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php 图片上传代码(具有生成缩略图与增加水印功能)

2016-06-13 09:48:211454browse


php教程 图片上传代码(具有生成缩略图与增加水印功能)

class upfile {
 public $filepath = "www.bKjia.c0m/"; //上传文件存放文件夹

 public $filesize = 1000000; //允许上传的大小

 //如果要修改允许上传文件的类型  请搜索 【 switch ($upfiletype) { //文件类型  】

 public $reimagesize = array (
  true, //是否生成缩略图
  400, //缩略图宽
  "" //缩略图存放文件夹 如果为空和当前要生成缩略图的文件在同一目录 文件前缀r_
 ); //是否生成缩略图 array(生成或不生成,缩略图宽,缩略图高,存放文件夹); 注意:存放文件夹后跟 '/'

 public $india = true; //是否打水印 true打 false不打

 public $indiaimage = ""; //水印图片地址为空则不打图片水印 如果有文字水印建议不要开启图片水印

 public $indiaimagex = 100; //图片距离图片左边距离

 public $indiaimagey = 10; //图片距离图片上面距离

 public $indiatext = "www.bKjia.c0m"; //水印文字

 public $fontsize = 6; //水印文字大小,1最小6最大

 public $indiatextx = 10; //文字距离图片左边距离

 public $indiatexty = 10; //文字距离图片上面距离

 public $r = 250; //图片颜色三原色 $r红

 public $g = 250; //$g绿

 public $b = 250; //$b蓝

 public $indiapath = ""; //加了水印的图片保存路径,如果为空就直接替代原来的图片

 function uploadfile($upfile) {
  if ($upfile == "") {
  if (!file_exists($this->filepath)) {
  $upfiletype = $upfile['type'];
  $upfilesize = $upfile['size'];
  $upfiletmpname = $upfile['tmp_name'];
  $upfilename = $upfile['name'];
  $upfileerror = $upfile['error'];
  if ($upfilesize > $this->filesize) {
   return false; //文件过大
  switch ($upfiletype) { //文件类型
   case 'image/jpeg' :
    $type = 'jpg';
   case 'image/pjpeg' :
    $type = 'jpg';
   case 'image/png' :
    $type = 'png';
   case 'image/gif' :
    $type = 'gif';
  if (!isset ($type)) {
   return false; //不支持此类型
  if (!is_uploaded_file($upfiletmpname) or !is_file($upfiletmpname)) {
   return false;
   ; //文件不是经过正规上传的;
  if ($this->upfileerror != 0) {
   return false; //其他错误
  if ($this->upfileerror == 0) {
   if (!file_exists($upfiletmpname)) {
    return false; //临时文件不存在
   } else {
    $filename = date("ymdhis", time() + 3600 * 8); //图片已当前时间命名
    $filename = $this->filepath . $filename . "." . $type;
    if (!move_uploaded_file($upfiletmpname, $filename)) {
     return false; //文件在移动中丢失
    } else {
     if ($this->india == true) {
      $this->goindia($filename, $type,true);
     } else {
      if ($this->reimagesize[0] == true) {
       $this->goreimagesize($filename, $type);
      } else {
       return true; //上传成功!


 function goindia($filename, $filetype,$reimage=false) {
  if (!file_exists($filename)) {
   $this->reerror(7); //要添加水印的文件不存在
  } else {
   if ($filetype == "jpg") {
    $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
   } else
    if ($filetype == "gif") {
     $im = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
    } else
     if ($filetype == "png") {
      $im = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
   if ($this->indiatext != "") { //如果水印文字不为空
    $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, $this->r, $this->g, $this->b); //设置文字颜色
    imagestring($im, $this->fontsize, $this->indiatextx, $this->indiatexty, $this->indiatext, $textcolor); //将文字写入图片
   if ($this->indiaimage != "") {//如果水印图片不为空
    $indiaimagetype = getimagesize($this->indiaimage);
    $logow = $indiaimagetype[0]; //得到水印图片的宽
    $logoh = $indiaimagetype[1]; //得到水印图片的高
    switch ($indiaimagetype[2]) { //判断水印图片的格式
     case 1 :
      $indiaimagetype = "gif";
      $logo = imagecreatefromgif($this->indiaimage);
     case 2 :
      $indiaimagetype = "jpg";
      $logo = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->indiaimage);
     case 3 :
      $indiaimagetype = "png";
      $logo = imagecreatefrompng($this->indiaimage);
    imagealphablending($im, true); //打开混色模式
    imagecopy($im, $logo, $this->indiaimagex, $this->indiaimagey, 0, 0, $logow, $logoh);
  if ($this->indiapath == "") { //如果水印存放地址不为空
   if ($filetype == "jpg") {
    imagejpeg($im, $filename);
   } else
    if ($filetype == "gif") {
     imagegif($im, $filename);
    } else
     if ($filetype == "png") {
      imagepng($im, $filename);
   if($reimage == true){
    return true; //添加水印成功
  } else {
   if (!file_exists($this->indiapath)) {
    return false; //请重新上传
   } else {
    $indianame = basename($filename);
    $indianame = $this->indiapath . $indianame;
    if ($filetype == "jpg") {
     imagejpeg($im, $indianame);
    } else
     if ($filetype == "gif") {
      imagegif($im, $indianame);
     } else
      if ($filetype == "png") {
       imagepng($im, $indianame);
    if($reimage == true){
     echo $indianame;
     return true; //添加水印成功
 function goreimagesize($filename, $filetype) {
  if (!file_exists($filename)) {
   return false; //要生成缩略图的图片不存在
  } else {
   if ($filetype == 'jpg') {
    $reimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
   elseif ($filetype == 'png') {
    $reimage = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
   } else
    if ($filetype == 'gif') {
     $reimage = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
   if (isset ($reimage)) {
    $srcimagetype = getimagesize($filename);
    $srcimagetypew = $srcimagetype[0]; //得到原始图片宽度
    $srcimagetypeh = $srcimagetype[1]; //得到原始图片高度
    $reim = imagecreatetruecolor($this->reimagesize[1], $this->reimagesize[2]);
    imagecopyresized($reim, $reimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->reimagesize[1], $this->reimagesize[2], $srcimagetypew, $srcimagetypeh);
    $reimagepath = $this->reimagesize[3];
    if ($reimagepath != "") { //如果存放水印地址不为空
     if (!file_exists($reimagepath)) {
     } else {
      $reimagename = basename($filename);
      $reimagename = $reimagepath . "r_" . $reimagename;
      if ($filetype == "gif")
       imagegif($reim, $reimagename);
       if ($filetype == "jpg")
        imagejpeg($reim, $reimagename);
        if ($filetype == "png")
         imagepng($reim, $reimagename);
      return true;
    } else {
     $filename = basename($filename);
     if($this->indiapath == ""){
      $filename = $this->filepath."r_" . $filename;
      $filename = $this->indiapath."r_" . $filename;
     if ($filetype == "gif")
      imagegif($reim, $filename);
      if ($filetype == "jpg")
       imagejpeg($reim, $filename);
       if ($filetype == "png")
        imagepng($reim, $filename);
     return true;


if ($_post["submit"]) {
 $file = $_files['uploadfile'];
 $upfile = new upfile();
 echo $upfile->uploadfile($file);



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