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How does OP Stack evolve into OP “super chain” step by step?

2024-06-12 13:29:27430browse


Last month, the WorldCoin Foundation announced the launch of the OP Stack-based World Chain, a blockchain that will join Optimism’s Superchain and interact with other chains such as Base, Mode, OP Mainnet and Zora.

Everyone may have heard of OP, OP Stack and super chain. Curious babies may ask: What? Why? Where? This article will give you answers one by one, including the current status, vision, etc. of the super chain. At the end of the article, the operation process of one-click publishing L2/L3 is also carefully organized.

##Starting from Optimism

Everyone must be familiar with Optimism. It is a Layer 2 solution based on Ethereum that aims to provide fast, stable, scalable and low-cost blockchain services. It helps alleviate network congestion by running on top of the Ethereum main chain (Layer 1), thereby reducing transaction costs and processing time

Optimism utilizes a technology called Optimism Rollups by packaging large amounts of transaction data Together, fees are processed and paid only once on the Ethereum main chain. This approach not only speeds up transactions and reduces costs, but also maintains the high level of security that relies on Ethereum as its foundation. Later, Optimism Rollup technology was made open source and became an open source blockchain framework announced by OP Stack - Optimism Collective.

OP Stack can be understood as a toolbox for one-click L2 publishing, which greatly simplifies the construction of L2 chains. These decentralized L2 chains developed based on OP Stack share security, communication layer and open source technology Stack to form the OP The vision of super chain.

Current situation - Use OP Stacks to lay out in multiple areas.

Currently OP Stacks has been adopted by many well-known projects, including Base, which currently ranks first in various L2 NFT transaction data: Layer2 developed by Coinbase, Debank Chain launched by asset management application Debank, and Farcaster Stack from Farcaster, the leading social protocol. The diversity of these applications reflects the OP hyperchain concept that OP Stack was designed to support from its launch.

What is a "super chain"?

"Super Chain" is a multi-chain network structure based on Layer 2 (L2) technology, aiming to solve the problem of traditional blocks Challenges in horizontal scalability of chains. Traditional multi-chain architectures often face difficulties in working together and high overhead issues, while "hyperchains" commoditize blockchains by treating each chain as "interchangeable computing resources", allowing developers to Build cross-chain applications without increasing systemic risk.

In the "Super Chain" model, individual chains (such as OP chains) are standardized and integrated into the network formally managed by Optimism Collective. These chains not only share security and communication layers, but also an open source technology stack. This design allows developers to focus more on building applications on the entire super chain without having to worry about the specific technical details of individual chains.

OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?

In addition, this design concept also means that the concept of blockchain itself can become more abstract, and developers can integrate the entire interoperable area. The blockchain network is treated as a unified unit, allowing new solutions to be developed and deployed more efficiently. In this way, "Super Chain" not only optimizes resource utilization, but also provides new possibilities for the future development of blockchain.

How OP Chain achieves security

In the "hyperchain" bridge security model, security (ie validity) and activity (ie censorship resistance) can be guaranteed. Security is guaranteed by the proof system, and liveness is guaranteed by the ability to submit transactions directly to L1. The combination of security and liveness means that if something goes wrong with the OP Chain sequencer, users can always submit transactions to L1, which will migrate their usage to the new OP Chain with a correctly functioning sequencer.

The following is Optimism’s official definition of “super chain”. A “super chain” is defined as meeting the following conditions:

Attributes Purpose
Shared L1 blockchain is All OP chains provide a complete order of transactions, that is, a sequencer.
Shared bridging of all OP chains Enables OP chains to have standardized security properties.
Low-cost OP chain deployment Allows deployment and transactions without paying high L1 transaction fees.
Configuration options for OP chains Allow OP chains to configure their data availability providers, orderer addresses, etc.
Secure Transactions and Cross-Chain Messaging Enables users to safely migrate data between OP chains.

