Sonne Finance Attack Analysis: How can $100 leverage $6.5 million? The essence of this attack is that when the market (soToken) was created, the attacker performed the first mortgage casting operation and minted very few soTokens with a small amount of underlying tokens, resulting in the "totalSupply" value of soToken being too small. The attacker then exploited the vulnerability of Solidity contract precision loss, and then sent the underlying token directly to the soToken contract (soToken will not be minted, which means that "totalSupply" remains unchanged and "totalCash" becomes larger) instead of staking + casting. method to deposit the underlying token. Such an operation makes the "totalCash" variable in the contract become larger, but "totalSupply" remains unchanged, causing exchangeRate to become larger. In the end, when the attacker redeems the underlying token, the soToken that needs to be destroyed is less than the soToken minted during the mortgage. The attacker uses the earned soToken to lend the underlying token WETH and USDC to other soTokens (such as soWETH, soUSDC), and finally obtains Profits were as high as US$20 million.
On May 15, 2024, Sonne Finance was attacked on the Optimism chain, resulting in losses of up to $20 million. After the attack, user @tonyke_bot on
The essence of this attack is that when the market (soToken) was created, the attacker performed the first mortgage casting operation and minted very few soTokens with a small amount of underlying tokens, resulting in the "totalSupply" value of soToken being too high. Small. The attacker then exploited the vulnerability of Solidity contract precision loss, and then sent the underlying token directly to the soToken contract (soToken will not be minted, which means that "totalSupply" remains unchanged and "totalCash" becomes larger) instead of staking + casting. method to deposit the underlying token. Such an operation makes the "totalCash" variable in the contract become larger, but "totalSupply" remains unchanged, causing exchangeRate to become larger. In the end, when the attacker redeems the underlying token, the soToken that needs to be destroyed is less than the soToken minted during the mortgage. The attacker uses the earned soToken to lend the underlying token WETH and USDC to other soTokens (such as soWETH, soUSDC), and finally obtains Profits were as high as US$20 million.
Attack preparation transactions:
Profit from the attack Transaction:
Attack EOA related address:
0x5d0d99e9886581ff8f cb01f35804317f5ed80bbb
Attacker (contract) related address:
underlying token (VELO Token V2):
0 x9560e827af36c94d2ac33a39bce1fe78631088db
Vulnerability contract (soVELO, similar to Compound’s cToken):
X @tonyke_bot user rescue transaction: tx/0x816f9e289d8b9dee9a94086c200c0470c6456603c967f82ab559a5931fd181c2
The Sonne Finance project party recently passed a proposal to add the VELO market to Sonne Finance (https:// and arranged five transactions through the multisig wallet that were executed two days later ( 7), these five transactions are used to create VELO market (soVELO contract), and set some key configurations of the market, such as setting the interest rate model, setting the price oracle, setting the mortgage factor, etc. After the VELO market is created, users can deposit VELO tokens to mint soVELO tokens, which can in turn be used to borrow other soTokens.
The attack preparation stage is mainly for the attacker to create a VELO market (soVELO contract) based on the information in the Sonne Finance project proposal after the two-day lock-in period of the proposal has expired, and set the key configuration, and mint soVELO tokens by mortgaging VELO tokens into the soVELO contract. At the same time, the VELO tokens held by the attacker are sent directly to the soVELO contract to increase the exchangeRate and prepare for subsequent attacks to profit.
The specific steps are as follows:
After the two-day locking time ends, the attacker first packages the operations of the first four transactions arranged in the proposal into one transaction. (Transaction 0x45c0cc), used to create the VELO market (soVELO contract) and set up key configurations. When VELO market is initialized, exchangeRate is set to "200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000".
The attacker calls the "mint" function of the soVELO contract to deposit VELO tokens and mint soVELO tokens. The attacker specifies "mintAmount" as "400,000,001" (the VELO token's quantity). As can be seen from the function "exchangeRateStoredInternal", since the "_totalSuppl" of soVELO token is 0 at this time, exchangeRate is the value set in step 1. According to the formula "mintTokens = actualMintAmount / exchangeRate", the calculated number of soVELO tokens that should be minted at this time is 2. In short, in this step, the attacker deposits VELO tokens with a value of "400,000,001" into the soVELO contract, and the attacker obtains soVELO tokens with a value of 2.
