<strong>-->html page<br></strong><div class="codetitle"> <span><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="94459" class="copybut" id="copybut94459" onclick="doCopy('code94459')"><u>Copy code</u></a></span> The code is as follows:</div> <div class="codebody" id="code94459"> <br> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><br> < ;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><br> <head><br> <title>Username verification example</title><br> < script src="../js/jquery-1.7.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script><br> <script src="../js/verify.js" type ="text/javascript"></script><br> </head><br> <body onload="verify()"><br> JAX instance for user name verification<br> < ;!--There is no need to use a form for data submission in ajax mode, so there is no need to write a form--><br> <input type="text" value="" id="userName" /> <br> < ;input type="button" value="Submit" onclick=""/><br> <!--Reserve space and display results--><br> <div id="result"> </div><br> <!--div is block,but span is inline---><br> </body><br> </html><br> </div> <br><strong>—>js page<br></strong><div class="codetitle"> <span><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="86173" class="copybut" id="copybut86173" onclick="doCopy('code86173')"><u>Copy code</u></a></span> The code is as follows:</div> <div class="codebody" id="code86173"> <br> function verify () {<br> $ ("#username"). Keyup (function () {<br> var user = $ (this) .Val (); <br> var userObj = $ (this); <br> "#result").text(data);<br> }<br><br><br><br>—>aspx page<br><br> </div> <br><strong><br> Copy the code </strong><div class="codetitle"><span> The code is as follows: <a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="64146" class="copybut" id="copybut64146" onclick="doCopy('code64146')"><u></u><% </a> Response.Clear();</span> string str_name = Request["userobj"];</div> if (str_name == "xtyang")<div class="codebody" id="code64146"> {<BR><BR> Response.Write("ok");<BR> }<BR> else<BR> {<br> Response.Write("no ");<br> }<BR> Response.End(); <BR> %><br><br><br></a></span></div>