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Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

2024-06-07 12:05:27818browse

1. Foreword

##In the past few years, YOLOs has become a popular choice due to its advantages in computing cost and An effective balance between detection performance has become the dominant paradigm in the field of real-time target detection. Researchers have explored YOLO's architectural design, optimization goals, data expansion strategies, etc., and have made significant progress. At the same time, relying on non-maximum suppression (NMS) for post-processing hinders end-to-end deployment of YOLO and adversely affects inference latency.

In YOLOs, the design of various components lacks comprehensive and thorough inspection, resulting in significant computational redundancy and limiting the capabilities of the model. It offers suboptimal efficiency, and relatively large potential for performance improvement. In this work, the goal is to further improve the performance efficiency boundary of YOLO from both post-processing and model architecture. To this end, we first propose consistent dual allocation for NMS-free training of YOLOs, which simultaneously brings competitive performance and low inference latency. In addition, YOLO’s overall efficiency accuracy-driven model design strategy is also introduced.

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

Various components of YOLO have been fully optimized from the two perspectives of improving efficiency and accuracy, greatly reducing computing overhead and enhancing capabilities. The result of the work is a new generation of YOLO series for real-time end-to-end target detection, called YOLOv10. Extensive experiments show that YOLOv10 achieves state-of-the-art performance and efficiency at various model scales. For example, under a similar AP on COCO, YOLOv10-Sis1.8 is 1.8 times faster than RT-DETR-R18, and the number of parameters and FLOPs shared at the same time are 2.8 times. Compared with YOLOv9-C, under the same performance, YOLOv10-B has a 46% reduction in latency and a 25% reduction in parameters.

2. Background

Real-time object detection has always been a research hotspot in the field of computer vision , which aims to accurately predict the category and location of objects in an image at low latency. It is widely used in various practical applications, including autonomous driving, robot navigation, and object tracking. In recent years, researchers have focused on designing CNN-based object detectors to achieve real-time detection. Real-time object detectors can be divided into two categories: single-stage detectors and two-stage detectors. Single-stage detectors make dense predictions directly on the input image, while two-stage detectors first generate candidate boxes and then perform classification and location regression on these candidate boxes.

Among them, YOLOs are becoming increasingly popular due to their clever balance between performance and efficiency. YOLO's detection pipeline consists of two parts: model forward processing and NMS post-processing. However, both methods still have shortcomings, resulting in suboptimal accuracy and latency bounds. Specifically, YOLO usually adopts a one-to-many label allocation strategy during training, in which one basic implementation object corresponds to multiple sample books. Despite yielding superior performance, this approach requires NMS to select the best positive prediction during inference. This slows down inference and makes performance sensitive to NMS’s hyperparameters, preventing YOLO from achieving an optimal end-to-end deployment. One way to solve this problem is to adopt the recently introduced end-to-end DETR architecture. For example, RT-DETR provides an efficient hybrid encoder and query selection with minimal uncertainty, pushing DETR into real-time applications. However, the inherent complexity of deploying DETR hinders its ability to achieve an optimal balance between accuracy and speed. Another line explores end-to-end detection of CNN-based detectors, which typically utilize a one-to-one allocation strategy to suppress redundant predictions.

However, they often introduce additional inference overhead or achieve suboptimal performance. In addition, model architecture design remains a fundamental challenge for YOLO, which has a significant impact on accuracy and speed. To achieve more efficient and effective model architectures, researchers have explored different design strategies. To enhance feature extraction capabilities, various main computing units are provided for the backbone, including DarkNet, CSPNet, EfficientRep, and ELAN. For the neck, PAN, BiC, GD, RepGFPN, etc. are explored to enhance multi-scale feature fusion. Additionally, model scaling strategies and reparameterization techniques are investigated. Although these efforts have made significant progress, there is still room for a comprehensive examination of the various components in YOLO from an efficiency and accuracy perspective. Therefore, the resulting ability to constrain the model also leads to differential performance, leaving ample room for accuracy improvements.

3.New technology

Consistent Dual Assignments for NMS-free Training

During training, YOLOs usually utilize TAL as each instance is assigned multiple positive samples. The adoption of one-to-many allocation generates rich monitoring signals that help optimize and achieve superior performance. However, YOLO must rely on NMS post-processing, which results in unsatisfactory deployment inference efficiency. While previous works explore one-to-one matching to suppress redundant predictions, they often introduce additional inference overhead or produce suboptimal performance. In this work, YOLO provides an NMS-free training strategy with dual-label assignment and consistent matching metrics, achieving high efficiency and competitive performance.

  • Dual label assignments

## Unlike one-to-many assignment, one-to-one matching only assigns one prediction to each ground truth, avoiding NMS post-processing. However, it results in poor supervision, resulting in suboptimal accuracy and convergence speed. Fortunately, this deficiency can be remedied by one-to-many allocation. To achieve this, YOLO introduces dual label allocation to combine the best of both strategies. Specifically, as shown in Figure (a) below.

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

Introduced another one-to-one header for YOLO. It retains the same structure and adopts the same optimization goals as the original one-to-many branch, but utilizes one-to-one matching to obtain label assignments. During the training process, the two heads are optimized together with the model, allowing the backbone and neck to enjoy the rich supervision provided by one-to-many tasks. During inference, the one-to-many header is discarded and the one-to-one header is utilized for prediction. This enables YOLO to be deployed end-to-end without incurring any additional inference costs. Furthermore, in one-to-one matching, the previous choice is adopted, achieving the same performance as Hungarian matching with less additional training time.