OP 技術「去中心化」路線

OP Labs 作為框架支援方,所做的許多工作都致力於讓OP Stack 支援更廣泛的技術去中心化。例如,Bedrock 版本支援多種證明方案和多個客戶端。多客戶端故障證明是技術去中心化的基本組成部分,而 Bedrock 的模組化框架極大地影響了社群對 OP Stack 實際開發的去中心化能力。


#在追求去中心化的過程中,對挑戰保持知識上的誠實是重要的。具體來說,編寫複雜且無錯誤的程式碼非常困難,但至關重要,因為任何一個漏洞都可能對任何 L2 產生災難性的後果。


#OP 倡導在鏈上故障證明的步驟中保持有目的性、務實和謹慎。實現完全的證明需要時間,但 Optimism 方認為可以並行開發幾個協定升級,以在不等待故障證明就緒的情況下,使 OP Stack 在去中心化方面有意義地進一步發展。

時時保持對技術方案的更新,其實是導致了前一陣 OP 被 Arbitrum 方發現兩個 bug 的緣由[1]。作為技術提供方,這樣被社群廣泛使用的開源框架,也隨時等待市場和社群的檢視,需要承擔更多。

OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?


OP Stacks 超級連結佈局在商業行取得成功

##根據L2Beat 的數據顯示,截至2024 年5 月4 日,Layer2 TVL(總鎖定價值)總共399.8 億美元,其中OP Stack 有186.1 億美元,接近全部TVL 一半且位居第一。 Optimism 的Stack 服務得到了廣泛的採用,越來越多的專案採用了OP Stack 框架快速建立一個新的L2,如Optimism,Base,Mode,Zora,Frax,Lyra,Ancient,Redstone,Worldcoin,Mint,Lisk 。這突顯了 Stack 服務在市場敘事中的價值。

OP Stacks -怎麼演化成超級鏈呢?


#引入SystemConfig 合約

OP Stack背後的技術平台Bedrock引入了SystemConfig合約,開始直接透過L1 智慧合約定義L2 鏈。這可以擴展到把定義 L2 鏈的所有資訊都放在鏈上,包括產生獨特的鏈 ID、block gas limit等關鍵配置值。截取SystemConfig 合約片段如下


<code style="font-size: inherit; font-family: PingFang SC,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Hiragino Sans GB,Heiti SC,Microsoft YaHei,WenQuanYi Micro Hei,sans-serif;">/** * @title SystemConfig * @notice The SystemConfig contract is used to manage configuration of an Optimism network. All *         configuration is stored on L1 and picked up by L2 as part of the derviation of the L2 *         chain. */contract SystemConfig is OwnableUpgradeable, Semver {    /**     * @notice Enum representing different types of updates.     *     * @custom:value BATCHER              Represents an update to the batcher hash.     * @custom:value GAS_CONFIG           Represents an update to txn fee config on L2.     * @custom:value GAS_LIMIT            Represents an update to gas limit on L2.     * @custom:value UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNER  Represents an update to the signer key for unsafe     *                                    block distrubution.     */    /*     * @notice Minimum gas limit. This should not be lower than the maximum deposit gas resource     *         limit in the ResourceMetering contract used by OptimismPortal, to ensure the L2     *         block always has sufficient gas to process deposits.     */    uint64 public constant MINIMUM_GAS_LIMIT = 8_000_000;    /**     * @notice Identifier for the batcher. For version 1 of this configuration, this is represented     *         as an address left-padded with zeros to 32 bytes.     */    bytes32 public batcherHash;    /**     * @notice L2 gas limit.     */    uint64 public gasLimit;</code>

CREATE2 產生確定的連結位址

基於SystemConfig 設計,把資料完全放到鏈上之後,就可以創建一個工廠(Chain Factory),為每個鏈部署配置和所有其他所需的合約。透過使用 CREATE2 產生一一對應的合約位址,我們對這一步進行進一步擴展:這意味著,給定一個鏈配置,我們就可以確定與該鏈關聯的所有 bridge 位址。這也使得在不部署 bridge 合約的情況下,我們可以與鏈進行交互,從而使鏈的部署幾乎免費,並允許鏈繼承標準的安全屬性。

OP 鏈之間的通訊— 「鏈工廠」沿用OP 鏈資料

Bedrock 引進了從L1 鏈建立L2 鏈的方法,其中所有鏈資料都可以與L1 區塊進行同步。隨著 L1 鏈工廠擴展將所有配置放在鏈上,Optimism 節點能夠僅憑一個 L1 位址加上與 L1 的連接來確定性地同步任何 OP 鏈。

需要注意的是,當 OP 鏈同步完成時,鏈狀態是在本地計算的。這意味著確定 OP 鏈的狀態是完全無需權限(Permissionless)和安全的(Secure)。由於所有無效的交易都會被節點執行的本地節點計算過程所忽略,因此衍生鏈不需要證明系統。然而,為了確保 Superchain鏈上的提款,仍然需要一個證明系統。

