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2016-06-13 09:31:001235browse

CodeIgniter很适合小站点应用开发,但是它自带的view功能可能会给不懂PHP的前端人员带来麻烦。 相比之下phpcms的view模板解析就强大多了,所以这里就把PHPCMS的模板解析功能剥离出来,加到PHPCMS上。
首先在CodeIgniter libraries中 增加 template_cache.php

复制代码 代码如下:

 *  模板解析缓存
final class template_cache {

    public $cache_path;
    public function __construct()
        //$CI =& get_instance();
        $this->cache_path = APPPATH.'views';

     * 编译模板
     * @param $module    模块名称
     * @param $template    模板文件名
     * @param $istag    是否为标签模板
     * @return unknown

    public function template_compile($module, $template, $style = 'default') {

        $tplfile= APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.php';

        if (! file_exists ( $tplfile )) {
            show_error($tplfile ,  500 ,  'Template does not exist(1)');

        $content = @file_get_contents ( $tplfile );

        $filepath = $this->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

        if(!is_dir($filepath)) {
            mkdir($filepath, 0777, true);
        $compiledtplfile = $filepath.$template.'.php';
        $content = $this->template_parse($content);
        $strlen = file_put_contents ( $compiledtplfile, $content );
        chmod ( $compiledtplfile, 0777 );
        return $strlen;

     * 更新模板缓存
     * @param $tplfile    模板原文件路径
     * @param $compiledtplfile    编译完成后,写入文件名
     * @return $strlen 长度
    public function template_refresh($tplfile, $compiledtplfile) {
        $str = @file_get_contents ($tplfile);
        $str = $this->template_parse ($str);
        $strlen = file_put_contents ($compiledtplfile, $str );
        chmod ($compiledtplfile, 0777);
        return $strlen;

     * 解析模板
     * @param $str    模板内容
     * @return ture
    public function template_parse($str) {
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{template\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{include\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{view\s+(.+)\}/", "load->view(\\1); ?>", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{php\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        //alex fix
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{if\s+(.+?)\}}/", "``if \\1``", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{else\}}/", "``else``", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{\/if\}}/", "``/if``", $str );

        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{if\s+(.+?)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{else\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{elseif\s+(.+?)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\/if\}/", "", $str );

        //for 循环
        $str = preg_replace("/\{for\s+(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\/for\}/","",$str);
        //++ --
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\+\+(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\-\-(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(.+?)\+\+\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(.+?)\-\-\}/","",$str);
        //alex fix
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``if\s+(.+?)\``/", "{{if \\1}}", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``else``/", "{{else}}", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``\/if\``/", "{{/if}}", $str );

        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{loop\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{loop\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\}/", " \\3) { ?>", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\/loop\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:]*\(([^{}]*)\))\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:]*\(([^{}]*)\))\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{(\\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\'\"\$\x7f-\xff]+)\}/es", "\$this->addquote('')",$str);
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{([A-Z_\x7f-\xff][A-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/s", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace("/\{pc:(\w+)\s+([^}]+)\}/ie", "self::pc_tag('$1','$2', '$0')", $str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\/pc\}/ie", "self::end_pc_tag()", $str);
        $str = "" . $str;
        return $str;

     * 转义 // 为 /
     * @param $var    转义的字符
     * @return 转义后的字符
    public function addquote($var) {
        return str_replace ( "\\\"", "\"", preg_replace ( "/\[([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\x7f-\xff]+)\]/s", "['\\1']", $var ) );

     * 解析PC标签
     * @param string $op 操作方式
     * @param string $data 参数
     * @param string $html 匹配到的所有的HTML代码
    public static function pc_tag($op, $data, $html) {
        preg_match_all("/([a-z]+)\=[\"]?([^\"]+)[\"]?/i", stripslashes($data), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $arr = array('action','num','cache','page', 'pagesize', 'urlrule', 'return', 'start','setpages');
        $tools = array('json', 'xml', 'block', 'get');
        $datas = array();
        $tag_id = md5(stripslashes($html));
        $str_datas = 'op='.$op.'&tag_md5='.$tag_id;
        foreach ($matches as $v) {
            $str_datas .= $str_datas ? "&$v[1]=".($op == 'block' && strpos($v[2], '$') === 0 ? $v[2] : urlencode($v[2])) : "$v[1]=".(strpos($v[2], '$') === 0 ? $v[2] : urlencode($v[2]));
            if(in_array($v[1], $arr)) {
                $$v[1] = $v[2];
            $datas[$v[1]] = $v[2];
        $str = '';
        $setpages = isset($setpages) && intval($setpages) ? intval($setpages) : 10;
        $num = isset($num) && intval($num) ? intval($num) : 20;
        $cache = isset($cache) && intval($cache) ? intval($cache) : 0;
        $return = isset($return) && trim($return) ? trim($return) : 'data';
        if (!isset($urlrule)) $urlrule = '';
        if (!empty($cache) && !isset($page)) {
            $str .= '$tag_cache_name = md5(implode(\'&\','.self::arr_to_html($datas).').\''.$tag_id.'\');if(!$'.$return.' = tpl_cache($tag_cache_name,'.$cache.')){';
        if (in_array($op,$tools)) {
            switch ($op) {
                case 'json':
                        if (isset($datas['url']) && !empty($datas['url'])) {
                            $str .= '$json = @file_get_contents(\''.$datas['url'].'\');';
                            $str .= '$'.$return.' = json_decode($json, true);';