  • Consistent matching metric

In the allocation process, one-to-one and one-to-one Many methods utilize a metric to quantitatively assess the level of agreement between predictions and instances. To achieve prediction-aware matching of two branches, a unified matching metric is used:

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

In dual-label assignment, one-to-many branches are better than one-to-one One branch provides richer monitoring signals. Intuitively, if the supervision of one-to-one headers can be coordinated with the supervision of one-to-many headers, one-to-one headers can be optimized in the direction of one-to-many header optimization. Therefore, one-to-one heads can provide improved sample quality during inference, resulting in better performance. To this end, the regulatory gap between the two is first analyzed. Due to the randomness in the training process, starting the inspection with two heads initialized with the same values ​​and producing the same predictions, i.e. a one-to-one head and a one-to-many head produces the same for each predicted instance pair p and IoU. Note the regression goals for both branches.

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

When to2m, i=u*, it reaches the minimum value, that is, i is the best positive sample in Ω, as shown in the figure above ( a) shown. To achieve this, consistent matching metrics are proposed, namely αo2o=r·αo2m and βo2o=r·βo2m, which means mo2o=mro2m. Therefore, the best positive sample for a one-to-many head is also the best sample for a one-to-one head. As a result, both heads can be optimized consistently and harmoniously. For simplicity, r=1 is taken by default, that is, αo2o=αo2m and βo2o=βo2m. To verify the improved supervised alignment, the number of one-to-one matching pairs within the first 1/5/10 of the one-to-many results is calculated after training. As shown in (b) above, the alignment is improved under the consistent matching method.

Due to limited space, a major innovation of YOLOv10 is the introduction of a dual label allocation strategy. The core idea is to use one-to-many detection heads during the training phase to provide more accurate More positive samples are used to enrich model training; in the inference stage, gradient truncation is used to switch to one-to-one detection heads. This eliminates the need for NMS post-processing, reducing inference overhead while maintaining performance. The principle is actually not difficult. You can look at the code to understand:

#https://github.com/THU-MIG/yolov10/blob/main/ultralytics/nn/modules/head.pyclass v10Detect(Detect):max_det = -1def __init__(self, nc=80, ch=()):super().__init__(nc, ch)c3 = max(ch[0], min(self.nc, 100))# channelsself.cv3 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, x, 3, g=x), Conv(x, c3, 1)), \ nn.Sequential(Conv(c3, c3, 3, g=c3), Conv(c3, c3, 1)), \nn.Conv2d(c3, self.nc, 1)) for i, x in enumerate(ch))self.one2one_cv2 = copy.deepcopy(self.cv2)self.one2one_cv3 = copy.deepcopy(self.cv3)def forward(self, x):one2one = self.forward_feat([xi.detach() for xi in x], self.one2one_cv2, self.one2one_cv3)if not self.export:one2many = super().forward(x)if not self.training:one2one = self.inference(one2one)if not self.export:return {'one2many': one2many, 'one2one': one2one}else:assert(self.max_det != -1)boxes, scores, labels = ops.v10postprocess(one2one.permute(0, 2, 1), self.max_det, self.nc)return torch.cat([boxes, scores.unsqueeze(-1), labels.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)else:return {'one2many': one2many, 'one2one': one2one}def bias_init(self):super().bias_init()'''Initialize Detect() biases, WARNING: requires stride availability.'''m = self# self.model[-1]# Detect() module# cf = torch.bincount(torch.tensor(np.concatenate(dataset.labels, 0)[:, 0]).long(), minlength=nc) + 1# ncf = math.log(0.6 / (m.nc - 0.999999)) if cf is None else torch.log(cf / cf.sum())# nominal class frequencyfor a, b, s in zip(m.one2one_cv2, m.one2one_cv3, m.stride):# froma[-1].bias.data[:] = 1.0# boxb[-1].bias.data[: m.nc] = math.log(5 / m.nc / (640 / s) ** 2)# cls (.01 objects, 80 classes, 640 img)

Holistic Efficiency-Accuracy Driven Model Design


  • Backbone & Neck:使用了先进的结构如 CSPNet 作为骨干网络,和 PAN 作为颈部网络,优化了特征提取和多尺度特征融合。
  • 大卷积核与分区自注意力:这些技术用于增强模型从大范围上下文中学习的能力,提高检测准确性而不显著增加计算成本。
  • 整体效率:引入空间-通道解耦下采样和基于秩引导的模块设计,减少计算冗余,提高整体模型效率。

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!



Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!


首先,按照官方主页将环境配置好,注意这里 python 版本至少需要 3.9 及以上,torch 版本可以根据自己本地机器安装合适的版本,默认下载的是 2.0.1:

conda create -n yolov10 pythnotallow=3.9conda activate yolov10pip install -r requirements.txtpip install -e .


yolo predict model=yolov10s.pt source=ultralytics/assets/bus.jpg

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

 让我们尝试部署一下,譬如先导出个 onnx 模型出来看看:

yolo export model=yolov10s.pt format=onnx opset=13 simplify

好了,接下来通过执行 pip install netron 安装个可视化工具来看看导出的节点信息:

# run python fisrtimport netronnetron.start('/path/to/yolov10s.onnx')

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

先直接通过 Ultralytics 框架预测一个测试下能否正常推理:

yolo predict model=yolov10s.onnx source=ultralytics/assets/bus.jpg

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

大家可以对比下上面的运行结果,可以看出 performance 是有些许的下降。问题不大,让我们基于 onnxruntime 写一个简单的推理脚本,代码地址如下,有兴趣的可以自行查看:

# 推理脚本https://github.com/CVHub520/X-AnyLabeling/blob/main/tools/export_yolov10_onnx.py# onnx 模型权重https://github.com/CVHub520/X-AnyLabeling/releases/tag/v2.3.6

Yolov10: Detailed explanation, deployment and application all in one place!

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