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How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment

2024-06-16 22:19:51744browse

Original title: "Analysis of the internal logic of Paypal's stablecoin payment and the evolution towards Mass Adoption"

On May 31, 2024, PayPal announced that its stablecoin PayPal USD (PYUSD) will be launched on Solana Blockchain is online. This is another major milestone since Paypal first launched PYUSD on the Ethereum mainnet in August last year. It not only provides its users with a new and efficient payment method, but also provides an important reference for the future trends of the entire payment industry.

In the process of writing Web3 payment research reports and communicating with industry companies, I have been thinking about a question: Is stablecoin payment really necessary? Just as PYUSD was launched on Solana, Paypal gave an answer about payment freedom from a very pragmatic perspective:

"People want to pay as they want, and the current payment network cannot meet the demand. Crypto can meet the demand. And practical, then as a financial technology company committed to promoting payment innovation, we will launch a stable currency payment solution to meet people’s current payment needs.”

Therefore, this article will try to analyze Paypal’s focus. Turning to the internal logic of Crypto, PYUSD has launched the stablecoin payment solution launched by Solana, and the evolution of PYUSD towards Mass Adoption. I hope it can be a reference for the industry and welcome exchanges and discussions.

1. Why Paypal turned its attention to Crypto

As the world's leading payment company, PayPal has more than twenty years of global payment experience. In the past two decades, with the mature development of e-commerce, PayPal has not only built itself into a beacon of trust, providing users with trust endorsement for transactions, but also realized the large-scale development of Internet digital payment networks (Digital Payments). Widespread application.

Paypal’s original intention has never changed—to promote payment innovation and allow everyone to pay according to their own wishes.

But so far, payments innovation has been built on the same basic financial trajectory as the rise of the internet. Although the industry has been striving to provide global, instant and seamless transactions, the reality often shows a shortcoming:

The settlement time of online payments is still very long (in the United States, the average is 2 to 3 days), Markets, banks and service providers need to be open on weekdays, further extending settlement times; employers struggle to pay an increasingly distributed workforce; an increasingly globalized population struggles to send money across borders cheaply and efficiently; businesses feel this most friction, while consumers are still waiting in a payment environment that they think should be fast.

In short, people today are not able to pay the way they want.

That’s why Paypal turned its attention to Crypto, and the answer is simple: it fills a need and is practical.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can bring people closer to realizing their payment aspirations: fast, cheap, global payments. This new next-generation financial/payment infrastructure can help PayPal better serve its 40 million users, allowing everyone to pay as they wish.

So, more than a decade after the emergence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, PayPal once again reaches a critical moment in the history of payments, a moment that, like the Internet in the early 2000s, is full of potential and opportunity.

Just like Paypal brought payments online before, Paypal is now bringing payments on-chain.

How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment


2. The global payment dilemma needs to be improved

Current payment channels and information transfer protocols (such as ACH, SEPA and SWIFT) constitute the global payment network . They enable us to conduct large-scale transactions across geographies and time zones, and ensure relatively smooth payments. But at the same time, the current payment technology will also force us to make a trade-off between 1) payment settlement speed, and 2) cost-effectiveness. For example:

  • The flow of funds will incur fees, and each flow will be intermediate. There needs to be prior cooperation arrangements and liquidity requirements between the parties;
  • The cross-time zone operation time limit (working days) and batch processing of the parties mean that the payment may need to wait several days to be settled;
  • Net settlement arrangements are difficult to meet the needs of small-amount, high-frequency transactions.

However, for adults, we don’t make a choice, we want both – that is, efficient settlement at low cost.

People want to pay more easily. Businesses want to pay their suppliers without having to worry about settlement times; individuals want to send money to family members far away without paying high fees and waiting days. Today's financial infrastructure cannot quickly meet people's needs for fast transactions. Paypal does not want users to lose value while waiting.

Today, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology provide a new payment channel that can simplify the payment settlement process, making payments fast, cheap and easy to access.

Therefore, we need to use cryptocurrency and blockchain payment technology solutions to solve the legacy problems of traditional payments: 1) slow settlement time; 2) high transaction costs; and 3) global , the current financial system cannot cover the incompatibility of regions (Under-banked and Unbanked).

三、Paypal 的稳定币支付解决方案

How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment

(支付巨头 Paypal 的稳定币有望带领加密行业走向主流)

稳定币定义:大多加密货币的价格波动很大,并不适合支付,就如比特币在一天内可能会出现很大振幅。而稳定币是一种旨在通过保持稳定价值来解决此问题的加密货币,通常与法定货币(如美元)1:1 挂钩。稳定币兼具两全其美的优势:它们保持较低的日常波动,同时提供区块链的优势——高效、经济且全球通用。

PayPal 推出的稳定币 PYUSD 是一种全新的稳定币支付解决方案,旨在实现下一代金融科技创新。PYUSD 建立在 PayPal 深厚的支付行业积累和 Solana 高性能区块链之上,能够实现高效即时结算,降低交易成本费用,高度安全和真正的全球支付。

PYUSD 是由 Paypal 推出的一种建立在区块链上的稳定价值存储工具(1:1 美元兑换),它的出现将解决当前全球支付行业的上述问题。符合条件的美国用户可以购买、出售、发送、接收 PYUSD,并用于支付:

  • 在 PayPal 和 Venmo 生态内购买、转让 PYUSD,实现丝滑的出入金体验;
  • 使用 PYUSD 支付作为在线交易的付款方式,如全球数百万 PayPal 商家的结账和付款;
  • PYUSD 在 Xoom(跨境支付工具)上的跨境 P2P 支付;
  • 在 PayPal 生态系统之外,PYUSD 可以使用在加密货币交易所(例如 Crypto.com)和钱包(例如 Phantom);
  • PYUSD 还可用于各种创新,例如,PYUSD 可用作 Mesh 等风险投资的快速、低成本融资工具。

PYUSD 正在构建真正的稳定币商业场景,提供主流消费者和商家所期望的,几乎无摩擦且值得信赖的支付体验。

How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment

四、Paypal 稳定币支付迈向 Mass Adoption 的演进思路

基于 Paypal 近 20 年的全球支付合规经验,以及 PYUSD 的最高合规标准,PayPal + PYUSD 的组合能够将此前的稳定币交易(Stablecoin Transactions)升级,成为我们真正需要的稳定币支付(Stablecoin Payments)。

Paypal 在成立之初,肩负的责任不仅是促进支付落地,还包括引入和传播一种新技术——数字支付,目前这种数字支付的方式已经融入我们的生活,无处不在。这一成功的经验能够为 PYUSD 稳定币支付的推出提供经验指导及新颖见解。具体来说,Paypal 将 Mass Adoption 的演进思路分为三个阶段:

  • 认知觉醒(Awareness);
  • 支付效用(Utility);
  • 无处不在(Ubiquity)。

4.1 概念引入带来认知觉醒(Awareness through Introduction)


迈向 Mass Adoption 第一步是认知觉醒——即简单地向人们介绍新技术存在的事实。

在这个阶段,早期采用者是目标受众,即加密货币的持有者——这一群体约占全球人口的 15%,且相对容易触达。这也是 Paypal 在 2023 年底在以太坊上推出 PYUSD 的原因,确保了早期采用者的认知意识觉醒。

如今在市值第二的 Solana 高性能区块链上推出 PYUSD,能够覆盖加密生态中最积极、最活跃的人群,让世界知道,「PYUSD 真的来了。」

此外,PYUSD 与 PayPal 和 Venmo 应用程序的整合将为其引入了超过 1 亿的美国用户。后续将不断与加密交易所、支付合作伙伴一起扩大 PYUSD 在 PayPal 生态系统之外的影响力。

Paypal 从此前的成功经验中知道,让一种新的支付机制进入大众,思想上的认知觉醒是必要的第一步。

4.2 整合实现支付效用(Utility through Integration)

采用新支付技术的下一步是实现支付效用,即将最初的思想认知觉醒转化为实际生活中的支付效用,就如 PayPal 在早期通过 eBay 将 PayPal 打造成在互不认识的双方之间提供可信交易的平台。

时至今日,人们需要的支付必须是快速而廉价的。虽然 Paypal 在以太坊主网推出 PYUSD 为其提供了巨大的知名度,但这并没有完全满足 PYUSD 实现作为数字商业支付工具使命而所需的所有标准——高效、经济且全球通用。

因此,PYUSD 转向 Solana,来实现支付的效用。

How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment

(PayPal 推出基于 Solana 的美元稳定币:区块链支付的新篇章)

Solana 是一个为金融、支付、忠诚度计划等构建的高性能区块链网络,是采用率最高的区块链之一。2023 年第四季度平均每天处理了 4070 万笔交易,且有 2500 名开发者活跃于生态。此外,其区块链的开源,可编程,可组合性也能够带来巨大的空间和网络效应。

Solana 为 PYUSD 带来了远比其他区块链更快的结算速度,更低的交易成本,更强的可拓展性,以及全球网络的支持。结合了 Solana 的优势之后,用户在使用 PYUSD 的过程中,能够真正实现支付效用:

  • 实时结算:大多数 PYUSD 交易在几秒内实现高效结算;
  • 低交易成本:Solana 链上的交易成本仅几美分,无论交易金额是多少;
  • 交易终局性:商家不必担心客户由于资金不足或其他原因取消付款;
  • 全天候交易:7/24/365 的全天候可用;
  • 互操作性:PYUSD 可用于 PayPal 生态之外,实现与其他网关、网络和钱包的互操作性;
  • 可编程性和可组合性:PYUSD 是在广泛采用的 SPL 代币标准上开发的。这意味着任何支持该标准的产品都会自动支持 PYUSD。开发人员可以在 PayPal 生态系统内部和外部自由地进行实验和构建。消费者、商家和机构可以享受广泛的第三方开发者体验,利用 PYUSD 进行支付和金融的使用案例;
  • Paypal 的庞大用户群体:PYUSD 可供现有的符合条件的美国 PayPal 客户群使用。

因此,在 Solana 上推出 PYUSD 将有助于稳定币支付的长期采用。在这个过程中,将 PYUSD 从认知觉醒阶段转移到实际支付效用阶段。

随着 PYUSD 在以太坊和 Solana 上线,将带来更多开发者和生态伙伴的参与,并且结合 PayPal 和 Venmo 应用程序上的实用性,PYUSD 将为用户提供更多切实可行的、对用户友好的用例。

4.3 稳定币支付无处不在(Ubiquity through Assimilation)


对于 PayPal 来说,它让数字支付成为 200 多个国家的人们相互之间和企业之间汇款的一种方式,作为一种安全、可靠、标准化的 P2 P、B2 B 和 B2 C 支付方式,随着数字全球化的发展而无处不在。

五、Solana 上 PYUSD 稳定币支付用例

让梦想照进现实,让人们能够随心所欲地支付,光喊口号可不行。我们来看看 PYUSD 的一些落地场景。

How to find a path to payment freedom? Analyze the inner logic of Paypal stable currency payment

5.1 跨境点对点转账汇款(P2P)

如今在全球范围内,个人之间的经济联系比以往任何时候都更加紧密。然而,个人间的跨境转移资金是一个庞大且不断增长的市场,充满了机会。向低收入和中等收入国家进行法定转账汇款在 2023 年达到了 6690 亿的体量(世界银行数据),但是跨境转账汇款并不便宜。

使用 PYUSD,付款人可以使用 Solana 钱包向收款人直接汇款,转账几乎可以立即结算,而且成本接近为零。

即使对于没有 Solana 钱包的收款人,付款人也可以通过与 PYUSD 的支付服务提供商合作,以节约跨境转账汇款服务的成本。支付服务提供商通过 PYUSD 的本地合作银行连接法币现金网络,让收款人轻松地将 PYUSD 转换为银行存款或现金,从而享受近乎即时、低成本的全球转账汇款服务。

5.2. 企业间转账(B2B)

由于跨境支付的复杂性,存在多个中介机构和跨国家的代理银行网络,大多数 B2B 支付可能需要数天时间才能结算。而且,根据跨境转移资金的方式,支付费用可能很高。

通过利用 PYUSD 的可编程特性,企业可以构建自己的服务,无缝地创建近乎即时、经济高效的跨境转账方式,并且技术要求相对较低。团队还可以创建智能合约来管理账户之间 PYUSD 的流动。这可以提高供应商付款(或任何其他受合同协议管辖的 B2B 付款)的速度和准确性。

此外,采用 PYUSD 转账并不一定要求企业拥有 PYUSD 甚至与 PYUSD 互动。支付服务提供商可以构建 B2B 支付产品,为最终用户提供法币体验。

5.3. 全球收付(B2C)

PYUSD 可以显著降低全球支付的复杂性。PYUSD 无须通过复杂的网络(包括独特的区域银行账户、不同的货币、代理银行和数字钱包轨道),而是可以支付到任何兼容的钱包地址。此外,使用 PYUSD 的可编程智能合约可以使企业付款人更有效地自动化支付流程,甚至可以实时支付工资。

5.4. 小额交易


然而,Solana 上的 PYUSD 将使商家平台能够以近乎实时且低成本的方式轻松处理小额交易。小额交易支持多种用例,例如小费、游戏内购买,以及按阅读或浏览次数向内容创作者支付少量费用。

5.5. Web3 支付

许多 Web3 商家(例如 NFT 市场和基于区块链的游戏平台)缺乏与传统法定银行账户的连接,需要强大、非易失性的支付解决方案,而 PYUSD + Paypal 能够满足。


PayPal 区块链、加密货币和数字货币集团高级副总裁 Jose Fernandez da Ponte 表示:「PayPal USD 的创建旨在通过为数字经济的下一次发展提供一种快速、简单且廉价的支付方式,再次彻底改变商业。在 Solana 区块链上提供 PYUSD 进一步实现了我们的目标,即实现一种专为商业和支付而设计的具有稳定价值的数字货币。」

我们能够看到去年 PYUSD 在以太坊上线以来一直不温不火,更多的是在 Paypal 的 Supper App 中运转。此番上线 Solana,无论是想要破圈也好,还是打算进一步深入探索也罢。毫无疑问,Web3 的杀手级应用可能已经到来,它就是支付!

就像我们此前在Web3 支付研报中讲的:加密货币最大的机会可能不是将其视为加密货币,而是将其视为一套新的支付方式。


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