                case 'block':
                    $str .= '$block_tag = pc_base::load_app_class(\'block_tag\', \'block\');';
                    $str .= 'echo $block_tag->pc_tag('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';
        } else {
            if (!isset($action) || empty($action)) return false;
            if ( file_exists(APPPATH.'libraries'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$op.'_tag.php')) {
                $str .= 'if(!isset($CI))$CI =& get_instance();$CI->load->library("'.$op.'_tag");if (method_exists($CI->'.$op.'_tag, \''.$action.'\')) {';   
                if (isset($start) && intval($start)) {
                    $datas['limit'] = intval($start).','.$num;
                } else {
                    $datas['limit'] = $num;
                if (isset($page)) {
                    $str .= '$pagesize = '.$num.';';
                    $str .= '$page = intval('.$page.') ? intval('.$page.') : 1;if($page                    $str .= '$offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;$urlrule="'.$urlrule.'";';
                    $datas['limit'] = '$offset.",".$pagesize';
                    $datas['action'] = $action;
                    $str .= '$'.$op.'_total = $CI->'.$op.'_tag->count('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';

                    $str .= 'if($'.$op.'_total>$pagesize){ $pages = pages($'.$op.'_total, $page, $pagesize, $urlrule); } else { $pages="" ;}';
                $str .= '$'.$return.' = $CI->'.$op.'_tag->'.$action.'('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';
                $str .= '}';
        if (!empty($cache) && !isset($page)) {
            $str .= 'if(!empty($'.$return.')){setcache($tag_cache_name, $'.$return.', \'tpl_data\');}';
            $str .= '}';
        return "";

     * PC标签结束
    static private function end_pc_tag() {
        return '\';}?>';

     * 转换数据为HTML代码
     * @param array $data 数组
    private static function arr_to_html($data) {
        if (is_array($data)) {
            $str = 'array(';
            foreach ($data as $key=>$val) {
                if (is_array($val)) {
                    $str .= "'$key'=>".self::arr_to_html($val).",";
                } else {
                    if (strpos($val, '$')===0) {
                        $str .= "'$key'=>$val,";
                    } else {
                        $str .= "'$key'=>'".self::new_addslashes($val)."',";
            return $str.')';
        return false;

     * 返回经addslashes处理过的字符串或数组
     * @param $string 需要处理的字符串或数组
     * @return mixed
    function new_addslashes($string){
        if(!is_array($string)) return addslashes($string);
        foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_addslashes($val);
        return $string;

然后在global_helper中增加一个 template函数

复制代码 代码如下:

if ( ! function_exists('template'))
     * 模板调用
     * @param $module
     * @param $template
     * @param $istag
     * @return unknown_type
    function template($module = 'expatree', $template = 'index', $style = 'expatree',$return_full_path=true) {
        global $CI;
        if(!isset($CI))$CI =& get_instance();
        if(!$style) $style = 'default';
        $template_cache = $CI->template_cache;
        $compiledtplfile = $template_cache->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
        $tplfile= APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
        if(file_exists($tplfile)) {
            if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (@filemtime($tplfile) > @filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {   
                $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, $style);
        } else {
            $compiledtplfile = $template_cache->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
            if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (file_exists($tplfile) && filemtime($tplfile) > filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {
                $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, 'default');
            } elseif (!file_exists($tplfile)) {
                show_error($tplfile ,  500 ,  'Template does not exist(0)');

            return $compiledtplfile;
            return 'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template;


复制代码 代码如下:

    * 自动模板调用
    * @param $module
    * @param $template
    * @param $istag
    * @return unknown_type
   protected function view($view_file,$page_data=false,$cache=false)


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