The attacker sent VELO tokens directly to the soVELO contract. The value of VELO tokens is "2,552,964,259,704,265,837,526". At this time, the VELO tokens held by the soVELO contract increase. However, since there are no new soVELO tokens minted, the totalSupply remains unchanged, which means that it is calculated according to the exchangeRate calculation formula. The exchangeRate output will become larger.
The attacker transferred the soVELO tokens held multiple times, eventually to another attack EOA 0xae4a.
The attack profit stage is mainly when the attacker executes the fifth transaction of the proposal and lends VELO tokens directly to the soVELO contract through flash loans to Increase the exchangeRate further. Then the attacker uses the soVELO token with a value of 2 in his hand to borrow underlying tokens such as WETH and USDC from other soToken (such as soWETH, soUSDC, etc.) contracts, and these parts become the attacker's profit. Then the attacker went to redeem his underlying token in the soVELO contract. Due to the increase in exchangeRate and the loss of accuracy in calculating the soVELO tokens that need to be destroyed for redemption, the attacker ultimately only used the soVELO token with a value of 1. Almost all the previously deposited VELO tokens were redeemed, which can be understood as the attacker using the extra soVELO tokens with a value of 1 to earn underlying tokens such as WETH and USDC by borrowing from other soTokens. The attacker used the same technique to repeat the attack many times and ultimately made huge profits.
The specific steps are as follows:
The attacker executes the fifth transaction in the proposal and sets the lending factor specified in the proposal.
The attacker flash loaned VELO tokens with a value of "35,469,150,965,253,049,864,450,449" from the VolatileV2 AMM - USDC/VELO pool, which triggered the attacker's hook function. In the hook function, the attacker continues to perform the attack operation.
The attacker sends the VELO tokens he holds to the soVELO contract to further increase the exchangeRate. Currently, there are a total of VELO tokens with a value of "35,471,703,929,512,754,530,287,976" in the soVELO contract (the sum of VELO tokens transferred in by the attacker three times).
The attacker creates a new contract 0xa16388a6210545b27f669d5189648c1722300b8b. In the constructor, he transfers the 2 soVELO tokens he holds to the newly created contract 0xa163 (hereinafter referred to as the attacker 0xa163).
The attacker 0xa163 used the soVELO tokens he held to borrow WETH with a value of "265,842,857,910,985,546,929" from soWETH.
Attacker 0xa163 calls soVELO's "redeemUnderlying" function, specifying the value of redeemed VELO tokens as "35,471,603,929,512,754,530,287,976" (almost all attackers have previously transferred or mortgaged into the soVELO contract number of VELO tokens), at this time it is necessary to calculate the number of soVELO tokens that need to be destroyed for redemption according to the formula "redeemTokens = redeemAmountIn / exchangeRate".
It can be seen from the "exchangeRateStoredInternal" function that since _totalSupply is 2 instead of 0 at this time, the value of exchangeRate needs to be calculated, which is calculated through the formula "exchangeRate = (totalCash + totalBorrows - totalReserves) / totalSupply", The current exchangeRate is "17,735,851,964,756,377,265,143,988,000,000,000,000,000,000", which is much larger than the initial exchangeRate set "200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00".
The value of "redeemTokens" calculated based on the new exchangeRate is "1.99". Due to the downward rounding characteristics of Solidity, the value of "redeemTokens" is ultimately 1. This means that the attacker 0xa163 used soVELO tokens with a value of 1 to redeem almost all the VELO tokens previously deposited. At the same time, the attacker 0xa163 also earned WETH with a value of "265,842,857,910,985,546,929" borrowed from soWETH.
The attacker transferred the funds shortly after grabbing the illegal gains. Most of the funds were transferred to the following 4 addresses, and some were to change addresses to continue. Some attacks are for money laundering:
The attacker transferred 198 WETH to this address, and then the address used the same attack Using this method, illegal gains were obtained from the following transactions:
After the attack, the address transferred the above illegal gains to 0x5d0d99e9886581ff8fcb01f35804317f5ed80bbb.
The attacker transferred 724277 USDC and 2353 VELO to this address, and exchanged USDC for Ether. Then part of the funds were immediately transferred to the Stargate cross-chain bridge, and most of the illegal funds remained in this address:
The above is the detailed content of How can $100 leverage $6.5 million? Sonne Finance attack analysis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!