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2016-06-13 09:44:281033browse


emailclass.php  代码如下:   class CMailFile {   var $subject;  var $addr_to;  var $text_body;  var $text_encoded;  var $mime_headers;  var $mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";  var $smtp_headers;   function CMailFile($subject,$to,$from,$msg,$filename,$downfilename,$mimetype = "application/octet-stream",$mime_filename = false) {  $this->subject = $subject;  $this->addr_to = $to;  $this->smtp_headers = $this->write_smtpheaders($from);  $this->text_body = $this->write_body($msg);  $this->text_encoded = $this->attach_file($filename,$downfilename,$mimetype,$mime_filename);  $this->mime_headers = $this->write_mimeheaders($filename, $mime_filename);  }   function attach_file($filename,$downfilename,$mimetype,$mime_filename) {  $encoded = $this->encode_file($filename);  if ($mime_filename) $filename = $mime_filename;  $out = "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";  $out = $out . "Content-type: " . $mimetype . "; name=\"$filename\";\n";  $out = $out . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";  $out = $out . "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$downfilename\"\n\n";  $out = $out . $encoded . "\n";  $out = $out . "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "--" . "\n";  return $out;  }   function encode_file($sourcefile) {  if (is_readable($sourcefile)) {  $fd = fopen($sourcefile, "r");  $contents = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));  $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));  fclose($fd);  }  return $encoded;  }   function sendfile() {  $headers = $this->smtp_headers . $this->mime_headers;  $message = $this->text_body . $this->text_encoded;  mail($this->addr_to,$this->subject,$message,$headers);  } www.jbxue.com   function write_body($msgtext) {  $out = "--" . $this->mime_boundary . "\n";  $out = $out . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\"\n\n";  $out = $out . $msgtext . "\n";  return $out;  }   function write_mimeheaders($filename, $mime_filename) {  if ($mime_filename) $filename = $mime_filename;  $out = "MIME-version: 1.0\n";  $out = $out . "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ";  $out = $out . "boundary=\"$this->mime_boundary\"\n";  $out = $out . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";  $out = $out . "X-attachments: $filename;\n\n";  return $out;  }   function write_smtpheaders($addr_from) {  $out = "From: $addr_from\n";  $out = $out . "Reply-To: $addr_from\n";  $out = $out . "X-Mailer: PHP3\n";  $out = $out . "X-Sender: $addr_from\n";  return $out;  }  }   /*用法 - 例如:mimetype 为 "image/gif"  $mailfile = new CMailFile($subject,$sendto,$replyto,$message,$filename,$mimetype);  $mailfile->sendfile();   $subject -- 主题  $sendto -- 收信人地址  $replyto -- 回复地址  $message -- 信件内容  $filename -- 附件文件名  $downfilename -- 下載的文件名  $mimetype -- mime类型  */  ?>       演示示例   代码如下: sendfile();  ?>  
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