function MyWindow() { /* background left right bottom top div */ var bgDiv = null; var leftDiv = null; var rightDiv = null; var bottomDiv = null; var topDiv = null;
/* old values of window */ var oldTop = 100; var oldLeft = 200; var oldWidth = 500; var oldHeight = 400; var clickTopDivX = null; var clickTopDivY = null;
/* record whether max size */ var maxSize = false; /* record whether adjust */ var adjust = true; /* record click whether in window */ var clickInWindow = false; /* record add object */ var addObj = null; /* record whether mouse is down*/ var down = 0;
/* * set five div of window */ this.setBackgroundDiv = function(idName) { bgDiv = document.getElementById(idName); }; this.setLeftDiv = function(idName) { leftDiv = document.getElementById(idName); };
/* * chang window size function * curTop curLeft: new top left corner coordinate * curRight curBottom: new bottom right corner coordinate * curWidth curHeight: new width and height * Boolean: whether record new data */ function changeWindowSize(curTop, curLeft, curWidth, curHeight, Boolean) { = curTop; = curLeft; = curWidth; = curHeight;
/* record new data */ if (Boolean) { oldTop = curTop; oldLeft = curLeft; oldWidth = curWidth; oldHeight = curHeight; } = curHeight - 26; var bDivRCorner = document.getElementById("mywindow_botton_right_corner"); = curWidth - 12;
var tDivMiddleButtom = document.getElementById("mywindow_top_middle"); = curWidth - 72;
var tDivRightCorner = document.getElementById("mywindow_top_right_corner"); = curWidth - 2; }
/* change image of assign idName */ function changeImage(idName, imgSrc) { var image = document.getElementById(idName); image.src = imgSrc; }
/* show max size of window */ this.showMaxSize = function() { if (adjust) { maxSize = true;
/* * get top, left, width, height values of window */ this.getTop = function() { alert("My top pixel of window is: " bgDiv.offsetTop); }
this.getLeft = function() { alert("My Left pixel of window is: " bgDiv.offsetLeft); }
this.getWidth = function() { alert("My width pixel of window is: " bgDiv.offsetWidth); }
this.getHeight = function() { alert("My height pixel of window is: " bgDiv.offsetHeight); } /* * get mouse location * return [x, y]: x and y coordinate of mouse */ function getMouseXY() { var x = event.pageX || (event.clientX (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft ) );
var y= event.pageY || (event.clientY (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) );
return [x, y]; }
/* * judge mouse click whether in window * in other words, judge window whether is lived */ function judgeClick() { /* get mouse click site */ var coor = getMouseXY();
/* judge whether in window */ var myW = document.getElementById("mywindow"); var closeImage = document.getElementById("top_close_button"); var maxImage = document.getElementById("top_max_button"); var minImage = document.getElementById("top_min_button");
/* * top button events function * there are mouse down, mouse move, mouse up and mouse move */ function closeMouseDown() { changeImage("top_close_button", "image/window_control_close_mousedown.bmp"); }
/* * drag events function */ this.start = function(idName) { if(idName == "mywindow_top") { var coor = getMouseXY(); clickTopDivX = coor[0]; clickTopDivY = coor[1]; } document.getElementById(idName).setCapture(); down = 1; }
this.move = function(idName) { var curTop = oldTop; var curLeft = oldLeft; var curWidth = oldWidth; var curHeight = oldHeight; var coor = getMouseXY();
this.end = function(idName) { down = 0; document.getElementById(idName).releaseCapture(); } }
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