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2016-06-13 09:45:41917browse

复制代码 代码如下:

/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name       :   权重计算                                        
//  Description:   稍加修改,亦可用于分词,词频统计,全文检索和垃圾检测
//  Date       :   2013/12/16 08:51

class weight {
    protected $aDict = array(array());
    protected $aItems = array();
    protected $sLastRule;
    protected $aMatchs = array();
    protected $aShow = array();

 private function init() {

    public function newItems($mItems) {
  $this->aItems = (is_array($mItems))? $mItems: array($mItems);

 public function newTable(array $aTable) {
        foreach($aTable as $iTableKey=>$sTableLine) {
            $aTableLine = explode(',', str_replace('|', ',', $sTableLine));
            $setter = function($v, $k, $paraMeter) {
                $k1 = $paraMeter[0]; $oWeight = $paraMeter[1];
                $oWeight->genDict($v, $k1);
            array_walk($aTableLine, $setter, array($iTableKey, $this));

    public function getShow($sRule = 'max') {
        if(empty($this->aItems) || empty($this->aDict))
            return array();
  if (empty($this->aShow) || $sRule != $this->sLastRule)
            return $this->genShow($sRule);
        return $this->aShow;

    public function genShow($sRule) {
        $aShow = array();
        $aMatchs = array();
  $getter = function($v, $k, $oWeight) use(&$aShow, &$aMatchs, $sRule) {
   $t = array_count_values($oWeight->matchWord($v));
            $aMatchs[] = $t;
            switch ($sRule) {
                case 'max':
                    $aShow[$k] = array_keys($t, max($t)); 
  array_walk($this->aItems, $getter, $this);
  $this->aShow = $aShow;
  $this->aMatchs = $aMatchs;
  return $aShow;

    private function genDict($mWord, $iKey = '') {
        $iInsertPonit = count($this->aDict);
        $iCur = 0; //当前节点号
        foreach (str_split($mWord) as $iChar) {
            if (isset($this->aDict[$iCur][$iChar])) {
                $iCur = $this->aDict[$iCur][$iChar];
            $this->aDict[$iInsertPonit] = array();
            $this->aDict[$iCur][$iChar] = $iInsertPonit;
            $iCur = $iInsertPonit;
        $this->aDict[$iCur]['acc'][] = $iKey;


        function matchWord($sLine) {
            $iCur = $iOffset = $iPosition = 0;
            $sLine .= "\0";
            $iLen = strlen($sLine);
            $aReturn = array();
            while($iOffset                 $sChar = $sLine{$iOffset};
                if(isset($this->aDict[$iCur][$sChar])) {
                    $iCur = $this->aDict[$iCur][$sChar];
                    if(isset($this->aDict[$iCur]['acc'])) {
                        $aReturn = array_merge($aReturn, $this->aDict[$iCur]['acc']);

                        $iPosition = $iOffset + 1;
                        $iCur = 0;
                } else {
                    $iCur = 0;
                    $iOffset = $iPosition;
                    $iPosition = $iOffset + 1;
            return $aReturn;



复制代码 代码如下:

$aItems = array(
$aTable = array(

$oWeight = new ttrie;
$aResult = $oWeight->newTable($aTable);

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