The following js implementation can be used to generate a table with the number of rows required by the user. 1. First fill in the following code in the body to get the row value filled in by the user
< /br>
The effect is as shown below:
2.Add js code in header
<script> <br>function table() { <br>if (document.getElementById("Num").value == "" || document.getElementById("Num")"^[0-9]* $") == -1) { <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1").style.display = "block";//Judge whether Num is empty or not a number and prompt an error <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1 ").innerHTML = "Prompt message: The row number is empty or not a number! "; <br>} <br>else { <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1").style.display = "none";// Hide prompt information<br>var Num = parseInt(document.getElementById("Num").value); //Get the number of rows<br>var flag = true; <br>var data = ""; <br>data = " <table >"; <br>data = " <tr>" <br>"<td >we are</td>" <br>"<td >zhuzhu</td>" <br>"<td >dudu</td>" <br>"</tr>" ; <br>for (var i = 1; i <= Num; i ) { <BR>data = "<tr >"; <br>data = "<td>" i "</td>"; <br>data = "<td><input name='ColdDay" i "' type ='text' class='input'></td>"; <br>data = "<td><input name='ColdCureMethod" i "' type='text' class='input'> ;</td>"; <br>data = "</tr>"; <br>} <br>data = "</table>"; <br>document.getElementById("div1"). style.display = "block"; <br>document.getElementById("table1").innerHTML = data; <br>} <br>} <br></script>
generated The effect is as follows:
3. All codes are as follows:
<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="utf-8"%>
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme() "://" request.getServerName() ":" request.getServerPort() path "/";
test <script> <br>function table() { <br>if (document.getElementById("Num").value == "" || document.getElementById("Num")"^[0-9]*$") == -1) { <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1").style.display = "block";//判断payNum是否为空或不是数字 提示错误 <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1").innerHTML = "提示信息:行数为空或不是数字!"; <br>} <br>else { <br>document.getElementById("errmsg1").style.display = "none";//隐藏提示信息 <br>var Num = parseInt(document.getElementById("Num").value); //获取分期数 <br>var flag = true; <br>var data = ""; <br>data = " <table >"; <br>data = " <tr>" <br>"<td >we are</td>" <br>"<td >zhuzhu</td>" <br>"<td >dudu</td>" <br>"</tr>" ; <br>for (var i = 1; i <= Num; i ) { <BR>data = "<tr >"; <br>data = "<td>" i "</td>"; <br>data = "<td><input name='ColdDay" i "' type='text' class='input'></td>"; <br>data = "<td><input name='ColdCureMethod" i "' type='text' class='input'></td>"; <br>data = "</tr>"; <br>} <br>data = "</table>"; <br>document.getElementById("div1").style.display = "block"; <br>document.getElementById("table1").innerHTML = data; <br>} <br>} <br></script>
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