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Dynamically load dtree.js treeview (sample code)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 17:08:401206browse

复制代码 代码如下:

Destroydrop » Javascripts » Tree

open all | close all

接下来我们可以分析 我们要是想让他动态的生成 我们 要怎么处理


复制代码 代码如下:

open all | close all

我们是不是可以把上面的代码写到.cs文件里面呢! 是可以的


我们看下其实这里的这么多表字段 个人觉得 pid子节点(如果是0那么就是根节点,1子节点,3子节点的子节点) name要显示的名称 url连接地址 title标题 icon关闭图片的路径 iconopen打开图片的路径 这里不详细介绍了 大家可以试下 我们最主要的就是根据username 进行判断 大家也可以是把username换成是引用的字段 我这里只是一个测试的所以就用了个字符串类型 下面我们来动态加载treeview

首先我们建立一个数据库连接类返回一个Dataset类型 我是个人喜欢你们也可以直接返回一个DataTable

复制代码 代码如下:

private DataSet GetDt(string username)
string strConn="server=ZHOUYUN;database=Mytest;uid=sa;pwd=123456";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn);
string strSql = string.Format("
select * from treeview where username='{0}'",username);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strSql, conn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds;


Then we put the js that we generated into the book first into the .cs file. One of the key things is to pay attention to the pouring of the .js file and the pouring of the .css file. We can use Page.hearder.innerHTMl="" The file name you want to import

Let’s look at the code

Copy the code The code is as follows:

public void treeview()
//Strengthen a long string type
StringBuilder strbu = new StringBuilder();
//We are generating a class that retains the position of static text
Literal lit = new Literal();
//This is where we just mentioned to put the .js and .cs files
//page.Header.InnerHtml means to put this file reference in the html tag Inside
// Between this
Page.Header.InnerHtml = @"<
link rel='StyleSheet' href='dtree.css' type= 'text/css'/>
";//End of pouring

string username = "zhangsan";
DataSet ds = GetDt(username.Trim());
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
//We now start to put the js file into the long string type


open all |
close all

"); //End of long file type addition
//Now we keep the static text The text value is equal to the value of the long file type we just mentioned
lit.Text = Convert.ToString(strbu);
//Then we are thinking about how to put a paragraph of text into
Where is this position

form1.InnerHtml = "";
//We can get form1 directly from the .cs file and then .Controls.Add()
//He can only put static text, so we assigned the value of the long file type to the static text
//Then we can add it directly here
form1.Controls.Add(lit );

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