Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >Oracle 11gR2 Linux安装 mutipath 链路变更问题解决
在对一套oracle 11gr2版本进行安装三个节点,但三个节点找到的multipath盘对应的dm路径都不一致并且重启后对应的dm的路径还变化:
在对一套Oracle 11gr2版本进行安装三个节点,,但三个节点找到的multipath盘对应的dm路径都不一致并且重启后对应的dm的路径还变化:
[root@db3 ~]# multipath -l|grep dm
mpath2 (360014380125d8a5200003000008a0000) dm-1 HP,HSV400
| |- 3:0:1:1 sdm 8:192 active undef running
mpath1 (360014380125d8a5200003000008e0000) dm-0 HP,HSV400
mpath9 (360014380125d8a520000300000aa0000) dm-8 HP,HSV400
mpath8 (360014380125d8a520000300000a20000) dm-6 HP,HSV400
mpath7 (360014380125d8a520000300000a60000) dm-7 HP,HSV400
mpath6 (360014380125d8a5200003000009a0000) dm-4 HP,HSV400
mpath5 (360014380125d8a5200003000009e0000) dm-3 HP,HSV400
mpath11 (360014380125d8a520000300000b20000) dm-10 HP,HSV400
mpath4 (360014380125d8a520000300000960000) dm-5 HP,HSV400
mpath10 (360014380125d8a520000300000ae0000) dm-9 HP,HSV400
mpath3 (360014380125d8a520000300000920000) dm-2 HP,HSV400
[root@db1 ~]# multipath -l|grep dm
mpath2 (360014380125d8a520000300000920000) dm-2 HP,HSV400
mpath1 (360014380125d8a5200003000008e0000) dm-0 HP,HSV400
mpath9 (360014380125d8a520000300000ae0000) dm-9 HP,HSV400
mpath8 (360014380125d8a520000300000aa0000) dm-8 HP,HSV400
mpath7 (360014380125d8a520000300000a60000) dm-6 HP,HSV400
mpath6 (360014380125d8a520000300000a20000) dm-7 HP,HSV400
mpath5 (360014380125d8a5200003000009e0000) dm-4 HP,HSV400
mpath11 (360014380125d8a5200003000008a0000) dm-1 HP,HSV400
| |- 3:0:1:1 sdm 8:192 active undef running
mpath4 (360014380125d8a5200003000009a0000) dm-5 HP,HSV400
mpath10 (360014380125d8a520000300000b20000) dm-10 HP,HSV400
mpath3 (360014380125d8a520000300000960000) dm-3 HP,HSV400
[root@db2 oraInventory]# multipath -l|grep dm
mpath2 (360014380125d8a520000300000920000) dm-2 HP,HSV400
mpath1 (360014380125d8a5200003000008e0000) dm-1 HP,HSV400
mpath9 (360014380125d8a520000300000ae0000) dm-9 HP,HSV400
mpath8 (360014380125d8a520000300000aa0000) dm-8 HP,HSV400
mpath7 (360014380125d8a520000300000a60000) dm-7 HP,HSV400
mpath6 (360014380125d8a520000300000a20000) dm-6 HP,HSV400
mpath5 (360014380125d8a5200003000009e0000) dm-5 HP,HSV400
mpath11 (360014380125d8a5200003000008a0000) dm-0 HP,HSV400
| |- 3:0:1:1 sdm 8:192 active undef running
mpath4 (360014380125d8a5200003000009a0000) dm-4 HP,HSV400
mpath10 (360014380125d8a520000300000b20000) dm-10 HP,HSV400
mpath3 (360014380125d8a520000300000960000) dm-3 HP,HSV400
通过更改/etc/multipath/bindings和/etc/multipath.conf文件将三台机器对应的mpath路径对应一致,但是dm路径还是不一致,只能试用此时的/dev/mapper/multipath盘作为ASM 共享disk。
fdisk /dev/mapper/multipath*进行划分分区,安装grid infrastructure在进行创建asm卷组时,使用/dev/mapper/multipath报“不是可用的asm盘”,由于此时没有安装oracleasm、asmlib、asm-support无法判断问题到底是出在哪里,由于安装的版本是Red Hat linux 6.2,oracle官网已经对此版本没有对asmlib包进行支持,只能重新安装操作系统,将操作系统版本降低到linux 5.7。
oracleasm createdisk DISK1 /dev/mapper/mpath*p1
另外两台机器进行加载,加载成功并且能找到添加的盘符。但是在/dev/oracleasm/disks/ 目录中所创建的ASM DISK硬盘三台机器所对应的major和minor号不一致,此时只能试着进行grid安装。在进行asm 卷组创建时,添加asm DISK成功,但是在检查安装环境时,报DISK不是共享磁盘错误:
Device Checks for ASM - This is a pre-check to verify if the specified devices meet the requirements for configuration through the Oracle Universal Storage Manager Configuration Assistant. Error:
"/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK1" is not shared - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available - Action: User Action Not Available
"/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK2" is not shared - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available - Action: User Action Not Available
"/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK3" is not shared - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available - Action: User Action Not Available
Could not find the storage - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available - Action: User Action Not Available
Could not find the storage - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available - Action: User Action Not Available
Operation Failed on Nodes: [db3, db2, db1]
Verification result of failed node: db3
PRVF-5150 : Path /dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK5 is not a valid path on all nodes - Cause: - Action:
PRVF-5150 : Path /dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK4 is not a valid path on all nodes - Cause: - Action:
PRVF-5149 : WARNING: Storage "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK3" is not shared on all nodes - Cause: - Action:
PRVF-5149 : WARNING: Storage "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK2" is not shared on all nodes - Cause: - Action:
PRVF-5149 : WARNING: Storage "/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK1" is not shared on all nodes - Cause: - Action:
忽略此错误,继续安装,当进行第一个节点运行root.sh脚本时,创建data asm卷组成功,但是进行第二、三节点运行root.sh,报以下无法挂载DATA卷组错误:
Mounting Disk Group DATA failed with the following message:
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15017: diskgroup "DATA" cannot be mounted
ORA-15063: ASM discovered an insufficient number of disks for diskgroup "DATA"
ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed