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What should I do if I can’t delete a Windows system dll file? Tips for completely deleting stubborn dll files

2024-06-12 14:46:10175browse

Problem: DLL files remaining after uninstalling stubborn software. After uninstalling certain software, you may encounter residual DLL files that cannot be deleted. These files are often tied to a still-running process (usually explorer.exe), causing deletion to fail. Solution: This article will detail how to find and delete these stubborn DLL files and restore system cleanliness and smoothness. PHP editor Zimo will guide you through the following steps: Find out the process occupying the file, end the process, and safely delete the DLL file to prevent residual files from appearing in the future

Method 1:

1. Press win+r After pressing the key, an interface will appear, and then enter regedit. The screenshot is as follows:

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

2. Then press Enter and we will enter the registry editor. The screenshot is as follows:

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#3. At this time we will find the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" file in "My Computer", and then click to expand--SOFTWARE--Microsoft-- Windows--CurrentVersion--Explorer.

4. Create a new item named: "AlwaysUnloadDLL" on the right side and enable the function of clearing unused dynamic link files in memory

———— Click on the new one, and then modify its numerical data to "1" (turn on this function). If it is set to 0, it turns off this function. The screenshot is as follows:

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

#5. After the setting is successful, restart the computer and then delete the .dll file you need to delete.

This method may be the most troublesome, but it is the most effective.

Method 2:

The following introduces a method to completely delete stubborn dll files, using the WIN64AST system auxiliary tool (WIN64AST official download address)

1. Find the need Deleted dll file

I am here just as a demonstration, I chose the dll file generated when WIN64AST is run

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

2. Use the command line (cmd) View all current process information

The command istasklist /m > d:demo.txt This command means to print out the detailed information of all processes running in the current system to the D drive In the demo.txt file in the root directory

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

#3. Find the dll file name that needs to be deleted in the output file

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Open the demo.txt file, there is detailed system process information here

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#Find the dll file name that needs to be deleted and the corresponding process ID (PID)

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

4. Open WIN64AST and find the corresponding dll file

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

After finding the corresponding process ID (PID), right-click the corresponding In the process row, select View mudules and enter the next interface

windows系统dll文件删不掉怎么办? 彻底删除顽固dll文件的技巧

Find the corresponding dll file name on this page, then right-click on the corresponding row and select Unload Uninstall (or select Unload & delete file to uninstall and delete)

At this point, the stubborn dll file has been completely deleted. I hope you like it, please continue to pay attention to this site.

The above is the detailed content of What should I do if I can’t delete a Windows system dll file? Tips for completely deleting stubborn dll files. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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