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<pre code_snippet_id=" 280064" snippet_file_name="blog_20140408_2_455436" name="code" class="javascript">/*================================ ===== <br>@Title: diluted version of banner with title description and small button <br>@Time: 2013.11.22 <br>@Source: BENZI.PW <br>@Description: <br><br> How to use the plug-in: <br>Please copy the CSS HTML completely before use.<br>benzi.bzBanner(); <br><br>Object calls are all changed in js<br>container: outermost frame<br>cols: all content<br>btns: all small buttons<br>act: Button activation style name <br>pre: Scroll forward button <br>next: Scroll backward button <br><br><br>====*/ <br>var benzi = { <br>bzBanner: function (){ <br><br>//All parameters are initialized (will be deleted after encapsulation) <br>var values = { <br>container:$('.bzBanner'), <br>cols:$('.bzBanner .col'), <br>btns:$('.bzBanner .btn i'), <br>act:'act', <br>pre:$('.bzBanner .pre'), <br>next: $('.bzBanner .next'), <br>now:0 <br>} <br><br>//Fade effect, set zindex of all individual objects, and show and hide <br>// col: all Content object <br> // pre: previous object <br> // now: currently displayed object <br> // ----------------------- - <br>var weaken = function( pre,now ){ <br>var col = values.cols; <br>col.css({ zIndex:1 }).eq( pre ).css({ zIndex:2 } ); <br>col.eq( now ).css({ zIndex:3,opacity:0 }).stop(true).animate({ opacity:1 },700); <br>} <br><br>//Incremental calculation, return the previous displayed content and the current content to be displayed<br>// now: the currently selected index<br>//---------------- --- <br>var increase = function( now ){ <br>var pre = now ,now = pre 1; <br>if( now >= values.cols.length ) now = 0; <br>return { pre:pre ,now:now }; <br>} <br><br>//Decreasing calculation<br>//------------------ <br>var regression = function( now ){ <br>var pre = now ,now = pre - 1; <br>if( now < 0 ) now = values.cols.length-1; <br>return { pre: pre ,now:now }; <br>} <br><br>//Modify the small button style<br>//--------------------- <br>var btnStyle = function( now ){ <br>if( values.btns && values.act ) <br>values.btns.removeClass( values.act ).eq( now ).addClass( values.act ); <br>} <br><br>//Small button event hook, if there is a small button in the initialization, it will be executed, otherwise it will not be executed <br>//---------------- ------ <br>var button = function(){ <br>values.btns.click(function(){ <br>var now = $(this).index(); <br>if( values .now != now ){ <br>weaken( values.now ,now ); <br>btnStyle( now ); <br>text( now ); <br>values.now = now; <br>} <br>}); <br>} <br><br>//Content switching<br>// aspect: direction, 0 or no value means backward flipping, 1 means forward flipping<br>//------ ---------------- <br>var change = function( aspect ){ <br>var val = aspect ? regression( values.now ) : increase( values.now ); <br>weaken( val.pre ,val.now ); <br>btnStyle( val.now ); <br>text( val.now ); <br>values.now = val.now; <br>} <br><br>//Left and right button effects<br>//----------------------- <br>var shortcut = function(){ <br> values.pre.click(function(){ change(1); }); <br>values.next.click(function(){ change(); }); <br>} <br><br>// Text switching effect, this effect is very targeted and requires style support <br>//--------------------- <br>var text = function ( now ){ <br>values.cols.find('span').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(500).animate({ opacity:1 }, 1000); <br>values.cols.find('h3').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(500).animate({ opacity:1 },500 ); <br>values.cols.find('p').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(1000).animate({ opacity:1 },500) ; <br>} <br><br>//Frame size<br>//-------------------------------- - <br>$(window).resize(function(){ <br>values.container.height( values.cols.find('img').height() ); <br>}).resize(); <br><br>//Auto play, the degrees method gets the corresponding parameters, and modifies the small button style (if there is a small button), and then refreshes the global variable values.now <br>// time: delay time<br> //--------------------- <br>var loop,play = function( time ){ <br>clearTimeout( loop ); <br>loop = setTimeout (function(){ <br>change(); <br>play( 3000 ); <br>}, time ); <br>} <br><br>//Pause and trigger automatic play<br>// --------------------- <br>var control = function(){ <br>values.container.hover(function(){ <br>clearTimeout( loop ); <br>},function(){ <br>play( 2000 ); <br>}); <br>} <br><br>//Initialize the effect and call each function <br>//-- ------------------ <br>var initialize = function(){ <br>var now = values.now; <br>weaken( values.cols.length-1 ,now ); <br>if(values.btns ) button(); <br>if( values.pre && values.next ) shortcut(); <br>btnStyle( now ); <br>text( now ); <br>play( 4000 ); <br>control(); <br>} <br><br>//Initialization call<br>//---------------- ----- <br>initialize(); <br><br>} <br><br>} <br>