture: On-chain computing is often limited by resources, but AO significantly improves processing efficiency through its parallel computing capabilities. AO itself uses the Actor model for design, and the Actor model itself is closely related to AI research. Its core idea is that each component of the system can be an independent, autonomous agent, which is implemented by sending messages when interaction is required. , the Actor and AI Agent in this model are very similar. AO is able to allocate multiple computing units to handle the inference tasks of the AI ​​model, thereby overcoming computing bottlenecks.

  • Safety and credibility: In order to ensure the credibility of AI inference results, all interaction logs and calculation processes are recorded on Arweave, and any participant can verify the correctness of the calculation results. sex. AO's security mechanism ensures the credibility of the calculation process and results.

The ecology of autonomous AI agents on the chain

Since the release of the test network, the number of developers and the amount of network messages in the AO ecosystem have grown rapidly, and currently have exceeded one Billions of messages. The AO Ventures incubator plays a key role in promoting the development of the AO ecosystem. By providing technical support and resources, it has attracted a large number of developers and innovative projects, further enriching the AO ecosystem.

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

  • Autonomous Finance: Using the AO platform, the financial agents that Autonomous Finance hopes to implement include: DCA asset management agent, self-balancing index fund agent, Independent hedge fund agents with customized risk strategies, on-chain prediction agents, high-frequency trading agents, etc. Currently, DCA investment agent products have been launched. Users can set fixed investment asset types, slippage range, liquidity pool, fixed investment time and other parameters. Of course, this does not realize the use of AI to formulate investment strategies, but rather stays at the level of contract automation that does not require off-chain triggering.

  • Apus Network: Trustless GPU solution to implement Trustless AI in AO. Inspired by Sam, Apus Network uses a Trustless GPU solution combined with Arweave's decentralized storage and AO's ultra-parallel computing to achieve verifiable and trusted AI inference results, paving the way for building more reliable and transparent AI applications. aos-llama builds AOS images by leveraging the llama2.c inference engine, provides a Lua interface to load Llama models in Arweave, and provides conversion tools and a comprehensive toolset to efficiently perform AI inference on AO.

In addition to AI projects, there are many good GameFi and DeFi projects on AO:

  • AO GAMES: AO GAMES is built on AO A full-chain game distribution platform that will provide a Web2-level gaming experience with low entry barriers, extremely fast transaction speeds, and extremely low costs. Importantly, AO GAMES also supports the introduction of AI models to build AI-driven Web3 game projects.

  • AOX: AOX is AO's first and only cross-chain bridge project. It is developed by the everVision team and is based on MPC (Multi-Party Secure Computing) technology to provide AO network with other blockchain networks. Cross-chain asset services between assets. AOX is currently in the Beta stage and only supports the cross-chain function of $AR between Arweave and the AO network. At the same time, a cross-chain incentive campaign has been launched recently to encourage users to transfer $AR from the Arweave network to AO through AOX. Users earn $TAOX test tokens by completing tasks to receive airdrops of official tokens in the future. It is reported that AOX will gradually launch cross-chain services for Ethereum, BTC, BSC and other networks in the future, allowing more public chains and more types of assets to seamlessly enter the AO network.

  • ArSwap: ArSwap is the third DEX to be launched in the AO ecosystem after Permaswap and Bark. It is developed by the Pianity team (Arweave ecological music NFT project). Currently, test tokens such as $AR, $AOCRED, $Fire, $Earth, $Water and $Air have been launched. Users can receive faucets, experience trading and establish LP liquidity pools on ArSwap. At the same time, the team has recently optimized the product to further improve the speed of transactions.

  • aoWebWallet: aoWebWallet is the first native AO network wallet, designed to securely manage assets on AO and support sending, receiving and tracking AO network assets. Users can log in directly by connecting to the Arconnect wallet (Arweave wallet), or by importing the .JSON file of the wallet. Currently, aoWebWallet supports multiple AO assets, including $AO-CRED, $Bark, $TRUNK, $0rbit, $Fire and $Earth.

Token Economics

On May 30, 2024, AO announced that it will soon complete the issuance of $AO tokens, and the token launch time will be June, Beijing time 13th. In addition, the token related to this project is $AR. Before $AO completes TGE, $AR is still one of the targets of speculation. After the news of $AO tokens was released, the maximum short-term increase of $AR exceeded 18%. On the one hand, $AR is currently almost the only target to undertake this event. On the other hand, it may be that holding $AR can obtain $AO tokens. Rules related. The two rules of bridging assets to AO (currently $AR is basically the only asset that can be cross-chained to the AO network) and holding $AR are actually digesting the selling pressure of this incident on $AR.

Circulation volume, token distribution method and participation opportunities

According to official news, $AO will be launched 100% fairly, without pre-mining, pre-sale and priority acquisition, and the total number of tokens is 21M, halved every four years. The $AO token model uses the same total supply of 21 million coins and a halving mechanism every four years as Bitcoin. These design elements not only ensure the scarcity and fairness of the token, but also pay tribute to Bitcoin and demonstrate recognition of the concepts of decentralization and fair distribution.

What is important is the way to obtain tokens: (1) Bridge assets to AO (2) Hold $AR (3) Participate in the construction of the AO ecosystem. However, officials also made it clear that users in the United States and sanctioned regions will not be able to mint $AO through the bridge network.

It can be seen from the release method that the official hopes to ensure that the token can be launched 100% fairly. It is worth noting that cross-chain to AO is one of the token minting methods. Currently, AOX (aox.xyz) is the only cross-chain bridge in the AO ecosystem.

AO代币即将发行 它可能是链上AI agent的终极解决方案

Token usage scenarios

According to the answer of outprog, one of the AO proposers, in X Space, AO tokens and AR tokens will functionally Each performs its own duties. The AR token mainly focuses on the storage function and consensus maintenance of Arweave, while the AO token focuses on solving the communication problem between computing and applications, that is, AO and AR maintain the computing and storage functions of the network respectively.

The above is the detailed content of AO token is about to be released. It may be the ultimate solution for AI agents on the chain.. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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