以SystemConfig 模組化設計排序器

Bedrock 中引入了在SystemConfig 合約中設定排序者地址的功能。隨著引入具有各自 SystemConfig 合約的多條鏈,可以允許 OP 鏈的部署者配置排序者位址。這種可配置的排序者設計稱為模組化排序。這使得不同的實體可以對 OP 鏈進行排序,同時保留標準的 [Superchain 橋] 安全模型——這是向排序者去中心化邁出的關鍵一步。

模組化排序允許無需權限地試驗不同的排序模型。開發者可以採用各種排序協議,如輪詢排序、排序者共識協議、價格競爭排序(PGA 排序)或先進先出排序(FIFO 排序)。我們可以預期,隨著時間的推移,對使用者更友善的排序標準將逐漸湧現。

OP 鏈共享一個技術升級路徑


在緊急情況下暫停橋的能力意味著,在最壞的情況下,即安全委員會成員的私鑰被洩露時,結果將是提款無限期暫停,橋升級也將永久取消。換句話說,L1 橋將被凍結。這遵循安全優先於活躍性的設計原則——即總是應防止 ETH 或代幣的損失(即強制安全),即使這意味著 ETH 或代幣被鎖定(即犧牲活躍性)。

OP Stack 變成」超級鏈「路上的痛點


  • 提款申請依賴一組受信任的鏈證明者。

  • 跨鏈交易速度慢,需要等待一個挑戰期。

  • 向 Superchain 提交交易的可擴充性不足,交易資料必須提交給有限容量的 L1。

    • 跨鏈交易是異步的,這破壞了執行原子跨鏈交易(如閃電貸)的能力。

    • 這一點在 EIP4844 之後有所改善。

    • 缺乏好用的框架來建立利用多個 OP 鏈的可擴展應用。

    • 缺乏一個簡單的錢包來管理跨多個 OP 鏈的代幣和應用。

    我們預想,當這些痛點可以解決掉,我們就有可能建構出能夠取代最複雜的 web2 應用的去中心化替代品。

    4844 之後超級鏈的大規模應用?

    EIP-4844 的推出與 Optimism 生態系統的 Delta 升級幾乎同步,是完美的配合。

    Celestia 等資料可用性(DA)解決方案主要是為了減少rollup 向L1 提交資料時的成本,而4844 提供了一個原生解決方案使得OP 鏈的營運成本(OPEX)降低了超過90% 。

    我們看到4844 之前,OP Stack 的主要費用集中在了L1 的gas 開銷,如下:

    • ##OP Stack 鏈上L1 活動資料(鏈/ L2收入/ L1 費用/ 毛利率/ L1 費用佔比):

      • OP Mainnet: 2k ETH / 1.97k ETH / 30 ETH / 98.5%

    OP Stack 如何一步步进化成 OP “超级链”?

    ########################### ######Base: 1.7k ETH / 1.37k ETH / 330 ETH / 80%###############那4844 以後,對OP Stack,超級鏈生態是個好,將會有越來越多的專案方願意使用L2 作為技術方案。我們也希望看到區塊鏈方案的降費,能提供更多商業機會給專案方,為大規模應用(Mass Adoption)提供可能性。 ########################如何使用Superchain######輕鬆部署L2############# ##########如何實操呢?超級鏈提供了一個平台叫 Superchain Dev Console###[3][4],其中支援 Ethereum, Base, Fraxtel, Mode, OP Mainnet, Redstone, Lisk, Zora 這些鏈的作為 L1 或 L2。 ##################

    同時,超級鏈社群裡面也有不少一鍵發 L3 的工具, 如 Mode 團隊開發的 Mode Flare。架構使用了 Pyth, Blockscout 和 Goldsky 等等[5]。

    結尾一些思考:我們看到 Optimism 的佈局,和超級鏈在商業版圖上的成功。 OP Stacks 大大降低了發布一個鏈的門檻,越來越的團隊收益於 OP Stack 方便快捷的部署自己的 L2,L3。是否在未來,OP Stack 會變成像 AWS,或是阿里雲一樣,身為產業龍頭為我們提供各種方便開發者搭建自己專案的基礎架構呢?著實,這種去中心化技術方案能夠一定程度的保證的技術的開源和安全性。從設計層面,超級鍊是否也存在潛在的產業壟斷風險?


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